The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 121 The remains of the Demon King?

Chapter 121 The remains of the Demon King? (Three chapters in one, 6K chapters)

"His Royal Highness, it is clear to you that this so-called Wuxin Buddhist disciple is definitely a fake identity."

It can be said that Xing Yiming is the first batch of talented young people to arrive. At this moment, Xing Yiming has a clear understanding of the details of almost all the young talented young people present.

After saying this, Xing Yiming immediately shut up. After all, he only heard a few things, and the most important thing was that the bald little monk over there came over.

Regarding the arrival of the bald monk, Li Chengnian was a little confused. If the bald heads in Zhongzhou, Donghuang and West Desert had little contact, then the bald heads in Nanling and West Desert were the kind of people who never interacted with each other. He really I can’t imagine what this so-called “unintentional” Buddhist disciple wants to do with me.

"Amitabha, the young monk has met the demon prince benefactor. The benefactor is well."

As soon as the Buddha's chant rang out, a bald monk with a handsome face, a peaceful expression, Buddha's light on his head, white clothes fluttering in the wind, and skin as beautiful as spring snow, could be said to be more delicate than flowers, with a very confusing smile.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. This bald man was so polite, which made it difficult for Li Chengnian to drive him away.

"I'm sorry, little monk, you got the wrong person. My surname is Li, not Yao."

"The Buddha said that we are destined to meet each other among all living beings. Amitabha, please be well."

This so-called unintentional Buddha stood in front of Li Chengnian, and Li Chengnian vaguely felt that a supreme Buddha was bewitching him.

"Little monk, do you think I called you Wuxin? Or something else?"

This bald man "unintentionally" stood in front of him. Li Chengnian could feel the strong Buddhist nature in his body. He was definitely a good monk who sincerely worshiped the Buddha, not a dead bald donkey.

Based on this, Li Chengnian seemed to be thinking of a certain dazzling monk in the original book Zhe Tian, ​​but he shouldn't have appeared in Beidou at this time. This is not normal.

"Buddha said that the friendship between gentlemen follows the square and becomes round. It is everywhere. It cannot be called empty phase. Donor Li, please think about it! Amitabha, good at fighting."

The bald monk still had a smile on his face, and his tone was full of harmony. If he were in this world, he would still be a great Buddha who had achieved enlightenment.

"Little monk, I am not a gentleman. On the contrary, I am a murderer without emotion. Be careful and leave a corpse on the spot."

Li Chengnian felt that if he continued to talk to this bald little monk, he might really kill the Buddha with his sword. After all, if an eloquent and smiling monk stopped in front of you, it would be really difficult. Challenging one's patience.

"The Buddha said that all living beings are equal and have Buddha nature, so everyone is a Buddha. In the eyes of the young monk, everyone is a gentleman, and Donor Li is the greatest gentleman in the world."

Well, another series of compliments made Li Chengnian feel like slaying Buddha with his sword, or listening to the preaching of the bald little monk in front of him.

Li Chengnian said speechlessly:

"I said, little monk, are you going to say that looking back at the past life for 500 years is the only way to pass it by in this life?"

"It turns out that Donor Li is also proficient in my Buddhist scriptures? But what Donor Li said is not entirely correct. The correct one should be: Buddha said that only by practicing for a hundred lives can we cross the same boat, and only by practicing for a thousand lives can we sleep together. Looking at each other five hundred times in the past life, It’s a passing encounter in this lifetime!”

"The meaning of this sentence is that the love, hatred, anger, and infatuation among the infatuated feelings are over. Therefore, the young monk is absolutely not allowed to say this to Donor Li."

"The young monk also gave a piece of advice to Donor Li. The Buddha said that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and only when you turn around can you find the shore. Wrong love, hate, anger, and ignorance are like the endless sea of ​​suffering. Even if Donor Li is a young and heroic figure, he will sink into it even if he loses his original intention!"

The bald monk's expression was very serious, his smile was always bright, and he explained in detail, but why did Li Chengnian's desire to kill Buddha with a sword become more and more serious.

The same Buddhist Jie language nonsense, the same two things that were originally unrelated were somehow managed to be related together, and he finally justified it.

Moreover, Li Chengnian has always kept in mind the fact that love is the biggest obstacle on the road to spiritual cultivation. Well, do you still need a little monk like you to teach him?
"Little monk, has your master ever told you that sometimes people can die if they talk too much?"

"Well, does Donor Li also know my master?"

Li Chengnian smiled mysteriously and said:

"you guess."

The bald little monk was very surprised. As far as he knew, the true identity of Donor Li was the demon prince from the ancient times. He had been sealed for millions of years and had just been unsealed in the past few years. Could it be that the master had been to Beidou again in the past few years?That should be it. After all, the ruins were there so the master might have come to see the demon prince.

"Does Donor Li know about the remains of the Demon Emperor in the Dia Desert deep in the Western Desert?"

The bald little monk directly transmitted his voice with his spiritual thoughts, but his words shocked Li Chengnian to the point where he accidentally let out a trace of his own breath.

This sudden change attracted the attention of all the geniuses present, but after everyone saw the demon prince and the bald little monk, they all pretended to be invisible again. After all, West Desert Buddhism and Nanling Demon Emperor Palace were not easy to provoke.

"Who are you, little monk?"

Li Chengnian calmed down his turbulent heart and asked through a message from his spiritual mind.

"The young monk's real name is Jin Chanzi, and Sakyamuni is the young monk's master. If Donor Li wants to know everything, please come to see the young monk later. The young monk is always waiting for you."

After hearing these words again, the little bald monk turned and left.

Looking at the little bald monk leaving, Li Chengnian pondered for a moment and directly sent a message to the old man Qi Ming in the void:

"Senior Brother Ming, follow that bald little monk."

At this moment, Li Chengnian was extremely sure that his mentality had been shattered by the sudden appearance of this little bald monk.

The remains of the Demon King?Also appeared in the Dia Desert deep in the Western Desert?
Old Man Xue also left a relic in that ghost place in the Western Desert. Why has he never heard of it?
Even not only him, but also the two senior brothers Qi Yun and Qi Ming never got a word.

Is this normal?

Not normal at all!
Now it seems that this bald donkey who calls himself Jin Chanzi appears in Beidou this time and comes here specifically for him, the demon prince.

"Yi Ming, tell Jiang Yifei that the conditions promised to him before must be changed and replaced by quasi-emperor soldiers. As for Douzi Mi, I don't need it anymore. Just for the sake of the four-pole volume of "Hengyu Jing" ”

The Four Pole Volume of "Hengyu Jing" was a great inspiration to Li Chengnian and was of great significance, so he could agree to it if the quasi-emperor soldiers had another chance to take action.

As for the Demon Emperor's Ruler, he has another use now, if the Demon Emperor's ruins deep in the Western Desert are true.

"Tingting, let's go."

"Yi Ming will definitely fulfill His Highness the Prince's instructions."

After bowing to the departing young man in green, Xing Yiming, the Holy Son of Xingyue Holy Land, immediately turned around and went to find Jiang Yifei, preparing to repeat to the current Jiang family what Li Chengnian had just told him word for word. successor.

Outside the Jiang Family Immortal Palace.

"Master Li, please wait a moment."

Li Chengnian had just taken a few steps out of the Jiang Family Immortal Palace when he heard a familiar voice behind him. As soon as he turned around, he saw the childish round face of Ye Hei, the future Emperor Ye Tian.

"Say something?"

If it weren't for the fact that when he transformed into a cocoon, Ye Fan could still think of him and go to Nanling to give him the dragon marrow, he would not bother to talk to Ye Hei. After all, his whole heart is now focused on that. Jin Chanzi on the little bald donkey.

"It's been so long and I still haven't congratulated Mr. Li on his new life. I, Ye Fan, am here."

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if you have something to say."

Li Chengnian urged unceremoniously.

"This is replenishing you
Mr. Li, please keep your thirty strands of Xuanhuang Qi. "

Ye Fan didn't do any ink this time, he directly handed over a magic weapon and said decisively.

Li Chengnian took the magic weapon, weighed it, and then said:
"It's great if it's like this earlier. You have to be patient, like a girl."

"Also, after I leave, remember to hold on tight to the Xuanhuang Qi after that."

After reminding Ye Fan to work hard so that he could pay off his Xuanhuang Qi debt as soon as possible, Li Chengnian took the little Tingting holding the sword and left again.

Ye Fan, who was scolded for no reason, was very confused, but because he was his big customer, he tolerated it first.

Hey, that’s not right, obviously in his memory, it’s the uncle who owes money!
Forget it, I can't afford to offend my little arms and legs.

After weighing how much he weighed now, Ye Fan temporarily extinguished the dangerous thought in his mind that he was the one who owed money, and prepared to endure it for a while before looking at it.

Just when Ye Fan was thinking wildly, a young man exuding black demonic energy and looking extremely sinister appeared directly in front of the young man in Tsing Yi who he repeatedly emphasized in his heart that he could not afford to offend now, and stopped him.

"A black crow from the seventh heaven?"

Li Chengnian's nonchalant voice sounded, and the chill in his eyes gradually grew. Why do these guys who don't know whether to live or die always hit the muzzle of his gun?
Is he really in a hurry now?
That bald little monk has really aroused his interest to the peak.

"Little Crow, do you know that you are looking for death?"

"Prince Demon, you smell so good!"

The blood-red eyes of the Blood Crow Young Master were fixed on Li Chengnian. While talking, he stuck out his tongue and licked his dark nails, as if he was tasting some delicious food.

And when Young Master Blood Crow appeared in front of Li Chengnian, monks one after another quietly gathered around, pointing at the young Master Blood Crow who was notorious in the entire Beidou and the famous one who was famous in the five regions of Beidou. There are not many big scenes like this when the peerless genius, the demon prince, faces off.

"I heard that this Young Master of the Blood Crow is extraordinary. He is known as the genius with the richest bloodline in the Blood Crow clan for thousands of years. With the continuous improvement of his cultivation, he is even more likely to transform into a peerless evildoer who has returned to his ancestors and become the ancient Three-Legged Golden Crow. .”

"When he was just born, he has already killed several saint-child-level figures in a row. Now he has reached the seventh level of immortality. You must know that the three most outstanding geniuses in the world, Nanyao, Beidi and Champion Hou, are only at the first and sixth level of immortality. It is even said that when he was born, a big shot from the Golden Crow clan came to visit him in person, wanting to take him as his disciple."

Among the crowd, a well-informed monk revealed the details of Young Master Blood Crow, causing everyone to marvel.

The ancient three-legged golden crow is definitely not weaker than the existence of fairy creatures such as true dragons and immortal phoenixes.

Regarding this monk's rambling words, Ji Ziyue, the little moon girl of the Ji family who had long been unhappy with Young Master Blood Crow, directly retorted:
"Shit! That's nonsense. If this black crow in the sky can really transform into an ancient three-legged golden crow, haha, the future Purple Moon Immortal can become an immortal on the spot and show him."

Realizing that she was actually comparing herself to this hairy crow, Ji Ziyue felt that she was extremely worthless for a moment, and hurriedly changed her words again:
"Bah, even if this immortal becomes the Supreme Immortal on the spot, this black crow can't even hope to become the ancient three-legged golden crow."

On the Central Avenue of the Divine City, Li Chengnian looked at the indifferent black crow that was still standing in front of him, and the coldness in his eyes grew stronger:
"Zarp, you are challenging my patience!"

"Jiejie, since I was born, I have heard people say what the Demon Prince is like. Today, I am going to step on your Demon Prince's bloodline to achieve my reputation. I will use your Demon Prince's blood as my ancient heritage." The three-legged golden crow paved the way~!"

As soon as Young Master Blood Crow said these words, everyone around him was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Since the birth of this demon prince, he has always defeated his enemies in just a few or two moves, whether it is the body of the Ji Family God King, the now famous Beidou King Ji God, or the former Donghuang Demon King. The king of the younger generation of the clan, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, is still the forbidden body that existed in the ancient books not long ago, the God-Demon Body Ancient One. At most, he can solve it with two moves, and he doesn't even have the chance to use the third move.

Now, the Blood Crow Young Master is actually clamoring to use the Demon Prince's Demon Emperor bloodline to practice martial arts?Could it be that you are crazy?Still stupid?

"The Demon Prince has only now fully transformed into a dragon, but the Blood Crow Young Master has already reached the seventh level of the Immortal One. There is not only a big realm gap between the two, but also at least eight small realms. This time, His Highness the Demon Prince, I'm afraid ." At this moment, a slightly calm old voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Yes, fighting enemies across several small realms is a sign of the young genius, but that only happens between the young genius and ordinary monks.

Today's Young Master Blood Crow is known as a peerless evildoer who is expected to return to the ancient Three-legged Golden Crow in the future!

There is a difference of eight small realms, and there is even a big realm in between. Even if he were an ordinary monk, he would probably only be crushed, not to mention that he would encounter a peerless evildoer like Young Master Blood Crow.

"But, what about His Highness the Demon Prince who defeated the God-Demon Body known as the Forbidden Body in just two moves?"

Next to a man, a young man said with a proud face.

You must know that the body of gods and demons, known as the forbidden body, has only two words in people's impressions since ancient times: powerful.

And such a forbidden body was still defeated by the demon prince with two moves. How terrifying this is!
"The god-demonic body at that time suppressed his cultivation and became a dragon-transforming monk. And the most important thing is that the god-demonic body at that time was not complete. It can only be said to be half a god-demonic body."

Another old man stood up and expressed his views on this battle.

"Haha, did you hear that, you are a majestic demon prince, but no one is optimistic about it. The blood of the demon emperor in your body will eventually become the nourishment for my blood crow young master, Xue Wuli, on the road to becoming the ancient three-legged golden crow."

Looking at the Young Master Blood Crow laughing wildly in front of him, Li Chengnian's eyes turned completely cold.

This black crow was definitely the piece of trash he wanted to crush the most since he was born.

Although he was too lazy to pay attention to the other noisy sounds around him, the little loli holding a sword beside him had written them all down in the little loli's notebook.

"Brother Nian, take the sword!"

After Xiao Tingting finished speaking, with a hiss, a sword light flew out and fell into Li Chengnian's hand.

"Bah, how can this black crow be compared with me, No. 1 in Zhongzhou, Master Hou, the champion of the divine and demon body?"

A young man heard this and retorted without hesitation.

Xing Yiming, the Holy Son of Xingyue Holy Land, also stood up.

"His Royal Highness is invincible, this black crow only deserves to be made into a roasted crow!"

Jiang Yifei nodded in agreement and said:

"It's just a dead crow. Brother Li can peel off its skin and cramp it with one hand and make it into a barbecue."

"Prince Demon, feel the supreme power of the Seventh Heaven of Immortal One!"

The young master of Blood Crow shouted sharply, and then with a "boom", red light burst out from his endless ink feathers. The rich bloody aura instantly filled the surroundings, the evil wind roared, and the evil aura shot straight into the sky. The endless clouds were suddenly dispersed.

The giant claws flew across the sky, as red as blood, and the dark feathers on Young Master Blood Crow's body turned into blood-red blood feathers, with a cold light and terrifying murderous intent.

His eyes seemed to be dyed red by endless blood, as if just one look at them would sink him directly into the endless bloody hell.

"Blood Crow Divine Claw!"

In the divine city, the sky was roaring and powerful, and suddenly a pair of giant claws made of blood-colored divine gold tore through the void and rose towards Li Chengnian, who was standing quietly over there.

The speed of the giant claw was indescribable. As soon as it appeared, it came in front of him, carrying a breathtaking power and an endless smell of blood.

This claw made everyone present feel confused.

The chasm of at least eight small realms is a chasm that no one can cross. Even if the Young Emperor comes, it will probably be difficult to win.

As for Ji Zi, Holy Body Ye Fan, Jiang Yifei, Ji Haoyue and others on the side, they are not worried at all. In their eyes, this black crow is likely to be killed on the spot in the next second, so they cannot relax their minds. Gotta watch it carefully.


A shout that sounded like one from above the nine heavens sounded in the thick blood-colored mist. The next moment, a faint sword light shone between heaven and earth, and then a sword beam circled in all directions, looking particularly dazzling in the rich blood-colored mist.

Suddenly, that sword gang turned into thousands of sword gangs, and the sound of "whoosh--" roared through the air, and the densely packed sword gangs cut through the blood-colored thick fog and chopped straight in a certain direction.


Deep in the thick blood-colored fog, a crisp sound sounded, like gold cracking through rocks, or like cracks in oceans and mountains, billowing sound waves that vibrated in all directions, undulating with mighty force, and extremely terrifying.


A heart-rending cry came out from the blood-colored thick fog, shaking the world, accompanied by endless pain, almost making those who heard it cry, and hearing it break their hearts!

"Is this the voice of Young Master Blood Crow?"

"Such a miserable cry, isn't it?"

The loud and clear pitiful screams made the monks watching from a distance unable to believe it. Some female monks seemed to be unable to bear it and subconsciously reached out to cover their ears.

"These red things are really annoying, so let's get rid of them."

The light tone sounded, and then a sky-shaking dragon roar was heard from the depths of the blood-colored fog, roaring through the sky, shaking the entire divine city, and then seeing the rich blood-colored mist so silently Dispersed.

Then in the eyes of the monks, a figure that looked like a human stick slowly appeared.

"Hey, who is this fat and white guy?"

Someone in the crowd asked with great confusion.

At this time, the man next to him cursed angrily:
"Are you stupid or blind? Look at that face carefully."

Hearing this, the man took a very serious look, and then asked again doubtfully:
"Hey, isn't this the face of Young Master Blood Crow? Why did he become bald? Is he still so white?"

At this time, the man next to him no longer had any hope for the man's IQ.

"This is Young Master Blood Crow, but his hair was plucked out. Well, by the way, five of his limbs were also chopped off!"

The man still said doubtfully:

"What five limbs? Aren't there only four limbs?"

The man next to him slapped him in the face and shouted:
"Five limbs! Five limbs!"

"Oh, I know, it belongs to a man."

The man came to his senses in an instant, and just as he was about to shout out, he felt countless dangerous glances. In order to avoid an unknown death, he hurriedly covered his mouth.

At this moment, there was silence on the Central Avenue of the Divine City. No one knew what happened in the bloody fog before, but none of that mattered now.

Everyone silently looked at the young Master Blood Crow who had been transformed into a human stick and had all his hair shaved off. Although some female monks reached out to cover their eyes, their clearly exposed fingertips were It makes people extremely suspicious that they are peeking openly at this moment.

"Ji Haoyue, if you dare to block the future Purple Moon Immortal from seeing this black crow turn into a white crow, your end is coming."

At this moment, a subtle, melodious but angry voice echoed in the sky above the silent Central Avenue.

"And you, Holy Body Ye Fan, you little brat, even you bully me. Other sisters can see it, but I, Immortal Ziyue, can't see it, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Fan and Ji Haoyue instantly felt countless cold eyes focused on them. At this moment, both of them wanted to get out of the way and let the person behind them who couldn't speak out of his mind. The "Future Purple Moon Immortal" came out to block the blame.

And Ji Ziyue, who was blocked behind by two tall figures, seemed to feel those dazzling gazes and turned into the cute and well-behaved little moon of the Ji family again.

"Jie Jie, very good. My dear Demon Prince, you really pissed me off."

The Young Master of the Blood Crow didn't seem to see the blazing gazes of the people around him, nor seemed to feel the "five limbs" he was missing. He just looked at Li Chengnian with a cruel smile on his face.


In an instant, a blazing and terrifying high temperature swept across the Central Avenue, and hot magma surged from the ground, erupting in a shocking turmoil, as if the end of the world was coming.

A huge wave of flames as red as red blood swept across the sky, shining brightly and brightly, making the black crows in the divine city look like daylight. Waves of heat waves were like the roaring waves of the angry sea, one layer higher than the other, majestic and permeating all directions. .

The terrifying power is emitting, like a big sun falling into the divine city, and the terrifying divine fire fills the sky above the divine city.

At the same time, a huge shadow of a sacred hibiscus tree emerged in the void. It was tall and tall. Each hibiscus leaf exuded endless light. It stood between the sky and the earth, constantly touching, as if it could accommodate a star.

"Oh my god, this is the ancient sacred tree Fusang. Is this Young Master Blood Crow really going to return to his ancestors and become the ancient three-legged Golden Crow?"

At this moment, the body of Young Master Blood Crow is shrouded in endless light. He looks completely different from the black crow before. They are two people... No, they are two monsters. Of course.

"Isn't the Demon Prince in danger this time?"

"Yes, the three-legged golden crow, the legendary fairy beast!"

"I'm afraid that even the three greatest geniuses in the world will be in trouble when they meet the Young Master Blood Crow at this moment!"

The monks looked at the Young Master Blood Crow, who stood amidst the immortal fire, with the hibiscus sacred tree swaying behind him, and sighed with some horror.

Only Ji Zi, Jiang Yifei, Ye Fan and others were still staring at the battle in the distance, because they had a premonition that the black crow was going to die soon, so they had to watch carefully.
"A mixed-haired crow, is it also worthy of being called a golden crow?"

Faint words rang out and Li Chengnian finished speaking. On top of his Heavenly Spirit Cap, the purple-gold divine light broke through the sky and reached the nine heavens. It was dazzling and dazzling than the countless stars in the sky.

On the central avenue of the divine city, countless people looked up to look at the divine light above the void. Their eyes instantly stung, and some even shed tears of blood. They could not look directly.

This is the majestic essence contained in Li Chengnian's body, and the radiance it emits is as bright as the sun.

A dragon roar exploded, shaking the sky, and the whole world was filled with the power of this true dragon to destroy the world.

Suddenly, above the void, a purple-gold divine dragon appeared, with a beard as huge as a mountain and eyes as huge as stars.


Roaring, the real dragon hovered in the divine city, its whole body shone with purple gold fairy light, and all the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains turned into daylight at this moment, dazzling and eternal.

PS: There will be an update today, and the protagonist’s cultivation will speed up from now on!And here, I would like to thank all the readers, such as Mo Wushang and others, for their generous rewards. Thank you to the author!
(End of this chapter)

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