The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 143 Ji Zi; boarding the pirate ship; the emperor’s bones, bloodletting

Chapter 143 Ji Zi; boarding the pirate ship; the emperor's bones, bloodletting (three chapters in one!)
Above the sky, the Demon Emperor Chi was confronting the ghost-faced figure. The power of the Jidao was getting stronger and stronger. He saw that the battle between the Jidao that could destroy everything was about to break out.

The ancient mirror in the void was trembling, filled with rays of imperial power. All the monks of the Ji family gathered together and stood ready. The older generation of strong men were even more serious. They were ready to sacrifice their lives at any time to revive the foundation of the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers and protect them. There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the Eastern Wasteland.

And at the front of everyone in the Ji family, Ji Zi stood quietly, looking at the shadow of the Demon Emperor Chi in the sky with a wry smile.

He had long known that his brother Li was fearless, but he didn't expect that he would dare to provoke that ruthless man.

"Brother Li"

Ji Zi secretly sighed in her heart. There was actually a deeper meaning behind being sealed into this life by her father.

His Void lineage has never looked down upon the so-called great opportunity that is about to open the road to immortality, but only for the unprecedented dark turmoil in the future.

Originally, he saw in his brother Li the hope of preventing the dark turmoil in the future, and even a glimmer of the possibility of completely pacifying the forbidden zone of life that would last forever, but now he has provoked that ruthless man.

He had already made up his mind. If that ruthless man really took action, he would sacrifice his body to revive his father's mark and stop this crisis for Li Chengnian.

Although, my brother Li has a cold and arrogant temperament, and he is probably too lazy to care about the cries of all spirits and the chaos of darkness, and those dark supremes will most likely not come to trouble him, so there is no problem between the two. More likely.

However, with his own life-saving help, and based on his understanding of Li Chengnian, he may scold himself in his heart when the time comes, but he will eventually take over his heavy responsibility and prevent the dark turmoil in the future.

Although strictly speaking, my approach is somewhat difficult for others to do.

But to save the world, don’t worry!

Hey, if you think about it, this reckless behavior of Brother Li also gave me a chance to kidnap him and board the pirate ship. How can I still feel that it is a good thing!
It's just a pity that I can't see Brother Li's heroic appearance in stopping the dark turmoil in the future.

Just when Ji Zi was planning how to sacrifice herself to fulfill Li Chengnian.

In the Holy Land of Yaochi, thousands of fairy lights hang down from the West Emperor Tower, covering a radius of millions of miles. On the other side of the Jiang family, the colorful divine flames of the Hengyu Furnace that can burn everything envelope the northern region, isolating the vast power of the Supreme Dao in the sky. .

These imperial soldiers all showed their unparalleled celestial splendor, attracting the attention of the world, and the millions of protected beings were kneeling in the direction of these holy families.

No one knows what will be left on the Big Dipper after a great battle, but all they can do is activate their foundation and try their best to protect everything they can.

The Demon King Ruler appeared in the eyes of the world, releasing thousands of divine lights, covering the sky and the earth, looking extremely beautiful and extraordinary.

On the other side, in the palm of the ghost-faced figure, there are endless stars rising and falling, as if a world is arising and dying, which is extremely terrifying.

In the middle of the two, the terrifying power of the extreme gods is intertwined, destroying everything, and even the space is being annihilated.

boom! boom! boom!
A deafening sound spread throughout the sky and the earth, and all the monks in Beidou became even more nervous. Each piece of Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers were preparing to attack, and everyone felt panic.

In the Chaos Dragon's Nest, behind the drop of blood from the little girl that activated the ruthless fourth generation, the drop of blood from Ye Fan's holy body also dropped on the ancient coffin, so the next moment -

The even more terrifying power of the extreme power spread out from the gradually solidifying shadow of the empress. Even with the protection of the Demon King's Ruler, Li Chengnian still felt that his whole body was about to be crushed to pieces.

He realized that his plan to ask Senior Brother Qi Yun to exchange blood was really shooting himself in the foot!
Drops of blood flowed down along the cracks on his body. At this point, Li Chengnian knew that he could only sink the boat. He gritted his teeth and a drop of purple gold dragon blood jumped out from the center of his eyebrows and dripped on the Demon Emperor's Ruler. .

As the purple-gold dragon's blood dripped, in an instant, the dark clouds over millions of miles of mountains and rivers suddenly became more terrifying, spreading to thousands of miles, and finally even submerged the entire Beidou. The brilliant power of heaven fell, and all spirits panicked. Some In the mortal realm, countless people knelt down and begged God to appease their anger.

The monks in the world were also stunned and shocked.

There are living fossils in all the ancient families in Donghuang, Zhongzhou, and Beiyuan, crying sadly:

"Are we really going to trigger the Imperial War? In that case, what will be left in the world?"

The wild ancient Ji family.

Ji Zi looked at the fully revived Demon King Chi, and his mind began to tighten. He was ready to sacrifice himself at any time and pull Li Chengnian on board to fight against the dark turmoil.

In the Holy Land of Yaochi, the Queen Mother of the West sighed, and the figure in green from Belvedere not long ago seemed to appear in her eyes.

A bunch of eyes were cast on Donghuang. This Yakuza war that might break out in the next moment involves everyone.

In the Nanling Mountains, a hunchbacked old man looked up at the East Ring Road, feeling the familiar power of the Jida in it. He wished he could slap himself a few times, but he was so easily sent away by His Royal Highness.

At the same time, behind the hunchbacked old man, a woman in white stood quietly, looking at the two extreme powers above the sky, wondering what she was thinking.

Three years later, she was still half-dead and fell in love with the young man's casual sword. Now that the evil ghost in her soul has been eliminated, she finally regained her freedom. However, she did not expect that at this moment, the young man would actually encounter something... Such a big crisis!
She has inherited that ruthless man's magic skills, so she naturally knows how terrifying he is.

In Zhongzhou, from the Guhua Dynasty, a young man in his twenties looked at the wonders of the Eastern Wasteland. He was dressed in black and white hair hanging down his shoulders. He was very heroic, and his eyes revealed indescribable determination.

"If you die here and realize the truth one day, I can fight for you and I will repay the kindness of the city of God for helping me that day."

Above the sky, the Demon Emperor's Ruler buzzed. It was stimulated by the Demon Emperor's bloodline in Li Chengnian's body. It was awakening, its body was vibrating, and there were bursts of dragon roars. Nine real dragons appeared, each one hundred thousand feet in size. , resisting the ghost-faced figure on the other side of the sky.

The endless power of the stars in the hands of the ghost-faced figure was gathering. It was not thrown, but the remaining power bloomed. This made Li Chengnian, who was guarded by the fully revived Demon King Chi, tremble with fear. His scalp was numb. Before the ghost-faced figure's palm fell, he had a feeling. I feel like I'm about to die.

The emperor's power shocked the past and present. Under this world-shaking pressure, the sky and the earth were dimming. The supreme power of the emperor swept across the heavens.

Seeing that the battle of the Ji Dao was about to begin, a chill penetrated the bone marrow and made everyone feel as if their bones were about to be cracked.

In Huangu Ji's house, Ji Zi stared straight at the scene in the sky. As soon as the ghost-faced figure threw out the starry world in his hand, he sacrificed his body and dragged Li Chengnian down.

He knew that with his talent he might not be able to fulfill his father's last wish, so he would sacrifice himself in exchange for a more suitable candidate.

At this moment, in the Chaos Dragon's Nest, Li Chengnian's body had bowed ninety degrees.

Under the intertwining of two terrifying extreme powers, despite the efforts of the Demon King Chi to protect him, he was still seriously injured, although it was not life-threatening.

Drops of purple gold blood dripped from the crack between his eyebrows and gathered into a thin stream on the ground.

Suddenly, right at this moment—

A cracked Origin Stone flew out, and it was stained with a lot of Li Chengnian's essence and blood. The cracked Origin Stone suddenly became radiant, the purple-gold light was crystal clear, and it was full of energy. .

Under Li Chengnian's gaze, the Origin Stone seemed to be affected by some mysterious power, and the stone skin on the surface began to slowly disintegrate.

Then, a skeleton exuding an endless sense of familiarity came into view.

The moment the skeleton appeared, all the heaven and earth in this world were retreating, and even the two intertwining divine powers in the void were slowly retreating.

The next moment, the skeleton broke free from all restraints and appeared directly on top of the ancient coffin, suppressing the ancient coffin beneath it like a divine tower of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the world suddenly became quiet.

All the divine power of the Demon Emperor Chi converged, and then turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared into the sky. The ghost-faced figure directly turned into thousands of light points and melted into the endless void.

A war that could wipe out all souls ended before it officially started.

If the previous scenes were not still vivid in our minds, it would be difficult for the world to imagine all this.

Afterwards, all the imperial soldiers that floated above Beidou also sank into the major holy land families again, as if they had never appeared before.

The wild ancient Ji family.

Ji Zi looked at the suddenly calm sky and was speechless. He was obviously ready to sacrifice himself, so why did everything end so suddenly?

Okay, he's being pretentious.

In fact, it's good to be alive. Anyway, if you want to pull Li Chengnian together to prevent the dark turmoil in the future, there is still a chance.

As for whether Li Chengnian was dead, he was sure that he was definitely not.

After all, if Li Chengnian, the Demon Prince, dies, then the Demon Emperor Chi will never disappear so quietly. He will definitely go crazy, no matter who is facing him, even the legendary Emperor.

The same fact was evidently guessed by the major forces in Beidou, so the originally overjoyed mood was not so good.

As for the young man from the Guhua Dynasty in Zhongzhou, he also turned his attention back from the Eastern Wasteland. That man is not dead, and will most likely undergo an unimaginable transformation.

"When I come out of seclusion this time, there will be another battle between you and me."

He was defeated in the Battle of the Divine City more than a year ago, very completely, so next time, he will win.

At the same moment, the ancient restricted area of ​​the Eastern Wasteland.

There was a vague confusion in the confused expression of a figure in white who was suppressed by several fairy gold chains. It seemed that she had lost some sense of connection just now.

It was as if something related to her had been suppressed.

However, the next moment, her expression became confused again, forgetting many things and the doubts she had just now.

In the Chaos Dragon's Nest, everything became quiet, leaving only the endless Chaos Dragon Qi surging.

Li Cheng thought of holding up the Demon Emperor's Ruler and slowly approached the skeleton that suppressed the ancient coffin.

He knew this skeleton. This was the second of the only traces of the man in white still left in the world after his bloody battle with the Four Emperors in the Emperor's Fall Era.

But he clearly remembered that in the end, Emperor Cang used great means to banish the skeleton.

Moreover, when the Four Dark Emperors took action together, all the divinity of this skeleton had been wiped out, and all possibilities for the man in white from the Emperor's Fall era to reappear in the world had been eliminated.

It stands to reason that the current skeleton is not even comparable to the skeleton left behind after the death of the monk in the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm who had just embarked on the path of cultivation.

There is no difference from the bones of ordinary mortals!

Why can it appear in the world of Zhetian?

Why was it able to suppress the fourth incarnation of the ruthless emperor on its own?

Could it be Shi Ritian's work again?Shi Ritian cut off eternity with one sword, cutting off everything in the past, leaving behind a perfect world.

It stands to reason that even an existence at the level of an Immortal Emperor would find it difficult to interfere in the world of Zhetian.

But he is really not the person from the Dilu era, nor is he a similar flower, so why do you want to find him?

Forget it, don't think about it.

It just so happened that with this skeleton to suppress the fourth incarnation of the ruthless emperor, he could safely complete his final transformation before killing Dao here and become stronger as soon as possible.

After all, this is a cruel world of cultivation, and everything depends on strength. One day, when he is strong enough, the doubts at this time will no longer be doubts.

Therefore, he only has one thing to do now, and that is to become stronger.

The endless chaos dragon energy is steaming, turning into chaos dragons, constantly circling.

And on a hill, a figure in green sat cross-legged quietly, endless life essence surged in his body, and little bits of purple-gold light continued to float, turning into small stars that continued to surround the hill, forming a strange scene.

Li Chengnian closed his eyes tightly. His whole body was like cracked porcelain, full of cracks. He sat cross-legged on the hill, absorbing the small half of the King of Medicine in his mouth and turning it into the surging life essence to repair the cracked body. .

At this moment, Li Chengnian opened his eyes in an instant, and a strong light was released in his eyes that was breathtaking.

Then, Li Chengnian directly triggered the surging life essence in his body to impact his body, and the originally dry internal organs slowly recovered at this moment.

The peaceful purple-gold sea of ​​suffering suddenly set off huge waves at this moment, shaking Li Chengnian's entire body.

The endless essence of the King of Medicine began to unfold, and the already thirsty "Dragon Pearl" once again swallowed the majestic essence of life. He was like a shriveled sponge, frantically absorbing the incoming essence of the King of Medicine.

The cracked body slowly recovered, flowing with purple-gold light, extremely dazzling.

The Purple Gold Sea of ​​Bitterness stirred up huge waves, and purple gold lightning emerged. The dragon beads transformed from the Life Spring continued to suck out endless life essence. His body was crystal clear, white and flawless, as if carved from jade.

A few hours later, Li Chengnian stopped his work and stood up. His injuries had almost recovered, and he had experienced the oppression of the extreme divine power. Although it was only an insignificant trace, he could feel the thirty black and yellow marks in his body and the pressure on his body. The connection is closer, and the physical strength has also been slightly improved.

"Am I also a masochist?"

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the Demon Emperor Sutra also ran more smoothly under the scorching heat of the divine fire. Of course, the premise was that it would not be burned to death.

Now his Xuanhuang body refining journey seems to be under the pressure of the strong, and as long as he doesn't die, he will make progress.

Do you want to provoke people who you can't win but can't kill yourself from time to time in the future?
Quickly putting this terrible thought behind him, Li Cheng thought of holding up the Demon Emperor's Ruler and slowly walked away from the Chaos Dragon's Nest.

Now that the retreat place has been temporarily borrowed from the empress, it is time to pick up another necessary but not sufficient condition for this retreat, the innate Tao fetus.

After half a stick of incense.

After imprinting the King's Curse again, Li Chengnian took Zixia and returned to the Chaos Dragon's Nest. This time they came to the core.

Zixia was very natural about her own encounter and was obviously prepared.

After all, both the true dragon elixir and the imperial mausoleum are the biggest secrets in the world. If the demon prince doesn't take any measures, her life may be in danger.

As soon as she entered here, Zixia saw an ancient coffin, floating in the endless chaotic dragon energy, and above the ancient coffin, there was an ordinary-looking skeleton floating in the air.

The ancient coffins and bones looked so ordinary, just like the coffins and the bones of mortals in the world.

But that's the scariest thing.

You must know that according to what the purple-scaled humanoid creature said before, the emperor of the human race was buried here, which means that this place may be the imperial mausoleum of a great human race emperor.

And the previous terrifying power of the extreme power has proved that the purple-scaled humanoid creature did not lie.

So there are two ordinary mortal supplies in this kind of place, which is the most extraordinary.

"Go in."

Placing the ancient alchemy furnace on the ground, Li Chengnian pointed at the furnace and whispered:

"You have only one mission next, and that is to bleed."

Then, in Zixia's disbelieving eyes, Li Chengnian took out a large white bowl and said:
"Fill it up."

Zixia took the big bowl as if taking over an ancient sacred mountain, and almost staggered.

Of course she knew that what Li Chengnian called bloodletting was naturally not ordinary blood, but the original essence and blood of the innate Tao fetus. Even at her current level, such original essence and blood could only be about dozens of drops at most.

However, the big bowl in my hand may not be full even if it contains thousands of drops.

Looking at the calm gaze of the young man in green over there, Zixia gritted her teeth and jumped into the alchemy furnace, sat down cross-legged, and began her long journey of bloodletting.

The area inside the furnace is larger than Zixia imagined, enough for three or four people to sit cross-legged. The inside of the furnace wall is flashing with precious light, illuminating the space in all directions, and the walls are warm to the touch.

As soon as she entered the alchemy furnace, Zixia felt the injection of a clear spring. The furnace was instantly filled with the rich aroma of the king of medicine. The nine-color glow was thick, and the white mist in the furnace was steaming, and the fragrance was fragrant.

Zixia knew that this should be Li Chengnian's intention of letting her enter the alchemy furnace. Li Chengnian used alchemy to melt the essence of the King of Medicine into her body, helping herself to refine the original essence and blood, and ensuring that she would not die due to the loss of the original essence and blood.

But despite Li Chengnian's help, it was almost impossible for her to fill such a big bowl.

"Remember this verse and start bleeding now!"

Li Chengnian whispered, a ray of divine light melted into Zixia's eyebrows, and then he squeezed the seal with his hand, and a 6-year-old medicine king in his hand began to slowly turn into a stream of fairy liquid, with a brilliant glow and nine colors.

"Is this ancient alchemy?"

Zixia took a cursory look and was shocked by the passage in her mind.

Ancient alchemy is the most powerful alchemist's method. Alchemy also refines people.

Refining her body in this way, and using a 6-year-old medicine king, it is absolutely no less than taking the ancient magic medicine, and can be sublimated to the extreme. In this way, Zixia finally sees a glimmer of hope that she does not have to die. .

With the input of Medicine King Essence, the entire ancient furnace is extraordinary, exuding a nine-color luster, steaming, and overflowing with glow.

The golden medicinal liquid was flowing. Zixia sat in meditation and her eyebrows began to sparkle. The blood in her body began to boil. In a trance, drop after drop of purple blood slowly emerged.

A stream of purple blood rushed out of her Heavenly Spirit Cap, filling the cauldron with a rumble like thunder.

Zixia kept forming seals with her hands, running the scriptures passed to her by Li Chengnian, absorbing strands of the fragrant King of Medicine essence, blending it into herself, squeezing her own original essence and blood.

Purple blood was gathering, emerging from the center of his eyebrows drop by drop, and dripping into the large bowl.

As time went by, the 6-year-old medicine king completely turned into essences and melted into the alchemy furnace.

Under the ancient furnace, the Tao fire burned fiercely, the divine glow gushed out, and the vast elves submerged into the furnace. The vision in the scene was even more astonishing.

In the ancient furnace, Zixia sat cross-legged in silence, while the original essence and blood was slowly smelting out. However, her complexion was already as pale as paper, without a trace of blood, and her originally dark hair also had a rare color. gray.

This is because she over-refined her original essence and blood. If it weren't for Li Chengnian who was constantly using ancient alchemy techniques to smelt the King of Medicine Essence into her body and turn it into her foundation, I'm afraid she would have died by now.

However, perhaps because she is wandering on the edge of life and death, Zixia is also slowly undergoing some changes. If she is lucky enough to survive this time, her own realm will be improved to a higher level, and she will truly step into the Beidou Five. The first echelon of Yu Tianjiao.

The breath of death and the essence of life are intertwined, forming a black and white Tai Chi diagram.


Many visions occurred one after another, the divine chains of laws were intertwined, and the black and white Tai Chi diagrams were wrapped in shapes, like spring silkworms spinning silk, forming a large black and white cocoon, wrapping Zixia's entire body in it.

At this moment, Zixia's breath has become vague, and her consciousness is in a trance, as if a breeze blows, and her last breath will directly dissipate.

Finally, the last drop of purple blood jumped out from the big cocoon and dripped into the big bowl.

At this point, the large white bowl is about three-quarters full.

"Oh, forget it, I'll just repay you for your bloodletting."

Li Chengnian whispered, and then squeezed out three drops of golden fairy liquid from the True Dragon elixir he had just obtained, and dropped it on the black and white cocoon.

After that, he used his Origin Technique skills to find an absolute treasure of Feng Shui and buried the alchemy furnace and the black and white cocoon together.

He had done everything he could, but if the innate Tao fetus still didn't survive this time, he would have to wait until he had reached great heights in cultivation to get her back.

As for forcing such a woman to bleed, Li Chengnian didn't feel the slightest bit guilty. A strong person doesn't need mercy on his way.

And he is already very kind. If it were the ruthless empress, she would have to swallow the innate Tao fetus directly.

The Chaos Dragon's Nest is dotted with the formation patterns of the ancient emperor, engraved with the vicissitudes of time.

As the place where the ruthless emperor buried his body, this place was the absolute core of the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Nest.

As for whether any accidents might happen while in seclusion next to the Fourth Cruel Man, Li Chengnian said there was no need to worry at all.

There is a suppressed skeleton of a former quasi-immortal emperor, and there is a high probability that the backhand of Shi Ritian is hidden in it. Not to mention it is just the fourth incarnation of the ruthless person, even if the ruthless person comes in person, it will be useless.

Therefore, with the addition of this skeleton, the backup plan Li Chengnian prepared was no longer needed.

Originally, after killing five old guys from the ruthless lineage, he had obtained part of the ruthless array pattern inheritance. With the help of the Demon Emperor Ruler, he was confident to carve out a piece of pure land as his retreat.

Now that there is a quasi-immortal emperor's skeleton to suppress him, all the cruel methods here have fallen into deathly silence, as if they have completely lost their source.

(End of this chapter)

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