The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 144 Transformation into a Dragon; Ten Thousand Daos, Rules, Chaos, and Dao Seeds!

Chapter 144 Transformation into a Dragon; Ten Thousand Daos, Rules, Chaos, and Dao Seeds! (Two chapters in one!)
In the chaotic dragon's lair, Li Chengnian walked among them, with the dragon veins intertwining under his feet, just like a divine dragon reviving, connecting with the laws of the universe, and actively pulling the great creation between heaven and earth.

And above those dragon veins, there are many thin purple lines. They are no more than the thickness of a hair, but they are magical and extraordinary. They condense the terrifying laws of ten thousand ways and are full of powerful ancient aura.

The purple light is not very dazzling, but it can steal the first glance of everyone who steps into this dragon's lair, just because it is so extraordinary.

The Law of Ten Thousand Daos that actively pulls the world is like a living creature with the most powerful divine energy of life, allowing the chaotic dragon energy in the dragon's nest to rise and fall with it at the same time, resonating with the Law of Ten Thousand Daos, and channeling the divine spirit.

When you look closely, you can still feel the faint sweetness on these thin lines, which is a symbol of the level of life.

This is the original essence and blood of the innate Tao fetus. It represents the identity of the innate Tao fetus as the beloved child of heaven and earth. It is the creation of heaven and earth and is extremely precious.

Later, it was carved by Li Chengnian, a master of Yuan Shu who was infinitely close to Yuan Tianshi, and illuminated the dragon veins in the Chaos Dragon Nest, just like the finishing touch, completely stimulating the mighty power belonging to the world.


Li Chengnian walked closer and sighed with some regret.

The original essence and blood of the innate Tao fetus is still lacking, which makes the dragon veins that are initiated seem to be malnourished and underdeveloped. They only have their shape but not their spirit.

After sighing, he took out a series of prepared things.

The true dragon elixir was planted at the place where the dragon veins converged, followed by the fairy pond water given by the Yaochi before, as well as various earth spiritual milks found by the sages of the Demon Emperor Palace during their travels, the extremely precious sacred soil of breath soil, and There are some divine source particles that I collected when passing by the Dragon Cave.
Countless precious treasures were ground and crushed to form a piece of pure land at the core of the Chaos Dragon Nest.

After everything was ready, Li Chengnian sat cross-legged and sat quietly on the pure land paved with countless treasures.

Between his brows, the powerful power of the soul continued to surge into the Purple Gold Sea of ​​Bitterness. It was not like the huge waves that it always made in the past. Instead, it was extremely calm, with only a hint of divine brilliance exuding from time to time.

Time passed like this bit by bit, and Li Chengnian didn't move for half a month, except that thousands of divine lights shot out from his body from time to time.

That night, Li Chengnian slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, the two energies of yin and yang were flowing, and his whole body was shrouded in purple-gold light. Dragon-shaped divine radiances were constantly floating on his body. Dressed in green clothes, he looked extremely dazzling in the gray chaotic dragon nest.

In the dragon's nest, the chaotic dragon energy is like a galaxy, with turbulent waves and thousands of mysterious purple thin lines. The power of the laws of heaven and earth roars with it, as if tens of millions of real dragons are awakening.

"Then let's get started"

Li Chengnian stared at the thousands of dragon veins surging in the dragon's nest with deep eyes, and said to himself.

The next moment, the purple-gold divine light shone, and a purple-gold dragon shadow emerged from his body, lining up in the void.

As soon as the purple-gold dragon shadow appears, it faintly coincides with the heaven and earth here, and it is extremely sacred!

"hold head high!"

The purple-gold dragon shadow trembled slightly and let out a majestic dragon roar, as if it had crossed over from ancient times and attracted the dragon veins in the Chaos Dragon Nest.


The next moment, the monstrous chaotic dragon energy seemed to be summoned and rushed towards Li Chengnian.

Suddenly, the entire Chaos Dragon Nest was almost boiling.

The Chaos Dragon's Nest is a worldly treasure that is hard to find in the world. The majestic true dragon veins entrenched underground are so amazing, and there are more than tens of thousands of small dragon veins in succession.

In an instant, thousands of dragon veins trembled one after another, and the dragon energy surged into the sky, turning into streams of divine dragon air, carrying a massive amount of dragon vein essence.


The void trembled, and a terrifying sound suddenly erupted. The Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon stood in the sky, drawing the dragon vein essence rolling in, and merged into Li Chengnian's body.


With the integration of countless dragon vein essences, Li Chengnian's body began to be slowly covered with purple-gold dragon scales, and two dragon horns appeared faintly in the hair on the top of his head. The dense lines gradually lit up, like a real dragon. The Emperor of Heaven has arrived.


Deep underground, a trembling sound suddenly came out, and thousands of strong dragon veins continued to revive, transforming into real dragons, and they kept coming.

"hold head high!"

The purple-gold dragon shadow was slowly solidifying. The next moment, a purple-gold dragon jumped out of Li Chengnian's body and merged with the purple-gold dragon shadow. After a few breaths, another purple-gold true dragon appeared in the void.

He was extremely sacred, his whole body glowed with purple-gold light, and dragon power overflowed outwards. Thousands of dragons in the void lowered their heads and lowered their ears, as if they were meeting a true dragon emperor.

"hold head high!"

The next moment, another purple gold dragon leaped out and merged into the body of the purple gold true dragon, so the aura of the purple gold true dragon became grander again.

Finally, ten purple-gold dragons jumped out of Li Chengnian's body and melted into his body. The purple-gold dragon seemed to come to life at this moment. It was sacred and majestic, huge and majestic. When the dragon body shook gently, thousands of big dragons shattered and turned into Billions of dragon energy were directly swallowed by him.

Looking at the purple gold dragon in front of him, Li Chengnian suddenly felt hot all over.

Suddenly, the Purple Gold True Dragon let out a roar. It surged in the void, swooped down, and swallowed Li Chengnian in one gulp!
"Aw! Aw!"

The next moment, Li Chengnian's heart suddenly trembled, and he felt thousands of purple and gold dragons rushing into his mind, bringing with them scenes of ancient scenes.

It was a real dragon. He was extremely majestic and magnificent. The dragon's body seemed to be bigger than the entire Beidou, and it was constantly attacking across the universe.
And above the purple gold true dragon, there is a supreme figure standing.

In the picture, everything in the world is surrendering and resonating.

The True Dragon Tuo Emperor stands tall in this world!

"I am invincible here. If I don't fight with the sky, I won't fight with anyone!"

In a daze, a divine voice from heaven roared in his ears.

Sitting cross-legged in the body of the Purple Gold True Dragon, Li Chengnian seemed to have turned into a gluttonous giant demon. In a flash, endless dragon veins surged into his body in the Chaos Dragon Nest.

"The spine dragon has become a dragon. How long will it take if we don't transform into a dragon now?"

Li Chengnian shouted sharply, and then his back made a crackling sound, like a yellow bell being struck. Every joint was moving, dazzling, and the power of a real dragon filled the air, as if a real dragon was reviving.

At the same time, his spine turned into a big dragon, driving his body to continuously absorb the essence of massive dragon veins. As he swallowed, he became more and more flexible, and he was almost turning into a true dragon emperor.


The next moment, the purple gold true dragon roared, the power of the billions of true dragons was majestic, and Li Chengnian's figure became even more majestic.

Sitting cross-legged in the dragon's body, the aura of the true dragon enveloped his body. Under the pull of the dragon's spine, the purple-gold dragon blood in his body boiled.

The entire dragon nest shines like the sun, and thousands of dragon veins revive together. At the same time, thousands of purple thin threads in the void tremble, pulling the power of endless laws between heaven and earth to come here.

Thousands of chaotic dragon energy surged, intertwined with the terrifying laws of heaven and earth, washing away the purple-gold dragon blood in his body.

His entire body seemed to be being melted, and drops of purple gold dragon blood began to emerge from his spine, replacing the original blood in his body.

Li Chengnian's expression remained unchanged, the dragon on his spine was roaring, and the chasm along the way to the dragon was slowly being smoothed away.

He is using this unparalleled treasure, the Chaos Dragon Nest, to cultivate his own path to dragon transformation.

Inside the dragon drive, the purple gold dragon transformed from the spine roared.

The Dragon Transformation Secret Realm is boiling, first it drives the Wheel Sea Secret Realm, the Life Fountain Dragon Pearl's brilliance, the Purple Gold Sea of ​​Bitterness surges with thousands of waves, and then the Dao Palace Secret Realm, the Four Pole Secret Realm, and finally even affects the Immortal Platform Secret Realm.

The Purple Gold Sea of ​​Bitterness is boiling, and a Purple Gold True Dragon stands at the highest point in the sky, hidden in the deepest part of the clouds.
Above the only heavenly palace, dragons chanted in formation, and a supreme heavenly emperor stepped out.The next moment, the purple-gold true dragon roared. It was extremely sacred and indifferent, carrying the supreme emperor of heaven, straight into the sky, and rushed into the top of the only heavenly palace.


In an instant, the world trembled, and supreme pressure rippled out from Li Chengnian's body, shaking the chaotic dragon nest. In an instant, billions of dragon energy surged continuously.

Li Chengnian's whole body was extremely bright, and the power of the true dragon fell down, causing thousands of ripples of chaos.

He inhaled suddenly, and thousands of dragon veins in the Chaos Dragon Nest rioted, transforming into dragon essences and pouring into Li Chengnian's body, becoming the nourishment for the dragon on his back, promoting his own dragon transformation process, and smelting his Purple gold dragon blood.

At this moment, the dragon transformed from Li Chengnian's spine shone with endless purple-gold divine light, dragon roars rushed out of his body, and a true purple-gold dragon was conceived in his body.


A dragon roar rose into the sky, like a real dragon resurrecting. Li Chengnian ran the Demon Emperor Sutra and the Demon Emperor Sutra at the same time. The two real dragon forbidden arts that he had plundered from the Heavenly Punishment Catastrophe were resurrecting.

At this time, his whole body was like a real dragon, extremely sacred!

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar came from ancient times, and then the purple-gold ancestral dragon of heaven was seen rising into the sky, carrying the supreme emperor of heaven on his back, and leaped to the highest point in the sky.

Dragon, the condensed essence of Li Chengnian's blood, is the form!

Emperor is the combination of essence, energy and spirit in his body, and he is a god!

At this moment, the form has been formed, form and spirit are one, and the opportunity for form and spirit to resonate has emerged!

"It's now!"


The boundless brilliant rays of light flickered, and countless rules of heaven and earth descended from somewhere in a trance, resonating with the thin purple threads formed by the original essence and blood of the innate Tao embryo.

He concentrated his concentration and finally seized this fleeting opportunity to transform himself into a small dragon. At the critical moment when his form and spirit resonated, he took the initiative to align with the pulse of the original essence and blood of the innate Tao embryo, harmonize with the heaven and earth, and the ten thousand ways. Compatible.

Gradually, his mind became empty and empty, and his breath seemed to be uniting with the thousands of purple thin lines between heaven and earth, and he was truly feeling the power of the rules between heaven and earth.

In ancient times, there were monks who paid attention to the unity of man and nature.

Today, Li Chengnian is one who unites people and rules, and people and Tao.

"The great road is invisible, and nourishes the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, and moves the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, and nourishes all things."

The secret diagrams and scriptures recorded in the first chapter of the original true interpretation of the man in white during the Emperor's Fall flowed through his heart.

His soul transformation thread was attached to the thin thread, and he felt the power of the most basic rules between heaven and earth, roaring in the depths of his soul, and gained a new understanding of practice.

"All Ways. Laws and Rules"

Under the touch of such a person, Li Chengnian's body glowed, and at the same time a purple-gold light flashed, and then he saw the Haotian Mirror Immortal Mirror above the Dao Palace, and the top of the Heavenly Palace jumped out and hung above his head.

The moment the Haotian Mirror appeared, the power of rules between heaven and earth seemed to be guided by something, roaring, reorganizing, and evolving.
At this moment, the thin purple threads all over the Chaos Dragon's Nest are all glowing.

Slowly, it seemed as if there were thousands of heaven and earth descending on it, echoing the thousands of dragon veins under the Chaos Dragon Nest, turning into dragon-shaped essences, gathering in the Haotian Mirror.

Li Chengnian is also slowly merging with the Haotian Mirror. This is a true fusion of man and machine.

As a result, he seemed to become the carrier of the rules of heaven and earth here. He was deeply touched in an instant and understood the principles of the movement of heaven and earth.

The Tao of the universe, the grand and supreme "potential", were all exposed before his eyes at this moment.

He seemed to be integrated with the rules of heaven and earth.

"This is not the affinity with heaven and earth like the innate Tao embryo, or the rise of perception - it is just a quantitative change."

"but me"

"But it directly becomes the carrier of Tao, the incarnation of Tao."

Most of the people's spiritual practice is to realize the Tao, feel the existence of the Tao, and grasp the trajectory of the Tao.

And what about Li Chengnian now?

But it seems that he has directly become the Tao. He does not need to realize the Tao, because every move he makes is the Tao.

Because of me, I have the right way!
Of course, this is the highest state that Li Chengnian has always pursued, and there is still a long way to go.

With the help of thousands of burning sources of innate Taoism, Li Chengnian saw the operation of the rules of heaven and earth with the help of the Haotian Mirror.

At this moment, he needs to grasp the truth of heaven and earth and understand the operation of the rules. Only in this way can he succeed in the next step of his path as a god and by rebelling against the innate talent.

Li Chengnian used the secret map recorded in the original solution as a blueprint to understand the rules of the world and manipulate them.

It can be seen that brilliant rays of light one after another, and fragments of broken rules bit by bit, are being carefully pried by Li Chengnian, transforming into symbols, and imprinted on his body.


His figure became majestic and motionless, and his true body gradually became blurred, as if it had turned into chaos, everything ceased to exist, and Taoism disappeared.

On that piece of pure land, there was something mysterious and strange. The chaotic air current in the Chaos Dragon's Nest was being aroused, containing the young man within it, cutting off the outside world, leaving only a chaotic world evolving.

The rules of heaven and earth are like light, shining on the young man's brow bone, passing through the Immortal Platform of the Yuan Dynasty, passing through the dragon of the spine, passing through the palaces of the five internal organs, and even the four poles of the human body, and finally bombarded the purple and gold sea of ​​suffering, setting off a stormy sea.

The chaotic airflow outside is rolling and dispersing everything, leaving only chaos.

At this moment, Li Chengnian had thirty black and yellow marks appearing all over his body, protecting his body from being crushed to pieces by the endless energy of chaos.

This is a very sacred scene, and it is Li Chengnian's abnormal situation that is disturbing the rules of heaven and earth.


The world was filled with mist, leaving only a despairing gray.

The yin and yang energy between heaven and earth resonated at this moment, and then was slowly attracted and flowed towards Li Chengnian.


Chaos surged, as if it could crush all invading matter, but at this moment, a Yin-Yang Tai Chi divine ring jumped out from the young man's Divine Soul Immortal Platform, actively pulling the Yin and Yang Qi between heaven and earth into the Divine Soul Immortal Platform.

The eternal secret power is surging, parasitic, immortal, and everlasting. Various Tao rhymes circulate, and the endless yin and yang qi are intertwined into a Tao seed, which is buried in the small chaotic world here, and also buried in the young Yuan Shenxian. Taichung.

This Tao seed was created by using the endless yin and yang energy as its body to draw a wisp of the essence of chaos from this small chaotic world. With Li Chengnian leveraging the rules of the world, he carved the principles of chaos and blended them together.

This kind of condition has been rare in ancient times, and almost no monks can have such a blessing.

The starting point is thousands of drops of the original essence and blood of the innate Tao fetus, and then using the Chaos Dragon Nest that is rare in the world as a carrier to draw all the ways of heaven and earth to come here. With the help of the supreme secret of the divine mark purple gold, it can inherit all the ways of heaven and earth. Becoming one with the Tao has accomplished the impossible thing of leveraging the rules of heaven and earth.

Only by evolving a small chaotic world against the will of heaven can such a Tao seed be born.

And this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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