My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 143 The Unpredictability of History

Chapter 143 The Unpredictability of History

Looking at the excited Li Changge in front of him, the man known as Zhengbo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You don't understand? There are some things you don't understand? It's not that the clansmen don't want to tell you, but that you have a bigger problem -"

"What don't you understand? Isn't it because you don't tell me anything? You don't tell me anything."

Seeing the young man in front of him who was questioning him aggressively, the middle-aged man known as Zhengbo was speechless for a moment.

He suddenly seemed to see the stubborn girl he had seen when he was young. Among all the sharks who came ashore, she was as special as her rebellious ancestors. Unlike himself and others who were born with scales, Destined to hide itself like a mouse.

They used to be the same kind as herself and others, but now her clan has surrendered to the endless deep sea.

And he returned to the center of the world as a heavenly being, controlling the destiny of this country.

No one knows, even though the clan elders have long labeled them as traitors and aliens in the family tree.

But since them, the long-cherished wish of the entire Li family is to appear in front of the world openly and openly like them, and to participate in the center of the world's power struggle like their ancestors.

Whether they take the imperial examination or join the army, they will return to normal human society and provide more security to the ethnic groups on these lands.

This has been their desire for hundreds of years——

And, most importantly, if they can get rid of the scales on their bodies and never set foot in the ocean again for the rest of their lives, then they can continue to thrive among humans.

Let his descendants spread unconsciously in the Ming court, and finally completely occupy the magpie's nest, bringing this hostile empire that once destroyed his country under his control.



In the end, that family was one step away from the throne. Emperor Xiaozong seemed to have noticed something in the end. He secretly killed the child in Queen Zhang's belly by instructing the imperial doctor at the imperial hospital and disguised it as an accident.

Then they secretly selected a woman from among the people, the woman from the Zheng family who later became so angry that Empress Dowager Zhang became so angry that she even made up the so-called "Zheng Wang Yaoyan" to arrest her.

Xiaozong finally left his own blood, although the child, Wu Zong, was finally adopted by Empress Dowager Zhang as her own and raised in her own name.

The shark's conspiracy failed after all.

Before Xiaozong died, he still conveyed key information to Wu Zong.

So the first thing Wu Zong did when he came to power was to revisit the old case of Xiao Zong who was given a lighter sentence.

Zheng Wang claimed that his daughter was the real queen and the biological mother of the prince, and the country people called her the uncle of the country.

Wu Zong, who had just ascended to the throne, attached great importance to it and immediately executed him in Lingchi on the charge of "confused by evil words".

But her daughter Zheng Jinlian disappeared mysteriously in the end, and the ending is unclear——

There are rumors that the secret decree was passed directly from the palace, and Zheng Jinlian was taken from prison to the Huanyi Bureau to hide.

Since then, Empress Dowager Zhang and Wu Zong completely broke off. Wu Zong moved into the Leopard Room, never set foot in Empress Dowager Zhang's Cining Palace again throughout his life, and summoned the Vajrayana Buddha to Beijing to protect him.

When King Ning rebelled, he claimed that "the Ju people destroyed Zheng, and Emperor Taizu did not eat blood", linking Wu Zong's succession to the ancient "Ju people destroyed Zheng".

It is believed that Wu Zong was not the son of Empress Dowager Zhang and Xiao Zong and inherited the throne illegally, but it explains the truth at that time to a certain extent.

Zhengbo can still think of that rainy night 30 years ago.

He was in his prime at that time, and the clan suddenly issued an order that day, asking them to cooperate with the masters from the capital and ambush the Jin Yiwei who were escorting the newly born Emperor Wuzong to Beijing to meet the emperor.

The senior leaders of the clan have reached an agreement with the Queen Mother. If the child is killed, Queen Mother Zhang will give birth to a prince with the blood of the sharks, and then the entire Shandong will be divided among the descendants of the Li family who have been lurking for many years.What an attractive offer.

So, when the shark reinforcements from the sea arrived, the Shangzhi Guards, which had been broken and reorganized several times, was established by Taizu, experienced Zhu Yunqi, experienced the Jingnan Campaign, and was rebuilt again in the hands of Zhu Di, and was passed on to Renzong, Xuanzong, passed through Tumu Fort, captured the gate, experienced hardships and dangers, and finally reached Xiaozong's hands. There were not many left. Those real Jinyi guards had already sealed their fate.

They were all killed in a long-planned siege by several parties.

Their whereabouts were no secret at all to some of Queen Mother Zhang's allies in the court.

But when the sharks slit the throat of the last Jin Yiwei.

He ruthlessly tore the heavily protected child into pieces.

I thought everything was over, when the dust settled.

However, she heard the news from Queen Zhang in the capital that the prince had successfully entered the palace to meet the emperor.

This emperor had been mediocre all his life, but in the end he was more decisive than anyone else. He did not hesitate to treat all the imperial guards as abandoned sons, and he could not let a single shark ascend the throne of the Ming Dynasty.

No one could have imagined that starting from Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, as time went by, he would gradually lose the dragon vein, the favor of destiny, the secret treasury of the Imperial Academy, the Si Tianjian, the martial arts of Jingwei, and the founding general of the country. One after another died, and almost everything was lost. The Ming court could still make such a decision. It would rather abandon the few remaining Jinyi guards than destroy the plan that the sharks had been planning for a hundred years.

Emperor Xiaozong, who had been in power for more than ten years, was he really benevolent, or was he forced to pretend to be benevolent in the face of the irreversible decline of the Ming Dynasty?No one knows what kind of person he really is.

Of course, there is another theory, that is, as King Ning said when he raised his army, Wu Zong was not the child of Xiao Zong and Queen Mother Zhang at all.

Zhengbo thought.

Maybe the child who died in the hands of the sharks was indeed Xiaozong's flesh and blood, but Xiaozong wanted to prevent the throne of the Ming Dynasty from falling into the hands of the sharks.

He did not hesitate to prepare the medicine with his own hands and poisoned Queen Mother Zhang's own flesh and blood in her stomach.

The sharks will never be allowed to pollute the Ming court's bloodline.

As for Wu Zong, he was just a child he randomly picked up from a family on the outskirts of the capital after hearing the bad news about the prince's death.

I would rather give advantage to outsiders than let these foreign sharks sneak into the Ming court and seize the throne.

Thinking of this, he had to fall into deep memories again. No one knew which one was the truth.

All the truth has sunk into the sand with the deceased and turned into ashes.

Even if King Ning, who raised an army a few years ago, was the back-up man arranged by the sharks in the Ming court, and whether the sharks supported him in order to regain the Ming Dynasty from the hands of Wu Zong, the sharks could win the Ming Dynasty for the sharks.

It has also become a mystery that can never be solved.


Uncle Zheng sighed and looked at the young man in front of him.

There was a fiery expression in his eyes.

Queen Mother Zhang was almost, almost successful——

If only we could be more careful and prudent.

We can definitely do better than them.

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(End of this chapter)

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