Chapter 144 Wake up but send

Zhengbo thought this way, everything planned went smoothly.

They will continue to lurk, protecting Li Changge from marrying and having children in the Ming Dynasty, and silently expanding his bloodline like the Zhang family.

But the Ming Ting Qin Tian Jian who suddenly came to Qingcheng broke everything.

The backbone of the Li family was almost wiped out in one fell swoop. Moreover, it was the rainy season, which was when the dragon species gathered to grow and multiply.

If there is a lack of human sacrifice... then I'm afraid——

When I think about the next generation of dragon species, they will stay in the water forever and never have the chance to go ashore.

A huge sense of crisis spread in his heart.

He looked at Li Changge in front of him——

Maybe it wasn't a bad thing for Li Changge to gather his clan members here as soon as possible.

The Qintian Prison of the Ming Dynasty came suddenly and strangely.

Maybe he didn't come here by chance as he said and discovered the blood sacrifice in Qingcheng.

Basically, they came directly to the survivors of the Chen Han Dynasty.

Thinking of this - looking at the eldest son of the clan in front of him who is slowly walking into the ancestral hall with his clan members, he is the young man who carries the hundred-year hope of the entire family.

Zheng Bo suddenly gained some confidence.

His gaze was so intense that he subconsciously ignored the abnormal behavior of the clansmen who walked into the ancestral hall.

They were angry and commotion because they felt insulted when they saw the messy tablets and the young man on the altar.

"Chang Ge? How can you solve the family crisis when you summon the clan members this time?"

Uncle Zheng asked expectantly.

The young man in front of him is destined to lead the family to the next glory, going further than those Zhang clan members who defected.

He has no doubt—

But the words of the young man in front of him made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Ah? In fact, I listened to a friend of mine. He said that as long as I summon all the clan members to the ancestral hall, he can help our Li family get out of trouble."

Li Changge in front of him scratched his head, feeling Uncle Zheng's burning gaze, and said a little embarrassedly.

“Then—Chang Ge, do you know who that person is?”

Uncle Zheng had a premonition that something was not going to happen, but he still followed Li Changge into the ancestral hall with his last hope and asked.

"Ah... that person is the Qin Tianjian who came here on patrol. He said that he would help us cure the bodies of our people infected by sorcery. As long as we cooperate, we will try to get the government to treat my father and the others as lightly as possible - —”

Having said this, Li Changge turned his head and pointed towards Uncle Zheng in front of the ancestral hall. Uncle Zheng saw a young man sitting on the altar, looking at the tablets of the ancestors of the Li family. He had obviously been waiting here for a long time.

What makes Zheng Burton even more unhappy is that the genealogy at the top of the altar, guarded by the souls of his ancestors, has disappeared.

"No! Changge, leave quickly!"

Zhengbo grabbed Li Changge, who was still greeting Zhu Houcong innocently, turned around and ran towards the outside of the ancestral hall behind him.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Brother Zhu is my good friend. He is an upright man and will not harm me—"

"You believe him so much, then do you know what his name is!"

Zhengbo pulled this silly boy who was well protected by his tribe and ran out desperately.

But what is despairing is that the heroic souls of the Li family ancestors who were supposed to protect the descendants of the ancestral hall have now disappeared.

The doors in front of them were clearly unguarded, but they all slammed shut when the Li clan members turned around and tried to escape.

No matter how hard the two men beat it, the wooden door was as if it were made of iron and would not move at all.


Li Changge was speechless for a moment.

Looking at Zheng Bo's face mixed with anxiety and panic.

At this time, he also faintly felt that something was wrong.

It seems that I really don't know the name of this Qin Tianjian.No-no-

What on earth was he thinking at the beginning, why did he so casually listen to a stranger's words, and bring him back to Qingcheng out of greed.

Knowing that the other party was Qin Tianjian, he still chose a restaurant near Hualong Bridge. Now, in just a few words, he took the person to the most sacred ancestral hall of the family——

No - this is not right -

Something's wrong--

"Since Brother Li is here, why bother leaving in a hurry?"

The faint voice of the young man behind him came.

The firelight in the ancestral hall swayed suddenly, hitting the young man's smiling face, like a ghost.

These words seemed to touch some kind of switch, and Li Changge, who was pulled to the door of the ancestral hall by Zheng Bo, suddenly had a splitting headache.


Li Changge hugged his head and cried. When he opened his eyes again, he turned around and looked at the young man in front of the altar who was smiling and learning to give flowers to the Queen, his eyes full of fear.

He remembered it all!
At the foot of Dengzhou City, the war drums sounded like continuous thunder.

War cry!Cry!Scream!Gloomy sky!The red blood stains the earth!The two armies fought each other and blood flowed like rivers.

After performing Li's magic, he was swallowed whole by the sea monster that came to seek revenge.

When he woke up again, he saw a man and a woman standing in front of him covered in blood, next to a huge disemboweled sea monster corpse.

In a blur of consciousness, the young man grabbed his head, lifted himself off the ground, and observed carefully, frowning, with a serious expression, as if he was looking at some incredible and terrifying species that could threaten the survival of mankind. .

The sea monster's blood, which was enough to melt gold and stone, was flowing on his body, but his skin and flesh, which looked like a mortal, were strangely unscathed.

It was as if what was flowing on his skin was just the most ordinary blood.

"Has the smell of the sea clan faded to this extent? Just looking at the appearance, there is no trace of the sharks at all——"

The voice was amazed, but with a coldness, and said to itself.

"Charms, monsters, and evil spirits have transformed into human beings and hidden in the sea of ​​people. What do they want to do——"

A sudden burst of burning pain came from his arm. Li Changge screamed in pain and finally woke up from his half-asleep coma.

He watched in horror as the man in front of him cut his arm open and burned it with fire.

The blood dried up and evaporated, leaving only a trace of the strange blue color in the blood.


The voice seemed to understand the cause of the matter and sighed.

The severe pain made Li Changge open his eyes in horror. He struggled and beat in the man's hands desperately.

But when the two people's eyes met, those golden-red pupils were flashing with the flame of never-ending revenge.

Li Changge's struggle stopped instantly.

Suddenly, he seemed to have forgotten many things.

The person in front of him is no longer a terrifying thing that can cut off his limbs at will. He has become more and more familiar in Li Changge's subconscious - is he a relative?A friend?A close friend? ——No, he was a life-saver.

In a daze, he smiled stupidly, like an idiot.

Then his consciousness sank into darkness again.

Before that, that terrible sound sounded again.

"Take me to the place where you were born, and let me see what you evil spirits have tried so hard to lurk in the Ming Dynasty, and what are their intentions -"

In an instant, Li Changge remembered everything.

He looked at the familiar clan elders around him.

The tablets of the ancestors on the altar were shattered one by one, and bursts of ghostly cries could be heard in the air. The sounds were pitiful and tragic, as if they had seen the tragic end of these descendants of the Hai Clan who had strayed into it. It was extremely tragic. .

(End of this chapter)

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