My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 188: The Battle of Quarry

Chapter 188: The Battle of Quarry (Part [-])
This was what happened in the short two years of the emperor's reign. People looked at the sudden drastic changes around them. The heads of those monsters hanging on city gates in various places had caused trouble to various places for decades. The monsters that had become terrifying and grotesque legends were killed by a man. He was beheaded at the entrance of a busy market, his body was chopped into pieces, his bones were crushed, his ashes were thrown away, and he was burned in public.

A steady stream of military vehicles loaded with soldiers and supplies were transported to the southwest and eastern coasts. The sound of horse hooves and the roar of military vehicles on the official road continued all night long.

I heard good news from all directions, the bodies of the sharks piled up like mountains, and the fires burned for several months, and the land along the coast was nourished and fertile.

Accompanied by the roar of military chariots, people heard that the emperor had only been back in Beijing for half a month after his expedition to the southwest. After hearing that the court officials reported that the sharks were invading the coast and killing people, they worked tirelessly to lead the army to the east again and saved thousands of people from the evil beasts. Thousands of people.

How could such a saintly and benevolent king not allow all the people in the world to die in his service?

Even though the sea and land are different because of the battle with the sharks, everyone knows the reason for this battle. Even the fishermen and merchants who rely on the sea for a living have no complaints about the difficulty of maintaining their livelihoods, let alone others?

How could Li Changshou really have any dissatisfaction with the emperor in front of him.

"Now that you have received the gift of the Holy Grail and been granted a military position by the court, you and the other guerrilla generals will lead the Beijing army and climb the city to resist the sharks as your first trial! A general cannot become a good person without a hundred battles! From now on, you will be able to protect your territory, keep your people safe, and live up to the expectations of all the people in the world!"

Hearing the emperor's words, Li Changshou was deeply moved by the emperor's love and concern for all people.

"Your Majesty has the power to change the world, and he is able to go to the front line in person to fight fiercely with alien demons in all directions to protect the livelihood of the people of our Ming Dynasty! I am not capable of small skills, and my martial arts is mediocre, but I can't stand up to the ordinary people. Today I see the country is in trouble! How can I flinch? According to the truth, I must die to repay the emperor!"

Those rich and powerful people who instinctively hide behind the common people are willing to charge forward to protect the world. How can we, the common people who share the glory and disgrace of the world's safety, shrink back?

"Good! I hope you will never forget what you said today!"

The emperor in front of him seemed satisfied with his answer.

"Your Majesty's holy grace! I will never forget it!"

Li Changshou thanked him, then turned around and summoned the soldiers who were nominally under his orders to go to the front line to resist the sharks.

Li Changshou's thoughts represent the thinking of many people in this land on the current situation.

The people know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

This is their own country.

If given the chance, who would not resist and be the food in the mouth of the demon and the soul of the dead under the sword of the warlord?

The reason for being indifferent is just because they are used to seeing ferocious soldiers, cruel officials, and corruption at all levels. The imperial court regards the people as lambs and fish meat, and never treats the people as complete people. The people do not enjoy the slightest rights, but only see the government. Endless plunder.

Naturally, no one is willing to die to defend such a court, and there is no reason to die to defend such a regime.

Welcoming a new dynasty with elegant politics is not a degeneration of civilization, but a silent resistance to barbarism - although it is possible that the next regime revealed by opening the blind box will be more barbaric and more reactionary than the previous court that has fallen to the extreme. Once it comes to power, Just turn back the clock on history.

If people can really realize that their own interests are consistent with the interests of this regime, and that they are not the servants of the ruler, but the masters of the world, they will naturally step forward and do their best to defend their motherland. .The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!
War drums are rumbling in the quarry city, and people are full of longing for their ideal future, fighting against evil spirits.

Although the attacking sharks were numerous in number, the Ming army had the city wall as a backing and had accumulated a large number of firearms in the city. The various novel weapons from another world brought by Zhu Houcong for experiments in the Ming Dynasty took turns to attack the city. Actual combat.

On the city wall, the Ming army pushed inconspicuous artillery pieces onto the city wall, but the shells loaded by these giants were really surprising.

Although the muzzle of this cannon is as big as a washbasin, due to the unreasonable black technology of materials in another world, the huge barrel of a man-high cannon is extremely light.

Two Ming soldiers were able to easily lift it, move it to the top of the city, and place it on numerous steel supports specially built by the Ministry of Industry.

The cannonball next to it looks like an ordinary cannonball, but compared to the current Ming Army's ordinary general-sized cannons, Shenfei cannons and other cannonballs with a caliber of less than ten centimeters, the one in front of me is nearly half a meter in diameter, more than one meter long, and weighs a hundred kilograms. The size of the cannonball that two strong men came to resist was a bit too terrifying.

In fact, the Ming army who used this cannon was also confused.

For fear that this thing would be accidentally detonated by accident, the Ming army directly sent the entire section of the city wall to see Emperor Taizu in advance to report the current battle situation in real time.

But fortunately, this thing had been tested repeatedly in another world, and only after it was determined that there would usually be no major problems would Zhu Houcong bring it to this world.


With an order.

The Ministry of Industry at the city head worked overtime to build hundreds of divine flying cannons before the army expedition, and the number of large and small general cannons recruited from various places totaled a thousand.

Although in the 27th year of the Zhizheng Period, Xu Da besieged Suzhou with a salvo of 2400 artillery pieces, destroying the city walls, knocking down houses, and the legendary earthquake-shaking scene.

However, various powerful and invincible generals, victorious second generals, brave third generals, and Fran's flying cannons, combined with several black technology weapons from other worlds, still showed the power of technology to these uncivilized beasts in front of them.

Thousands of cannons fired in unison, and countless meteors struck in front of the turbulent river under the blue sky, like arrows from a string, hitting the shore. Those densely packed people were rubbing shoulders and trying to quickly climb up the city wall with the help of the shark's extraordinary physical strength. Next to the shark.

Thousands of various artillery shells fell with firelight, and the shark's military formation, which was briefly confused by the deafening sound of the shells, was instantly destroyed!
Accompanied by the rumbling sound of overturned earth and rocks, fire shot up into the sky, filled with smoke and dust, covering the sky and the sun. A heat wave hit, and the fire burned. The charred and broken limbs and broken arms, broken equipment and equipment were almost plowed to the ground. The roaring sound splashed layers of sand, earth and rocks into the sky.

The huge roar covered up the turbulent flow of the river to the east, and the yellow sand and broken corpses covered the sight of the rumbling river water that they were used to seeing. For a moment, people felt as if they were in a desert in the northwest instead of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

The shark's military formation has long since disappeared, leaving only a pile of ruins filled with corpses and an endless sea of ​​fire. The atmosphere of death and fear enveloped the entire battlefield, cleaning up countless filth that should not exist in this world. Only the screams and moans of the surviving sharks struggling in pain were left.

Several large craters several meters deep suddenly appeared on the ground, which were obviously caused by those powerful imperial cannons with extremely terrifying charges.

(End of this chapter)

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