My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 189 In the battle of quarrying

Chapter 189 In the battle of quarrying

Perhaps thousands of years later, when all evils are completely eliminated from this planet, all demons and evil spirits have become the weird rumors and heresies that people talk about after dinner. When faced with this underground phenomenon, researchers of later generations seem to be too advanced. wisdom.

These black technologies and completely unreasonable weapon materials cannot be reproduced by modern scientists no matter how hard they rack their brains. I can only lament the ruthlessness of time and how many brilliant Chinese technologies have been buried in the history. In the dust.

In this way, it can help a large number of historical researchers solve employment problems and obtain government funding, thereby generating countless historical evidences, whether true or false, and countless vast masterpieces.

The following sharks were heartbroken when they saw the tragic scene in front of them, but at the next moment, following the merciless orders of the shark sacrifices and the creatures in the sea, they could only continue to bite the bullet and continue to rush forward.

Compared with those sharks with low intelligence, the shark priests are more aware of the shortcomings of these artillery in the hands of humans, that is, they cannot fire continuously because the muzzle is overheated.

Although it is powerful, it needs to cool down every once in a while. Perhaps if humans continue to develop on this path, over time they may be able to develop terrifying weapons that can even threaten the king of the sea, but obviously now Human technology is still completely unable to pose any effective threat to those giant creatures in the sea.

Not to mention those terrifying gods who can physically travel across space and devour the stars of the universe.

The sharks rushed forward bravely, but although Mingting's artillery fire became sparser, it did not stop completely.

Especially those terrifying giant cannons that leave a deep crater several meters in diameter on the ground once fired.

Listening to the screams of the sharks in their ears, even the shark priests couldn't help but feel a little fear in their hearts when they looked at the terrifying muzzle that was constantly blazing fire at the top of Caishi City.

Shooting such huge cannonballs, what on earth are those terrible weapons made of? Don’t they need a rest?

Looking at the ferocious bomb craters in front of them, it is difficult for these shark priests to guarantee that they can survive these bombardments full of destructive power, let alone these ordinary sharks.

But fortunately, the number of these giant cannons that can fire continuously is limited.

Naturally, the Ming army also discovered another advantage of this so-called imperial cannon in actual combat, besides its huge power.

That is, the rate of fire is extremely fast and there is almost no need to cool the barrel.

The pharmacist and gunner on the side could not even keep up with the speed of firing the shells.

Soon, the hundreds of specially prepared cannonballs were fired, leaving only the imperial cannon that was just smoking slightly and slightly hot to the touch, sounding silently in the air.

The sharks finally had a breather, and the other general cannons had already cooled down and began the second round of firing in batches.

The sharks could only continue to rush towards the city wall as the priests shouted at the top of their lungs over and over again.

From time to time, unlucky ones were hit by cannonballs and flew backwards. Although these beasts called sharks were also afraid of death in their bones, they could not resist the orders from the shark priests in their blood.

They cling to the city wall like ants and prepare to climb the city to fight.

"Shenji Camp! Free Fire!"

The generals of the Shenji Battalion nervously supervised the establishment of the three major battalions that Zhu Houcong had restored in the name of "restoring the old system of Hongwu and Yongle" after the sacrifice to heaven in the southern suburbs, together with the supervision and assessment system for officials in various places.This is also Zhu Houcong's purpose to find a theoretical basis for himself to learn from Zhu Yuanzhang's enfeoffment of kings to defend the territory.

You see, you civil servants don’t talk about the ancestral system every day. I think it’s very reasonable. We must restore the ancestral system!
Why was there the Battle of Jingnan?
It was all because Emperor Jianwen was messing around and insisted on disobeying the ancestral precepts and abolishing the loyal vassal kings who held heavy troops in various places.

Why did the Ming army fail to recover after the defeat of Tumubao?
It's all because of orthodoxy. The two unscrupulous kings in Jingtai violated the ancestral precepts, were too kind to corrupt officials, were not harsh enough to nobles who made trouble and asked for treatment, and were kind-hearted to border smuggling generals. If TMD is too When Zu was in power, they all were arrested and killed!Where can there be a series of bad things like Tumu Fortress, Mongolian January Tour, Extermination of Heirs, Seizing the Gate, and Cao Qin’s Rebellion!
How dare you change the three battalions with glorious history into the tenth regiment battalion!
What a shame!I really don’t even want my old job!

How can this work!The imperial court has been controlled by these treacherous ministers and mediocre rulers for a long time!The world is tired, I have to change everything today!

Reread the Records of Taizu for me, you bastard!
As for restoring the ancestral system to the emperor?Sorry, it was windy just now. If you are brave and are not afraid of the court staff, let me say it again. If you are really stubborn and are not afraid of the court staff, then you are cruel. Tomorrow I will select a few sensible Hanlin Academy bachelors from the Hanlin Academy to retake it. The true records of Taizu are guaranteed to meet all the requirements of today's Holy Emperor.

Although the above series of violent remarks made by Zhu Houcong caused an uproar in the hearts of the ministers.

Mother!The Records of Taizu can only restrain civil servants but not yourself, right?

The emperor and the civil servants just switched sides, right?

But the cabinet is euphemistically saying that we can all agree with what you said. The only thing we cannot agree with is that the salary of civil servants must not be returned to the Hongwu Dynasty. Everything else is easy to talk about.

Many others are slanders for future generations!But the salary standards Taizu set for officials are really abstract!
No one can bear it, okay?

Why are you, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, so confident that the tattered paper of the Ming Dynasty banknote is really worth whatever you think it is worth?

After receiving Zhu Houcong's happy agreement, Liang Chu and others breathed a silent sigh of relief, then knelt down and shouted for the emperor's sage.

Seeing the praises and praises in the DPRK, Zhu Houcong said that this is not my contribution, but the wisdom of many netizens!

If I said that all civil servants' salaries should be changed back to the Hongwu ancestral system, they would definitely refuse to comply.

But if I awkwardly say that the salary can remain unchanged, but other things must be changed back, they will rejoice again, thinking that they have got a big deal, and shout that the emperor is wise!
Although the three major battalions were re-established, all the original regiments and battalions were not abolished, but the original establishment was still retained.

When Zhu Houcong first came to the throne, he ordered his two uncles Jiang Ding to carry out a brutal purge of the Beijing army.

The Beijing army, which originally numbered more than 12 people, was convicted, exiled, found to be underpaying, and imprisoned...

In the end, there were less than 8 people left.

This is because when Emperor Zhengde was in power, he introduced the elite border troops to the Beijing army for drills, provoking the three major border army groups headed by Jiang Bin to fight against the nobles of the capital and the civilian officials overseeing the army at the Ministry of War.

A large number of relatives of Beijing military officials who rose to power through nepotism have been eliminated, or they were simply a fictitious army of tens of thousands created by the generals for free money.

(End of this chapter)

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