Chapter 417 Respectfully Invite

"There's no need to speculate on my origins——"

Yu Ren's voice was hoarse and broken as he said this.

As the flames ignited the scattered withered white feathers, they turned into ashes in mid-air.

Those fires emitting red light in the air and covering the top of the cave made the underground palace as bright as day.

Zhu Houcong just noticed that the eyes of the feathered man in front of him were larger than expected.

This further proves that the thing in front of me is called the Feathered Man in name only.

But compared to those mortals who dig in the soil all day long, it is still too far apart.

At least, human eyes don't emit a penetrating green light.

Yu Ren said, slightly pointing the halberd in Zhu Houcong's direction.

An inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly surged into Zhu Houcong's heart.

He immediately gave up the restriction on the Cao family's ghosts and gods.

He took the opportunity to pull back and avoid the inexplicable blow in the void.


Zhu Houcong stared at the position he had just been in.

Nothing happened.

The feathered man in front of him saw that the attack just now did not succeed.

There was not much surprise on his face.

Perhaps He wasn't actually that surprised that Zhu Houcong was able to dodge his attack.

During the fight at the Zhao family's ancestral home, Yuren had already realized that what the Narcissus who came across the sea had stated was true.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty in front of him must not be treated as an ordinary monarch who sticks to the imperial city.

"what have you done--"

Zhu Houcong returned to his previous position.

The earth and rocks beneath his feet suddenly cracked.

Zhu Houcong picked up a grain of dust and looked at it carefully in his hand.

However, it was almost the moment Zhu Houcong glanced over.

This already tiny dust once again scattered into hundreds of even smaller dust particles falling down.

"Greedy humans! The door to immortality will never be opened to you!"

Seeing that the Yuren missed the target, his eyes looking at Zhu Houcong became even colder.

He pointed the halberd in his hand upward.

In an instant, the violent waves surged toward Zhu Houcong.

The Cao family ghost who bore the brunt of the attack let out a painful roar.

First, it was the giant ax in his hand, and then his upper body, whizzing towards the giant ax that the Yuren was unwilling to chop down before his death.

Suddenly it turned into dust and dispersed.

This ghost and god, who was already considered powerful to the outside world, made a last-ditch effort but did not cause any effective injuries to the feathered man.

This time, the inexplicable sense of crisis exploded even more intensely in Zhu Houcong's heart.

"This is--"

Zhu Houcong knew that it was obviously too late to escape at this moment.

His physical body instinctively felt trembling, even though Zhu Houcong had mobilized all his energy and blood.

The spiritual power is attached to each major organ to defend against strange attacks from the void.

But it still couldn't stop the strange force in the void from corroding the body.

Most of the energy and blood in his body was instantly lost.

And the spiritual energy protecting his internal organs was almost exhausted for a while.

There was a pain in the abdomen like fire and ice chisels.

The internal organs were shattered into pieces, and the remaining parts became as fragile as the rocks just now.

If it is hit by any external force, it will become crushed and shattered.

Even the heart that was still beating strong after a hundred battles has become weak now, and the beating of the heart has become weak and weak.

At this moment, Zhu Houcong felt death wandering around him for the first time in this world.

Feel the numbness in your limbs and the pain in your soul.

Zhu Houcong sighed silently in his heart. Is this what mortals in this world go through every moment?

How lucky I am to be able to rely on my magic and status to protect myself.

Even compared to the founding monarch who went through hundreds of battles, rose up among the heroes and conquered the world.

He took over the throne as his brother.

Even if it is the people of the Eastern Expedition, the chieftains and barbarians from all walks of life in Nanping.

With the help of heroes from the government and the public, it can be said to be smooth and smooth.

Today, I finally felt the danger that this world should have.

This reminded Zhu Houcong to be more careful in the future.

Regarding the future of this country, we should think twice before making any decisions.

"Feathered Man——"

Accompanied by Zhu Houcong's words.

Zhu Houcong's eyes glowed with golden light, looking directly at the relic of the pre-Qin Dynasty who was being entangled by the phoenix bird.

Yuren was really surprised this time.

Looking at Zhu Houcong who was still breathing, his expression showed a bit of surprise.

The power he possesses innately is combined with the sacrificial weapon in his hand.

There is nothing that can't be overcome against these short-lived species.

Except for a few humans in history who were so powerful that they couldn't even get close.

All other humans and gods on earth are extremely afraid of themselves.

He simply didn't dare to step forward and fight with himself personally.

Once the two of them fight, only Yu Ren can successfully cast the forbidden technique.

If those humans and gods on earth did not retreat in time, there would be only death waiting for them.

Yuren was originally surprised that Zhu Houcong dared to fight with him.

And then he was not killed by one blow, which made him even more surprised and even a little scared.

after all--

It stands to reason that if the Emperor Ming Ting in front of him received that blow from the front, he would have died even if he had ten lives.


Yuren was puzzled.

Only Zhu Houcong knew how he survived.

This feathered man indeed seems to have the ability to control life and death, as the legend says.

The blow just now really cut off his life span of thousands of years.

Zhu Houcong thought as he felt the spiritual energy surging in his body again, repairing his injuries.

"The sun, moon and five stars, the seven elements of the Big Dipper, combined with the Emperor of Heaven, commanded Taixuan, threw fire thousands of miles away, and shook the nine heavens!"

But he kept chanting curses.

As Jiao Ming ran out of King Qin's sword, and with the blessing of the spell, the power around him became even stronger.

As expected, the King of Qin's Sword has something to do with the Emperor's sword.

At least when it comes to monsters like Imperial Envoy Jiao Ming, it is indeed exactly what the legend says.

Even though Jiao Ming had just been suppressed by King Qin's sword for less than half an hour.

But at this moment, Zhu Houcong was already able to use it with ease.

And Jiao Ming didn't feel any resistance at all, so he naturally accepted Zhu Houcong's order and rushed towards the feathered man in front of him.

Looking at the Yuren who was currently unable to take care of himself under the attack of Fengniao and Jiao Ming.

Before the Yang Shen came out of his body, Zhu Houcong glanced at Zhang Fawei not far away who was shaking Yu Dayou and others awake one by one.

And Zhang Fawei understood immediately.

He took out from his arms the fine golden nanmu selected by the Ministry of Industry and carefully made it, with the tablet engraved with "Lingxiao Shangqing Tong Lei Yuanyang Miao Yixuan Zhenjun".

Put it before your eyes.

He bowed to the ground and sang devoutly with the etiquette of bowing to the immortal officials and generals.

"Zhang Fawei, the forty-seventh generation disciple of Longhu Mountain, respectfully invites Lord Lei Yuanyang, Miaoyifei Xuan, Lord of the Qing Dynasty in Lingxiao, to come to this world."

(End of this chapter)

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