Chapter 418 North Korea

Golden light, goddess, phoenix chariot, colorful clouds.

All kinds of incredible scenes suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The surrounding six-day ban seemed to feel some great threat.

They emitted dazzling red lights one after another, trying to dispel the aura in front of them that made these former servants feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Three days of clear energy——"

This time, it wasn't just the murmur coming from that feather's mouth.

Even Zhang Fawei seemed to understand that the scene in front of him was extraordinary.

The golden figure in front of him, abandoning the restraint of his body and traveling in a phoenix chariot, felt more intimate to Zhang Fawei than ever before.

Even his former mentor and elder brother held the giant Luotian Dajiao to welcome the three days of pure Qi and the decree.

Zhang Fawei had never felt so instinctively happy and moved from the bottom of his heart like he did now.

The golden phoenix rushed straight towards the centermost feathered figure.

When Jiao Ming saw Zhu Houcong's bravery, Yangtian let out a brisk cry.

He turned around and returned to King Qin's sword.

When Fengniao looked at Zhu Houcong, his eyes were slightly worried.

The feathered man spread his wings, before the golden phoenix in front of him ran over his body and tore him into pieces.

He attempted a final counterattack.

Large swaths of white feathers fell from the sky, but before they fell, they were burned to ashes by Jiao Ming and Fengniao.

The last hope has been lost.

But He did not choose to escape.

Because a terrifying existence has been waiting for a long time.

Sansan Qingqi has no mercy for these remnants of the past.

When he was dying, he could only angrily curse the intruders in front of him who coveted the sacred objects here just like their ancestors.

"The door to immortality is forever closed to you——"

"Ambitionists who rely on force, you will be trapped in the ninth level of purgatory, and you will never be able to escape."

Golden light struck, and all kinds of sins were burned to dust.

When Zhu Houcong's Yang God drove a chariot blessed by three days of pure Qi, he repeatedly ran over it three times.

The aura of the feathered man was finally exhausted and completely dissipated in the world.

The magic card in Zhang Fawei's hand trembled.

Zhu Houcong's Yang Shen returned to his position, and his physical body sitting cross-legged on the ground also took advantage of this period to recover a little strength.

The survivors helped each other to their feet.

The stone wall behind him was suddenly opened during the battle, revealing a huge dragon corpse in the deep black spiritual tunnel behind it.

This dragon was obviously unprepared and was killed by the feathered man with one attack.

The scales all over the body are quite well preserved.

Looking at it, Yu Dayou couldn't help but want to stretch out his trembling hand because he had just woken up, took out a dagger and scraped some bits and pieces from the dragon in front of him, and went back to exchange some spiritual wine from the hands of the Jinyi guards to drink.

Compared with most of the six guards of the government who came from traditional general families and nobles.

The origins of the Jin Yiwei can be said to be diverse, and their personnel are mixed among three religions and nine streams, all over the world.

Naturally, his level of "versatile talents" is by no means comparable to that of generals and nobles like the Six Guards of the Imperial Army.

Brewing tea, forging weapons, crossbreeding spiritual beasts... there is no industry in which the Jin Yiwei have not been involved.

But when Yu Dayou forced himself to stand up, he wanted to step forward and cut a piece of meat from the dragon's body to drink with him.

Xu Youbang promptly stopped the actions of the man next to him who came from the south and had a somewhat rough manner. After all, the situation is unknown, and no one knows what is going on deep in the spiritual path.

If another demon comparable to the Yanghou Yuren appears again, everyone present will die here.

When Yu Dayou was stopped, his mind temporarily calmed down. Looking at the mountain of dragon corpses in front of him, he was so shocked by his risky move that he broke into a cold sweat.

He glanced at Xu Youbang with a slight sense of gratitude. Although he fell asleep with him, he obviously woke up much faster than him.

"Thank you."

Yu Dayou said sincerely.

But Xu Youbang did not answer.

This noble-born warrior in the capital looked at the figure not far behind him who was slowly walking towards this side with his sword in hand.

The horrific marks around them declared how tragic and terrifying the battle just was.

This made his eyes even more awe and pious.

"keep going--"

The Emperor Ming Ting holds a golden feather in his hand.

His voice echoed in the underground palace, making everyone listen with bated breath.

"The most dangerous journey has passed, and the rest of the journey depends on you."


North Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Kaesong, dark night.

Inside the Hall of All Nations of the Ministry of Rites of North Korea.

A rush of footsteps broke the tranquility of the place.

The sound of footsteps not only made the North Korean guards who were ordered to guard here but also were responsible for protecting the envoys of the Kingdom of Korea wake up from their half-asleep state in the middle of the night.

At the same time, Xie Qian, who was worried about the memorial tablet that suddenly glowed in front of him, put away the worry on his face.

He straightened his clothes and regained the dignity and calmness that a Han official should have.

After everything was taken care of, he sat in the mourning hall and listened to several shouts in Korean coming from outside the door.

For the safety of this place, the Korean royal family specially evacuated from Tsushima Island. It is said that the Korean warriors who can fight one against a hundred are obviously extremely afraid of the screaming master.

Without much obstruction, footsteps appeared outside Xie Qian's door.

Immediately, a clear knock on the door rang in Xie Qian's ears, accompanied by Chinese with no Korean accent at all.

"Master Xie, there is something unusual in the palace. Commander Qiu asked me to ask you whether you want the Ministry of War to send an order in advance to blockade Kaicheng and kill the Bailian rebels in the city in advance."

When Xie Qian heard this, he knew the identity of the visitor.

He stood up and opened the door.

The man outside the door had a sparse beard, wore a black hat commonly worn by Koreans, and was wearing plain clothes, but his face was not covered.

Obviously, he didn't think he would encounter any trouble if he came overnight.

Li Ruchun knew very well the strength of these Ming people who came from afar.

Accompanying the envoy in front of him were hundreds of warriors wearing strong armor, including many powerful strangers.

Although North Korea has many soldiers and horses stationed in the capital, they can barely maintain public order if they are asked to catch some petty thieves.

But if they really want to suppress the bandits with real swords and guns, they will defend Kaicheng with their lives.

I am afraid that before the two armies confront each other, these ruffians, who only know how to extort merchants and oppress good people, will suddenly turn into birds and beasts and throw the king and officials to the thieves.

Although Tsushima's soldiers could still fight Jurchens and Japanese pirates at the time of the founding of the country.

But as time went by, it was no longer of much use, and all its abilities lay in its legs.

(End of this chapter)

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