Chapter 428 Pearl

Hearing this, Fan He's heart sank.

He turned around and turned around the bloody and ferocious face.

There was only one left eye, embedded in the folds of stacked flesh, and full of scarlet bloodshot eyes.

Look at these weird sharks in front of you.

If you just look at the body, which is much stronger than a human being, and the huge, smelly fish head, what you see in front of you is no different from the sharks that the Ming Dynasty once defeated at the gate of Jinling City.

But what if the group of sharks in front of us are not living creatures?

Fan He opened his incomplete teeth that were exposed due to being corroded by the shark's blood.

Shaking away the remaining shark blood in the flesh and blood on his face, he let out a low roar of pain.

"Have you not found the location of the wizard behind these sharks?"

Fan He asked during the battle.

He waved again. Ever since he swallowed the fox demon's heart, his body had become stronger day by day, and power poured out from his heart in an endless stream.

Even the most hideous wounds on the body can be healed at an extremely fast speed in a short period of time.

This recovery speed even exceeds that of many forbidden troops.

This is also the reason why he and Guo Xun can survive the wave of sharks.

"Be careful of the corpse poison on these sharks, it's getting stronger——"

Guo Xun's voice came, and Fan He heard the exhaustion in the words of this powerful warrior who had been fighting all night and had almost piled up a mountain of mutilated corpses of the sharks in front of him.

The neck of the shark in front of him spurted out a small amount of blood that was more foul-smelling than an ordinary shark.

Fan He dodged. Unlike Guo Xun, he had iron skin and bronze bones blessed by the Holy Emperor.

The blood of the sharks, even the dirty blood of the sharks, which has an extremely fishy smell and exudes an astonishing stench like stinky salted fish that has been left for a long time, cannot really bring any threat to these emperor's personal troops.

The only things that can really kill those Imperial Guards are repeated strikes with swords and the most blasphemous spells in the world.

Compared to the first attack last night.

The shapes of these sharks standing in front of Fan He are becoming more and more blasphemous and terrifying, and their dirty bloodline is also becoming more and more eager to inject poison into the marrow of living beings.

This also means that the cult wizards who control everything behind the scenes have finally become equally impatient.

I want to quickly solve the two warriors in front of me who have spied on the mystery of the true immortal in the water.

So as to cut off Ming Ting's continued pursuit and exploration along this clue.

"It was the person wearing those clothes who took my sister's ashes."

A small figure emerged from the basket behind Guo Xun.

She pointed in the northwest direction with trembling fingers that were so thin that only skin and bones were left, her tone full of panic.

"I know, go back quickly -"

Guo Xun comforted this man. Due to long-term malnutrition, his face that should have been alluring was not beautiful at all. The eye sockets on the dry skin were sunken, and the outline of the bones under the blue-gray face could be called the most perfect specimen. The arms and face She has almost no muscles, which makes it difficult for her to even speak.

Guo Xun followed her instructions and looked.

Behind the many sharks, a Taoist wearing a yellow robe appeared.

When he raised his head, the indifference in those scarlet eyes proved his inhuman status.

Humans don't have eyes like this.

In other words, no living being can have such dead eyes.

The jade pendant of the Yin Yang Fish on his waist is not black and white, but red and blue.

Carrying a huge blood-red dharma ring symbolizing the impermanence of life and death.

No, that thing was not carried on his back. Guo Xun carefully looked at the creature that was slowly walking towards him.

The great circlet was not bound to him by any means that mortals could understand.

A huge iron pillar penetrated his spine and hollowed out his internal organs, leaving only a lifeless body with a bloody magic ring fixed behind him.

"The immortals - they are the attendants of the immortals. The immortals punished us. My sister can no longer give birth to little pearls. My sister's husbands are all dead! I shouldn't have run away... I -"

The information revealed by the horrified words of the girl in the basket seemed even more terrifying in this small fishing village filled with human and shark carrion corpses.

The sun above our heads has just risen, tearing apart the black night, revealing all the horrors of this world to the world.

And what is the faint light coming from the basket?

Is it the light of gold and silver jewelry, or the reflection of fish-like scales in the sunlight.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you out - the Holy Emperor protects us."

Guo Xun said while slowly retreating.

But retreating does not mean fear. He needs to accumulate strength in order to face the next challenge.

He leaned close to the strong warrior beside him.

He never thought that this Tieling garrison could become the last survivor after many forbidden soldiers died in the mouths of the demons.

And the two of them were fighting side by side at this moment, burning their lives to face the final judgment together for the honor of the warrior and their loyalty to the emperor.

"Is anyone else alive?"

Since the demonic path appeared, the movements of the surrounding shark mummies have obviously slowed down.

Taking this opportunity, Guo Xun came to Fan He.

The location of the battle on the Fan River is located in the fishing village of Guangdong Fish Catch, the only dirt road in the village that is large enough for oxcarts to pass. Normally, the residents of the village will pickle the seafood that cannot be sold today, make it into dried fish, and bury part of it underground for crossing. After the cold winter, the others were taken to the nearest Jurchen tribe for sale.

There are low houses on both sides of the Fan River, and the remaining fences for the sharks to crawl through were sealed by the forbidden soldiers who were suddenly attacked in the dark with the corpses of those mutated and killed for the second time.

Clearly, this was an excellent defensive location.

If the forbidden army here can prepare in advance.


When I thought about my mistake, it had such terrible consequences.

So many brothers died here in vain, falling into the trap that those demons had laid out long ago without any preparation.

Strong feelings of regret surged into Guo Xun's heart like waves.

If it weren't for the fact that we were still under siege by those shark zombies.

Looking at the corpses of the Imperial Guards around them.

The next moment, Guo Xun was going to sit on the ground and cry loudly to the souls of the emperor's guards who died here.

"If you are the one who said it, I'm afraid you and I are the only ones left!"

Fan He opened his big mouth without skin around his teeth, widened his eyes without eyelid protection, and after the bloody battle, he made a big joke.

No matter how bad the situation was, Fan He would never admit that the thing in the basket on Guo Xun's back and the "Immortal Immortal" not far away were human beings of the same flesh and blood as himself.

No matter how deceptive their appearance may be.

Obviously, Fan He's joke did not make Guo Xun laugh out loud.

On the contrary, it made his eyes sore. If he didn't raise his head in time, pearls would fall from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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