Chapter 429 Immortal Man

And looked at the white light flashing in the corners of Guo Xun's eyes.

Fan He did not laugh at this rare moment of vulnerability for the general of Fujun Liuwei.

On the contrary, his face was solemn, and his eyes looked at the basket behind Guo Xun a little more wary.

This thing is so powerful.

It only took half a day, and even elite guards like Guo Xun could not escape the influence.

"No matter what, we have to send this shark girl away - to the court so that we can continue to pursue the conspiracy of the real fairy in the water."

Guo Xu looked around. He regretted that he had not listened to the reminders of those Qintian Supervisors. He should not act rashly for the time being and wait for subsequent reinforcements.

His pursuit of merit blinded him to the point where he was blind to all the weirdness and hidden dangers in this seemingly peaceful little fishing village.

"Is there no news from Qin Tian Jian yet?"

Fan He asked, and Guo Xun shook his head in reply.

In fact, when I thought about the tablets carried by the imperial army, in order to facilitate the emperor to contact them, the tablet engraved with "Lingxiao Shangqing Tong Lei Yuanyang Miaoyifeixuan Zhenjun" changed.

Guo Xun had a bad feeling in his heart.

What happened to the emperor?

Before he could get the result, the yellow-robed Taoist in front of him had already passed through the many carrion corpses of the sharks and came to the two of them.

"meet again--"

Looking at the two people on guard in front of them.

The yellow-robed Taoist had a strange smile on his face, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

His eyes swept over Guo Xun's face, his head stiffened, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

The eyes that vaguely revealed blood-red light rotated rapidly in his eye sockets, and finally rested on the basket behind Guo Xun where the precious shark girl was hidden.

"Master Guo."

"Who are you?"

Hearing the machine-like sound without any emotion from the other side, it sounded like one of those water-driven manufacturing machines in the Weaving Bureau.

Guo Xun felt a chill in his heart.

This is the instinctive disgust and fear in human genes towards those absolutely inhuman creatures that are hidden in human society.

"good question--"

The Taoist in front of him, who was called Changsheng Zhenren in awe by the locals, showed his pale teeth.

He said slowly, looking at the two people in front of him like a butcher looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

He slowly raised his hand and pointed at the basket behind Guo Xun.

Guo Xun subconsciously stepped back, letting the shark girl in the basket behind her avoid the sight of the immortal master in front of him.

"Jinling, quarrying... and now -"

Immortal Changsheng said, although he could no longer see the treasure that the immortal in the water behind Guo Xun longed for.

In order to raise qualified shark girls, he has been lurking here for hundreds of years.

Set up a safe zone, eliminate those uncontrollable factors, and then follow the legends to select, cross, and breed varieties, screen out inferior products, and then start over and over again...

But just when he was about to produce results and complete Master Sun En's mission to obtain the reward, these Mingren emerged from nowhere and tried to take away the most excellent mother body that he had finally cultivated. .

He should be angry, yes, he should be angry.

He pursed his lips and tried to make his face darker.

But it's a pity that since he followed that heavenly master and became a martyr to practice immortality.

He had forgotten what anger and joy felt like.

In the long years after escaping from the sea.

In addition to performing tasks and maintaining himself, these actions that are imprinted by immortal magic and exist like instinct in his immortal body that only needs to eat wind and drink dew. He barely felt any meaning in living.

Although it is not surprising, after all, most of the methods of immortality in this world are like this.

The more similar it is to the walking dead, the greater the chance of success for a spell that can make the body immortal.

Although he gained immortality, he didn't think there was any difference between living and dying.

This is also the reason why the Immortal Man under Sun Tianshi was able to shock the Three Wus, and made the Jin army under Sima Daozi fearful before the Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty was born.

If you don’t know what life is, you will naturally have no fear of death.

What's more, the Immortal Army, without exception, all practice the Five Dou Spell.

Those dignitaries in the Jin Court who were greedy for power and wealth in the world could not be suppressed for a while, which was just as it should be.

He is not someone who likes to dwell on the past.

But since he "gained the Tao", the dead memories in his mind would suddenly appear and attack him from time to time.

"The gods in the sea and the humans and gods on the earth were the absolute protagonists in that war... They took away too much sight. But unfortunately, I had already followed Sun Tianshi in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and I had already developed the ability to have a photographic memory."

The yellow-robed Taoist in front of him said in emotionless words.

Although Guo Xun couldn't understand why the Taoist in front of him wanted to tell him this.

But at least if you delay for a while, there will be more hope for life.

I hope Qin Tian Jian can arrive in time.

For the first time, Guo Xun tried to believe in the power of the extremely complex Qin Tianjian who came from wealthy families and many aristocratic families from all over the world.

After all, in the past many years, although the Ming court and these local wealthy families could not be called enemies, they were definitely not friends.

The prerequisite for the two to live in peace was the Ming court's fiscal deficit, which continued year after year, and the rapid development of coastal industry and commerce.

"That's a really good skill——"

Guo Xun replied.

He sarcastically said that the demon in front of him had already lost his soul in the process of practicing demon magic.

But obviously, listening to Guo Xun's sarcasm, the demon in front of him was unmoved.

"Put down the same shark girl - I can give you a pleasure."

The yellow-robed Taoist slowly pulled out a long rope wrapped with red thread from his waist.

The Five Pecks of Rice approach does not advocate killing to stop killing.

Compared with those who like to destroy their enemies physically, creating the peaceful path of Huang Tian's prosperity.

The Five Dou Rice Cult knows better how to play with human souls.

This is why even though they continue to set off rebellions one after another, they are still tolerated by rulers of all generations and are not forever defined as a heretical and evil party like the Taiping Dao.

The kingdom of heaven they want to build is not on earth. On the contrary, the kingdom of heaven is already there.

As long as you practice devoutly, you can abandon your mortal body, go to heaven, and realize great freedom and ease.

The Taoist in yellow looked at the man in front of him who suddenly laughed loudly.

Although this life is as short as an ant's, it will soon disappear in his own hands.

But for some reason, a trace of undetectable envy flashed through his heart.

And the halberd that was full of gaps and blood stains caused a flash of struggle and biological instinctive fear in his eyes.


Guo Xun stopped laughing.

His face was cold, and he waved the halberd in his hand, glowing coldly in the sunlight.

"Since you dare to show up, you must be prepared to die."

(End of this chapter)

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