Chapter 449 Ryukyu

"What exactly is a sorcerer?"

The surging river water, accompanied by the dragon girl's narration, brought them to the wild ancient times and the warring states with constant disputes.

But in this era, the blood of the nobles who should have been the victors has been slaughtered.

On the contrary, the inheritance of alchemists has been inherited and carried forward by various Taoists in various forms.

Become a famous scholar in the world.

"Astrology, sacrifice, blessing...primitive witchcraft..."

The dragon girl thought for a moment and came to her conclusion.

"Countless ancient witchcrafts have been transformed into different forms and blended together to form the alchemist——"

"In the process of evolution of Taoism, it did draw lessons from the views of some Qi practitioners."

Zhang Fawei added on the sidelines that in fact, the Taoist priests borrowed far more than one point of view on Qi refining——

The dragon girl shook her head.

Zhang Daoling used the method of rectifying the alliance and beating them all into sacrifices to serve the ghosts of the Six Heavens.

"How about Ryukyu and Japan's Fang Xiandao?"

It is difficult to say how many of these primitive witchcraft religions that suddenly flourished in the local area after the Qin and Han Dynasties were the products of the fleeing Fangxian Taoist sect that changed its skin.

Actually, what she didn't say was.

"However, when Patriarch Zhang Daoling cleaned up the remnants of the Six Heavens Old Qi, he also cleaned up these Fangxian Dao."

Zhu Houcong suddenly asked.

If we talk about it in detail, the barbarian countries around the Ming Dynasty are full of so-called Fangxian Dao.

"I have heard rumors that Fang Xiandao is preaching in the local area, but I have never seen it with my own eyes."

Then these Qin and Han alchemists once again stood on the wrong side in the internal struggle within the Taoist sect.

Shark Girl replied.

Zhu Houcong roughly understood what the decline of Fang Xiandao was about.

He is best at communicating with gods, preparing herbal medicine, and communicating with gods in dreams.

How could anyone be so unlucky? It’s outrageous!

"How about the Overseas Immortal Cult?"

This method is actually common in the vassal countries surrounding the Ming Dynasty.

After all, Fang Xiandao was born out of ancient witchcraft.

Zhu Houcong vaguely felt that these Fang Xiandao had offended something unclean.

Qin Ting killed the chicken to get the eggs, but Huang Lao Zhi Shu, which flourished in the early Han Dynasty, took the opportunity to incorporate him.

After all, the Taoist sect’s founder, Li Erta, was also the founder of the Pre-Qin Fangxian Tao.

"Compared to the Ming Dynasty, which has been completely dominated by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, it is indeed prosperous."

simply put.


Several people landed on the coast of Ryukyu.

Because Japan in the north now has too much time to take care of itself and is mired in civil strife.

There was no time to send soldiers to force Ryukyu to pay tribute.

The Japanese pirates that have been harassing the Ryukyu coast all year round have stopped a lot because of the recent attack by the Ming fleet and the news that Wang Heng was defeated and captured.

And with the arrival of Akito's mission, there was a brief prosperity along the Ryukyu coast.

When Zhu Houcong and others were waiting for them to land, the ships that could not be seen even made it impossible for them to get off the ground.

"Just say goodbye!"

Li Shunmin looked at Zhu Houcong and his party who finally found a place to land, and answered with cupped hands.

Zhu Houcong waved with a smile to express a safe journey.

Watching a group of Korean fishermen and Japanese samurai disappear into the blue waves in front of them.

Zhu Houcong felt a little sad.

That is to say, they carried him, otherwise who knows how many lives they would have lost along the way.

"Go to the teahouse first to listen to the situation -" Zhu Houcong said.

Gao Lin touched the broken silver in his arms.

At this point, Ming Dynasty banknotes are not suitable for use in public places.

After all, this place is beyond the reach of the Ming court. Those who can possess Ming treasures are either rich or noble, which will naturally arouse the covetousness of many desperadoes.

These wandering warriors and pirates who lost all their land and property for various reasons had no taboos in their behavior. Anyway, they would leave the place quickly after plundering the money, without fear of possible revenge from local snakes.

"Yichun Tower——"

After giving two coins to find a local smuggler to lead the way.

Zhu Houcong quickly found this newly opened restaurant here last month.

This is also one of the secret strongholds set up by the Ministry of Rites in Ryukyu.

On the surface it is a restaurant, but secretly it is also doing some money-laundering business for local Ryukyu dignitaries and wealthy businessmen who come to trade here.

Real money and silver were exchanged for various Ming Dynasty maritime trade dividends and Ming Dynasty treasure notes.

This is why the Ryukyu Kingdom in this time period was able to annex the Kingdom of Ghost Tiger at a faster rate than in history.

When King Naomi of Ryukyu conquered the Kingdom of Ghost Tiger, annexed Miyako Island, Yaeyama Islands and other places, and basically established the territory of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Akito's financial support and various arms trade greatly enhanced the power of the Ryukyu army. power.

Even in the face of the rebel army supported by some Japanese, they were able to advance steadily and completely conquer this ancient country that had been harassing the border for more than 200 years.

In order to express his gratitude to the Ming Dynasty for supporting him in the war.

King Shangzhen went to court many times, hoping to be canonized by the new Ming emperor after Wu Zong.

One of the important tasks of Liu Qingyuan and others when they came to Ryukyu was to announce the imperial edict in front of everyone, canonizing King Shang Zhen as the only legal royal family in Ryukyu.

"Stay two nights and wait for the spies from the Ministry of Etiquette to collect enough information before we leave."

Zhu Houcong said.

After Gao Lin went to convey the order to the Ministry of Rites.

Zhu Houcong looked at Zhang Fawei who was ordering food in front of him and said.

"Daozhang Zhang, the rest will be troublesome."

"It's your job."

Feeling Zhu Houcong's gaze, Zhang Fawei, who had just accidentally ordered a bunch of dishes, stroked his beard in embarrassment and replied.

"I think their home-brewed shochu is pretty good..."

"Taoist priest, please do as you please."

Looking at the drunkard Taoist in front of him, Zhu Houcong felt that this strange old man was quite interesting.

Custodes are not allowed to drink alcohol while on duty.

However, Zhang Fawei's subordinate Qin Tian Jian did not have this rule.

With Zhu Houcong's permission, Zhang Fawei was overjoyed and immediately asked the waiter next to him who was fluent in Mandarin to bring two more jars.

Few people know that shochu is a specialty of Japan.

But the origin is Ryukyu.

Zhang Fawei had drank a lot of shochu brewed by the Japanese, but apparently, it was the original flavor of Ryukyu shochu that made him more interested.

Gao Lin saw such a scene when he came back.

The young man silently watched the fishing boats coming in and out of the harbor outside the restaurant, and occasionally picked up a piece of fish meat and put it into his mouth.

Zhang Fawei, on the other hand, did not eat food and only drank heavily.

The method of cultivation often involves communicating with the true God, and wine has been the best material for communicating with the gods since ancient times.

As a result, Zhang Fawei developed a habit of drinking heavily.

That is to say, during this period of time in Qintian Prison, there was either a heavenly master sitting in charge or following the emperor on expeditions here and there.

He rarely has the opportunity to let himself go and have a drink.

Moreover, during this trip eastward, most of the elite disciples from Longhu Mountain he brought with him were lost in the Han tombs. Even the successors he valued most died like ants under the witchcraft of the six-day ghosts and gods.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sob while drinking heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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