Chapter 450 Boat

Looking at the old Taoist who was crying loudly in front of him.

Zhu Houcong sighed.

However, there was no other way but to work with Gao Lin to persuade him to accept his condolences.

"It made His Majesty laugh."

Soon Zhang Fawei regained control of his emotions.

Seeing the diners around him looking sideways, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

"It's okay! Is there any news from the Ministry of Etiquette——"

Zhu Houcong took out a handkerchief and wiped the drink that had just splashed on his hand. This handkerchief was embroidered by Su Ziping before she heard that he left the palace. The little fox embroidered on it was particularly cute.

"The Ministry of Rites has no clue about these alchemists who may be manipulating the pirates to attack our Ming fleet behind the scenes, but Li Fucheng, who is in charge of this matter, has promised to send someone to quickly verify the matter."

It is said that it has been published in no less than four or five languages ​​and is widely praised by merchants at home and abroad.

Fan He drank two bowls of wine and then swallowed half a catty of freshly cooked dried mutton.

"It is said that when the Tang Dynasty compiled historical materials of the Sui Dynasty, the Sui people called Ryukyu Liuqiu, which means "like a dragon floating on the water." Later, the three mountains were unified, and the royal family here even called themselves the descendants of the dragon..."

"We found three boat companies, but none of them dared to take our order. They all said that there are big fish in the north recently, and we won't be able to go to sea until next month at the earliest——"

Looking at Zhang Fawei on the side with some confusion, this old Taoist priest who was highly respected along the way had red eyes at the moment.

Just now he patted his belly as if he had come back to life again.

Zhu Houcong told him not to be restrained and to sit down and fill his stomach first.

But this is not something that a pawn like him should care about, he said to Zhu Houcong.

Looking at this Tieling garrison, he was covered in dust.

Zhu Houcong glanced at Gao Lin, and Gao Lin, who was taking advantage of the opportunity to eat fiercely, also looked confused.

Gao Lin took out a stack of Hai Guo Tu Zhi's monthly magazine compiled by the Ministry of Rites from his pocket.

Obviously, this is not included in the report of the Ministry of Rites.

Every month, the fleet of the Ministry of Rites will collect the information collected from various bases, compile it into a book, and publish it.

" is said that that thing is related to the Ryukyu royal family."

"And there are indeed signs of some kind of civil strife within the Hai Clan. As a result, the Franji people in Luzon even split up and got into a fight, but the scale was not large-"

Gao Lin said.

At this moment, with a brief sound of footsteps, Fan He, who had just gone to the port to look for a suitable fishing boat to go to sea, came over.

Zhu Houcong wanted to hear what was going on.

Fan He lowered his voice and spoke to several people.

"Big fish?"

Knowing in advance that a civil strife or war has occurred in a certain country you are traveling to... even a month or two late is enough for many people to avoid a lot of losses.

Listen to Fan He's story.

Zhu Houcong understood what was going on.

It is said that in the 18th year of Hongwu's reign, Ryukyu was divided. Zhu Yuanzhang divided the Ryukyu gold seal into three, one for the king of Shannan, one for the king of Shanbei, and one for the king of Shanzhong.

After King Shannan claimed to be the god Amo Miku, he was able to control dragons and was the orthodox ruler of Ryukyu.

Later, the king of the mountain annexed the king of the north of the mountain, and then the king of the south of the mountain.

The king of Shannan, Tarume, was ordered to be executed by the Ryukyu king Shobashi, but his heirs took advantage of the chaos and fled without a trace. Last year, when King Shangzhen put down the rebellion and regained the islands of the Ghost Kingdom, the war began and he found that the other side had dragons to help him. The army was shocked, and several warships were overturned, and they fled north in confusion.

Later, the local officials of the Ministry of Rites realized that something was wrong and immediately wrote to the court, requesting the court to immediately sell 20 "polu cannons", thousands of rounds of ammunition, and more than a thousand muskets to the Ryukyu royal family. Paying tribute, loyal vassal states are at risk of being wiped out by "barbarians".

When the Ming court's firearms were in place, local officials from the Ministry of Rites went south to Luzon at their own expense to recruit a large number of Frankie musketeers to assist the Ryukyu king in using firearms.

The rebels had just been defeated in one fell swoop.

The prince of Shannan was killed in the rebellion, and the dragon escaped, causing today's harm.

Moreover, Zhu Houcong only gave the ships a rough location and asked them to stay at sea for several months.

Although Fan He said that he could buy their boats, not many people dared to go to sea at the risk of being swallowed by the dragon.

"Would you like the Ministry of Rites to allocate some sailors to take us to the Penglai Immortal Island?"

Gao Lin asked carefully.

Zhu Houcong shook his head.

"Every ship that went to find the Immortal Island under the order of the imperial court failed in the end for various reasons - this is a lesson learned by the Han people. The relationship between Sanshan and Tianming is probably more complicated than we imagined. To be cautious, It’s better to requisition civilian ships as much as possible.”

After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, several people fell silent.

The efforts made by the Han people in seeking the Three Mountains were no less than those of the First Emperor.

They even directly sent troops to occupy Liaodong and North Korea and set up counties.

The resources they can mobilize are much greater than those of the First Emperor.

But in the end, it was not even as good as the results achieved by the First Emperor.


Then, Zhang Fawei suddenly spoke.

"If I can't do it in the name of the imperial court, then I can gather believers overseas in the name of Tianshi Tao. Maybe I can recruit enough sailors."

Since the Five Dynasties, soldiers and civilians in the south during the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties took advantage of the rise of maritime trade to escape war and fled to the Philippines, Malaysia and other places. They gathered as bandits or set up their own kings. There were many immigrants who traded with China.

The maritime prohibition policies of past dynasties were often aimed at combating these overseas giant pirates and small independent countries that did not accept the king's rule.

Trying to starve each other out through trade wars.

Because most of these people are fishermen and wealthy businessmen in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, they mostly believe in southern witchcraft beliefs such as Mazu's soul boy.

Longhu Mountain is located in Jiangxi and has a very close relationship with these folk beliefs.

Many times the techniques used by these folk sects are taken from the classics of Lingbao Zhengyi or certain sects of Buddhism.

He is extremely good at the method of inviting heavenly soldiers and generals to take over the body, which is prohibited by Taoism.

Although Taoists call it evil magic.

But in many cases, it is not like Zhang Daoling led his people to exterminate the Six-day Faith, gathering believers to carry out bloody suppression and eliminate these evil ways that use witchcraft.

Longhu Mountain still has some prestige in front of these sects.

It is not difficult for Zhang Fawei, a great Ming Dao, to gather enough sailors.

"That's all the remaining ships."

Zhu Houcong asked.

Fan He raised his hand at this time and said that if you don't consider sailors, it is not difficult to get a boat.

"The ship on this trip will be wandering at sea for several months. To be on the safe side, let the Ministry of Rites order the King of Ryukyu to draw a map of the North Sea and give it to us. After killing the evil dragon, we will pack up the luggage and search for the Sanshan Fairy Island in the area indicated by the star track. .”

(End of this chapter)

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