Chapter 467 Three Heads

My mother is full of energy.

Zhu Houcong was naturally relatively happy.

But he was also worried about what fancy chores his mother would do for him out of boredom.

For example, killing a few ministers and concubines whom she was unhappy with.

Zhu Houcong never dared to underestimate this woman.

Among all the concubines of King Xingxian, it is already clear that only her children survived to adulthood.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. After the last incident, the Queen Mother has been much kinder to the concubines in each palace recently. Now every seven days, the princes from each palace go to visit the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother also loves her grandchildren very much——"

After all, they were all her own grandchildren, and Empress Dowager Jiang would not do anything to their mother even for their sake.

"The factory guards supervise all the ministries in the palace and should not make the same mistakes as before..."

"I will reflect on myself every day."

Huang Jin waited quietly on the side.

Huang Jin watched 'Zhu Houcong' merge into the darkness again.

Sigh slightly.

At this moment, he looked up at the sky.

Along with a huge tornado, the sun, moon and stars in the sky began to move along with the secret words of the ancient Taoist wizards who served the emperor in the Han Dynasty.

'Zhu Houcong' walked out of the darkroom, and his face regained that ultimate calmness.

The light of the Zhenwu Demon-Suppressing Statue beside him has also dimmed at this moment.

Until a burst of brisk footsteps sounded from in front of him.

"The red sun will rise tomorrow, and it will still be in line with the clouds!"

As the stars are rearranged.

At this moment, Zhu Houcong also completed all the arrangements for his departure to collect the magic medicine.

The cold wind blew through Huang Jin's thin black and red prison uniform.

The emperor is Xiyuan, and Xiyuan is the emperor.

At this moment, the Ming court welcomed his real master.


Huang Jin replied.

Because the 'Emperor' in front of him is the true form of Xiyuan Formation.

After dealing with the traces left by Zhu Changning in the array.

It seemed that nothing in the world could shake his mind anymore.

He once again realized that the 'Emperor' in front of him had been replaced by those terrifying inhuman things.

It made him feel a bit chilly in his heart unconsciously.

A huge fairy island slowly rose from the mist.

It was a colorful fairy island with countless beautiful birds singing.

Zhu Houcong stood on the bow of the boat, watching the red sun break on the horizon, and the man and god who had just returned from Xiyuan sang with emotion.

The worship of the sun reached its peak during the Han Dynasty.

In the pre-Qin era, people believed that there was a single true god in the world.

However, later with the development of Chinese religious doctrines, Taoism and Buddhism began to gradually complete their own systems.

The only true God is submerged among the various 'created' gods.

But those great beings older than humanity do not need people's worship and awe.

Their existence there is as unshakable as the rotation of the sun, moon and stars.

They are the most ancient existence, the only ones in the world that cannot be shaken by words——


Zhang Fawei whispered beside Zhu Houcong.

He saw the only statue enshrined on the highest mountain on the fairy island.

The statue is majestic and majestic, like a god resurrected. And the flamingo circling above his head was entangled with a fire wheel, which made Daomen's mind slightly shaken.

"Gao Lin! You and your people stay here -"

Zhu Houcong turned around and said.

His consciousness can now spread to a radius of thousands of miles, and he clearly feels that fleets flying the sun and moon flags hundreds of miles away are heading here at the moment.

Gao Lin didn't dare to neglect.

Although the emperor who suddenly started singing Taizu's legacy in the past looked a little strange.

He didn't know that Zhu Houcong had just arrived from Xiyuan.

They were also worried that the manpower and material resources consumed in this Northern Expedition would place an unbearable burden on the people of the newly revived empire.

But after all, the war will continue, and Ming Ting has determined to completely take away their old rival in the north no matter what the cost.

The chariots have started to move, the army has completed mobilization, and there is no possibility of relaxation.

Zhu Houcong flew into the fairy mountain in front of him.

"When the fleet arrives, let them stay on the island!"

Gao Lin didn't understand the meaning of Zhu Houcong's words at first, until he looked at the terrifying monsters emerging from the sea after various sea tribes died and turned into ghosts, swimming towards the three mountains.

Only then did he realize what Zhu Houcong was worried about.

However, Zhu Houcong had calculated the time in advance. When the corpses arrived, the Ming army had already completed their formation and supplies.

Soon, these undead evil spirits summoned by Sun En will appreciate the power of the Ming Court's newly equipped 'artificial sky mines' and various artillery.


Ancient, wild——

This was the first impression left in Zhu Houcong's mind when he stepped into this mountain.

Zhang Fawei and Fan He followed behind him.

After witnessing the power of the Emperor along the way.

They knew very well that following Zhu Houcong obediently was the best way to survive on this unpredictable fairy mountain.

Fairy Island seems vast, but once you step onto the island, all you see are endless emerald-green mountains and cliffs.

The mountains on both sides pierce the sky like sharp knives and are covered with all kinds of strange-shaped plants. Looking at the leaves that look like giant teeth, it is impossible for ordinary people to stand on them.

"This visitor from the outside world, I don't know what you want when you land on the island?"

Walking in the only valley leading to the center of the island, unexpectedly it was not covered by those terrifying giant plants.

Instead, there are exposed loess and gravel roads.

People walking in the valley frowned unconsciously when they heard the sound of stones under their feet.

The shadows covered by trees on the mountains on both sides seemed to hide many giant beasts that chose to devour people.

It makes people tremble unconsciously.

The three-headed monster in front of him was smiling broadly.

It blocks the path that Zhu Houcong and others must pass.

As the gatekeeper who protects the fairy island, he drives out all "inappropriate" outsiders from this wild land that civilization can never reach.

"I came here to ask for the elixir!"

Zhu Houcong felt a rare sense of crisis in his heart when he looked at the things in front of him.

The eyes exposed by those furry skins flashed with cold light.

His soul was subconsciously shaken.

He said.

The monster in front of him, who looked like a human but not a human, and looked like an animal but not an animal, narrowed his eyes in pleasure when he heard this.

It stared at the group of intruders in front of it who had once again stepped into this place for the shameful desires of mankind after a thousand years, and carefully concealed its fangs that could not wait to crush bones, chew nerves, and devour flesh and blood.

Zhang Fawei, who was behind Zhu Houcong, seemed to recognize something and wanted to remind him.

But he was quickly silenced by Zhu Houcong.

(End of this chapter)

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