Chapter 468 May

"What month is it now—"

Zhu Houcong looked at the three-headed monster in front of him and asked.

The three monsters in front of me heard the words, one was compassionate, one was angry, and the other was gloomy.

At this moment, they all answered in unison.

"May! May! It's May!"

"What a monster-"

Fan He cursed beside Zhang Fawei in a low voice.

The strange bird that looked like a wine bottle placed on the table seemed to be feeling something at this moment.

Its gloomy face turned to Fan He, and the sinister smile on its face startled the Tieling warrior.

The flashing fangs in the mouth and the sharp teeth surrounding it seemed to be tasting the delicious taste of Fanhe's flesh and blood in the void.

Trying to find some loopholes in it.

It was unwilling to look up and down at the roll of silk in front of it, which was originally supposed to be buried deep in the ground forever according to the prophecy.

But unfortunately, as time goes by, it can only put down the silk in anger.

It said to Zhu Houcong.

This is unquestionably authentic.

The monster answered.

Zhu Houcong did not understand the hint.

He has read the above content in advance.

"Did you come here with some silk-"

Obviously, it doesn't know that there is such a thing as a storage bag in the world.

Therefore, when Zhu Houcong handed it the silk, its eyes were still staring at Zhu Houcong's right hand, trying to figure out what method the person in front of it had used to hide the token.

Zhu Houcong took out the page of silk found in a Han tomb that had survived thousands of years of wind and frost.

But since Zhang Fawei has seen what the thing in front of him is, there is no need for him to continue to expend any effort.

The smile on the compassionate face is pitiful, while the smile on the angry face is ferocious, and the smile on the sinister face is terrifying.

"If you say that the Fairy Island is opening this time, there were indeed two people who landed on the island before you -"

"Has anyone landed on the island before us——"

"Of course."

Zhang Fawei took a step back, took out the Eight Treasure Mirror, and subconsciously pointed it at the evil beast in front of him.

Zhu Houcong looked at the three heads of the monster and took turns looking at the words on the silk.

It roughly tells about the changes in solar terms in a certain place in a certain year, and finally vaguely hints at the identity of the thing in front of you.

He saw the smile on the face of the monster in front of him stiffen.

According to the contract, as long as I can take out this thing, not only can I not ask the other party questions, but I also have to answer the other party's three questions.

And you must tell everything you know.

"But if you go further back, there will be more. For example, the most recent time was 125 years ago. An eminent monk once traveled eastward and tried to obtain the secret of this fairy island——"

125 years ago.

Zhu Houcong calculated this time carefully.

Probably what it looked like in the 278th year of Hongwu.

As for the eminent monk...

Zhu Houcong really didn't know any famous eminent monks in the Hongwu Dynasty.

"How did he land on the island without a token—"

Zhu Houcong keenly noticed that when recalling that period of history, the three faces of the monsters in front of him showed a look of unnaturalness without exception.

Without exception, their eyes turned to Zhu Houcong's feet.

Zhu Houcong keenly noticed that the loess under his feet did not seem to fit very well with the surrounding green mountains.

In fact, he had long noticed that there was something wrong with the color of the loess and gravel in this valley.

It looked like it had just been dug out of the ground a second ago. "The method of entry is different each time..."

The thing in front of him had flickering eyes and vague words.

Zhu Houcong seemed to have guessed his identity.

"Like you look different every time?"

Zhu Houcong said.

The three monsters in front of him were silent.

"It's already May and this is just the beginning..."

The gears of this island called Penglai Immortal Island have begun to turn.

Re-prun the tangled knot of fate.

"This is the first time Penglai has appeared in front of the world."

Thinking of the records about the ferocious beast in front of him, Zhu Houcong asked the second question.

"The fifth time - but there are far more than five people who have been here."

The monster in front of him realized the danger.

After all, this kind of drama has been repeated many times before.

"You'd better not have any thoughts about me that you shouldn't have, I'm warning you!"


Zhu Houcong answered ambiguously. The young man in front of him was subconsciously nervous when he looked at the thing in front of him.

"Is it possible for me to get the magic medicine? This is the last question-"

The three-headed monster felt a surge of pain in its throat.

It had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and the young man in front of it barely concealed the malice in his words.

He did not mention at all the issue of how to pass his own test and enter the interior of the Fairy Island.

Likewise, it has encountered this kind of drama more than once.

And the most recent time, the beautiful Penglai Island has added a scar that runs through the entire island.

But the constraints of the contract prevented it from answering Zhu Houcong's questions honestly.

"It's possible...the elixir is there after all, if you have enough perseverance."

At this point, when it realized that the life span of mortals was limited and it was impossible to wait until that day, it once again gained confidence.

"I can help you. The latest elixir will have to wait another hundred and fifty years for it to mature... Since you can find this place, you obviously know how that thing is made. If you make a contract with me, I can Provide you with more clues and share the elixir with you."

It extended an olive branch, but the young man in front of him shook his head.

"Forget it, I still want to live a few more years - but I guess the flow of time here is different from the outside world."

Zhu Houcong is all too familiar with this feeling.

That kind of vague feeling of rejection that makes people feel like they have a ray of light on their backs.

The ubiquitous surveillance just shows that Penglai is in another world.

This is probably the reason why elixir cannot be found using ordinary means.

The brand-new soil on the ground pointed out to Zhu Houcong another way to obtain the elixir.

The old ways can never be trusted.

After all, Zhu Houcong had never heard of anyone who actually found the elixir in Penglai and became immortal.

The last person who dared to open the Grand Canyon here must have thought the same way.

Since the original path doesn't work, it's better to change the way of thinking.

"The first month is Zou, the second month is Ru, the third month is Zuo, the fourth month is Yu, the fifth month is Gao, the sixth month is Qie, the seventh month is Xiang, the eighth month is Zhuang, the ninth month is Xuan, and the tenth month is Yang. November is Gu, December is Tu..."

It seems that the Chu people lived in the wild land of the south which was not yet fully developed at that time.

Therefore, there are more detailed records than other countries about the various strange beasts and demons that were entrenched on the earth at that time.

The Chu people used their fearless courage to finally eliminate all the demons in the south, and recorded them all in the vast Chu silk books.

(End of this chapter)

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