Chapter 140: Clear Wuyang Laowu!

The ten seconds came quickly, and Lin Xiao shouted loudly in the team channel.

"Come in!"

But after waiting for a few seconds, he still didn't hear the sound of the guzheng.

"A team of Broken Dreams, you are one, come in!"

Lin Xiao was immediately shocked. Did this team of Broken Dreams forget that they were taking turns to score? Why were they still playing output in the midfield?

Seeing that there were only the last five seconds left, Lin Xiao just wanted to curse.

His conductor has been very careful. Basically every mechanism will be reported in advance and how to deal with it. Why are there always such players who can't even understand the music score?

"One, a team of Broken Dreams, stop typing and start playing the music, brother!"

Everyone in the group turned their attention to Broken Meng.

With a bright head on his head, why didn't he know that he was going to enter the piano score?
Finally, with only the last three seconds left, Sui Meng realized what he was doing and rushed towards his music score.

Two consecutive endless flashes and a light skill rushed in.

Lin Xiao frowned with dissatisfaction.

Now that he has the music score and a hammer to use, two seconds is not enough to move the mechanism!

"Everyone entered the score together in the last two seconds, filling all the positions on the score!"

Lin Xiao was really at his wits end and had no choice but to play doctor. He asked everyone to read the music score in the last two seconds to see if they could find a bug in the game.

However, he didn't expect that he actually succeeded in skipping class!
In the last two seconds, everyone rushed into the music score together, waiting for the BOSS's thunder from the sky.

However, BOSS not only did not jump up, but said with appreciation.

"Not bad!"

The next moment, everyone's screens shattered again, and Lord Lei Yin entered a weak state again.

All outputs were immediately thrown at the BOSS with all kinds of skills.

In the weak state, skill damage is basically doubled. As long as you can enter the weak state, you can deal tons of damage to the BOSS.

The second wave of weakness combined, and the BOSS's health reached 40%!

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the time in the upper left corner. There were about 200 seconds left, and then looked at the blood volume.

It is estimated that one wave of piano music is definitely not enough. Their group's output is already very strong, but one wave of groups can only suppress 30% of the blood.

Lin Xiao once tried to clear the limit time limit in Wuyang City, but he got stuck on the violent line in the last few seconds.

He was very impressed. The Master Lei Yin actually had a total of four waves of music scores. After all four waves of music scores were cleared, there was still about 30 seconds of output time.

No matter how hard they squeeze the output of their group, they will still be behind the four waves.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, they still have a chance to survive now, and it's not completely hopeless!

After the weak state ended, the Leiyin Envoy resumed his previous attack, and a team of deputy T Hanhan quickly took over the BOSS's hatred with a lion's roar.

Then came the cycle mechanism just now, the white line, the smile of the world palm and the exchange of hatred for hatred.

After this wave, the critical first wave came. The BOSS had only one health left.

That is about 16%.

Lin Xiao glanced at the countdown and shook his head helplessly. This wave of music scores should be entered honestly according to the rules. If something goes wrong again, it will be over!
This wave of music scores that Lin Xiao and Qing were interested in, Lin Xiao hurriedly sent out the music scores.

One emblem, three merchants and five jiao.

Next is Ji Tiantian’s piano score.

The second business, the fourth feather, the sixth palace.

Starting from the third wave, instead of one person distributing the music scores, two people were distributing them together, each with half of the scores, namely [-], [-], [-] and [-], [-], [-], respectively.

Lin Xiao glanced at the music score and said in a deep voice. "Four, five, six, feather, horn, palace!"

"Keep an eye on the words on your head, feathers, and horns. Now go and stand next to the music score. I'll call you later!"

In this wave, Lin Xiao really didn't dare to let people in the big group be greedy for output.

I don’t know what happened in the last wave. Broken Dream couldn’t hear any sound. I had to wait until the last three seconds to enter the music score, which almost caused everyone to die.

He would rather lower his output this time than have everyone make problems that shouldn't happen.

We have already reached this stage, how could something go wrong due to the mechanics?

The countdown came to 20 seconds, and Lin Xiao began to direct the people who entered the music score.

"Come in!"

After saying that, Lin Xiao walked directly into his music score, and a familiar guzheng sound came to Lin Xiao's ears.

"Go two! Go three! Go four! Go five! Go six!"

The continuous sound of the guzheng came to Lin Xiao's mind on his mobile phone. When all six people stood in the music score, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

With the output of their group, they will definitely be able to defeat this BOSS before the next wave enters the musical score. Therefore, this is the last wave of musical scores, and there cannot be any small mistakes!

"Don't be in a hurry to come out after you go in. The last wave of music scores, just hold on and this wave will pass!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly in the team channel. He was really afraid that someone would rush out and cause this wave of group destruction.

This wave is about to pass!

Soon, the countdown was combined, and the BOSS's satisfied voice reached Lin Xiao's ears.

"Not bad!"

The next moment, BOSS entered a weak state. This was BOSS's third wave of weakness and the last wave of weakness.

Everyone tried their best to attack the BOSS, and despite their weakness, the BOSS's health was reduced to 5%!

Seeing the BOSS's HP, Lin Xiao's face was filled with smiles.

This wave is really going to pass!

He hurriedly said loudly in the team channel.

"Output with all your strength. The ghost claw mechanism won't have to move later. Su Wen will just pull the ball out and save whoever falls. We will crush the BOSS to death in one wave!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone continued their crazy output, and finally succeeded in defeating the Thunder Envoy in front of Ghost Claw's mechanism!

The next moment, the personal reward for clearing the level appeared in front of you.

Lin Xiao opened his personal reward, and a 75-level statue weapon appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"Damn it, graduation weapon!"

He shouted excitedly.

This wave has really taken off. The 75-level statue weapon is the most satisfying equipment for Lin Xiao.

After all, Lin Xiao is not planning to make an orange weapon, so the 75-level Bailian Qin is already perfect.

The next step for him is to get together some unique equipment!

"Damn it, two unique treasures plus a Suwen weapon and a foreign skill necklace!"

"Take off! These 75's are so powerful!"

"Thunder drum fingers are really powerful. This should be the current version of graduation equipment!"

"Our car is a little red. In the front, no one came out, but now there are two!"

In the team channel, everyone was smiling as they looked at the rising prices of unique equipment and external skill necklaces.

However, at this moment, a team named Suwen Xiyao silently sent the entire team to the team channel.

(End of this chapter)

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