Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 141 The outrageous damage caused by the statue

Chapter 141 The outrageous damage caused by the statue

"Damn it, is the damage of the idol so high?"

"It's simply outrageous. The damage is directly interrupted. This is too fierce!"

"It's a pity. I saw the team leader scored three waves of output in a row, otherwise the damage per second should have exceeded 9!"

"This output is also very powerful. Damn it, it's twice as powerful as mine!"

Looking at the instant damage settlement panel after the game, everyone was stunned. They really didn't expect that Lin Ameng and Ningshuang's damage was so outrageous!

Ranking first is Lin Xiao’s idol, Lin Ameng, with 8.2 injuries per second.

Ranked second is Ningshuang's statue, which deals 7.75 damage per second.

The damage of these two idols is very stable. They are basically in the top three of the team every time, and rarely fall out of the top three of the team!

Ranking third is Qing Youyi’s Broken Dream, which deals 7.32 damage per second.

Even though Qing Youyi's score is very high, even about 2000 higher than that of Lin Xiao's statue, her damage is still far less than that of a statue with simple operation and perfect output environment.

In the realization stage, Broken Dream can earn more than 7, which is already a super boss.

The main reason for Broken Dream is that it is too brittle, and it is a melee damage dealer with no life-saving skills. Basically, the boss will kill Broken Dream with just one skill.

The highlight of this profession is that it requires damage at the expense of life. It does not have any life-saving skills at all. It relies on the endless dodge displacement and avoidance skills. It relies entirely on tricks!
The fourth and fifth ranked ones are all Nine Spirits, and when they get here, their injuries start to fall off a cliff.

It seems that the gap between the injuries of the top three people is not much more than one second.

But when it comes to the fourth and fifth Jiuling, the damage per second can barely reach over 5, one is 5.1 and the other is 5.2!
A teacher taught by Master Jiuling cannot break the defense!

Ranked sixth is the Broken Dream of the first team, with 4.97, just shy of breaking through 5.

Before the fight started, he didn't dare to say that he was the one doing the most damage in the group, but he should at least be in the top four.

Unexpectedly, let alone the top four, not even the top five!
With 4.97 damage per second, he originally thought he was a high output player.

Unexpectedly, compared with the Broken Dreams of the second team of the God Idol, they are simply a younger brother among younger brothers!

The most miserable ones are the two brothers from the Jade Blood Camp. Ranking seventh and eighth are the two blood rivers from the Jade Blood Camp, with an output of only about 4.3.

In fact, this output is the normal output of the entry team. Generally, wild groups have this output, which is between [-] and [-].

If the team's strength in the wild can reach more than 5, it is already a powerful output.

As for Lin Xiao, Ningshuang and Qing intend to output 7 to 8, which is a super big player, the kind of player who can lead a group with three people!
Lin Xiao glanced at his output and couldn't help but laugh.

He thought his output was only in the early 7s, because that was the amount of damage he did when he hit wooden stakes.

But I didn't expect that when the team started fighting, the output completely changed.

He could clearly feel that it was much easier to hit than to drive a wooden stake.

What Lin Xiao didn't know was that there was no BUFF for a single wooden stake, but when Lin Xiao formed a team, he got Jiuling's Spirit Guiding Array BUFF, Su Wen's Xichun BUFF, plus his own Guangling Powder.

The combination of these three BUFF skills can greatly increase his output.

The second one is the BUFF of the double T, which can additionally increase the blood volume and attack power. This is a BUFF specially prepared for land reclamation, and it also increases Lin Xiao's damage by a lot.

The third one is the six-professional BUFF. Both teams have different professions. When the six-professional BUFF is filled up, the damage can be increased by 6%.

After doing this again and again, the natural output increased a lot.

"I feel like I can be reincarnated. The idol is really strong. My blood river is really my younger brother's profession!"

"You know, Ameng is my brother. I know the idol players. They are incredibly strong. I decided to bring my talent to Baidi City!"

"If you don't work hard when choosing a career, we will be brothers in the Blue Blood Camp!"

"The idol is still handsome, handsome and elegant, Guixiang, I can't wait to become a member of the OK Gate!" "What the hell is the OK Gate, hahaha, have you watched that Douyin video too?"

"Don't say anything, don't worry, it's OK to do the work!"

In the team channel, everyone has started joking, and even the name of the sect of the statue has been magically changed.

It was obviously an elegant statue holding a harp, but it turned into an OK gate, which made everyone in Lin Xiao feel stupid.

However, Lin Xiao had to admit that the output of the statue was really powerful.

Since I discovered that Wan Jian Jue is compatible with the idol, I posted the news to the forum.

The idol has suddenly become the profession with the strongest output in the dungeon.

As long as you are a normal idol player, bring the ultimate skill Wan Jian Jue, and then equip the skills according to what Lin Xiao wrote on the strategy post.

You can hit the first output of the whole group with one click, and you don't even need to rub your hands.

It is precisely because of this that Ningshuang's statue is able to lead Ji Tiantian by as much as 4000!

Her rating is much lower than Lin Xiao!
Ji Tiantian pouted with dissatisfaction. Whether it was scoring or technique, she had more scores than Lin Xiao.

But what so many techniques and scores bring about is an injury of 9000 seconds. ,

"It feels like the gap is so big. The damage done by the statue is too high!"

"They are all created by the same account, but why is the idol so strong!"

"There is still no one to study it. If Ameng can calm down and study which stunt is suitable for the idol, can other professions do it?"

"But it fits a little too well. It feels like Wan Jian Jue is tailor-made for the statue of God!"

"The effect of the idol using Ten Thousand Swords Technique is indeed far superior to that of other professions. The main reason is that Ten Thousand Swords Technique perfectly solves the problem of the statue's battery life!"

"The idol should be weakened soon. The idol is so strong. Don't play it this season. Just go play the idol!"

After the initial surprise, most players still felt dissatisfied and sour.

Even Ji Tiantian was a little sour, let alone other players.

Lin Xiao stood up at the right time and interrupted everyone's conversation. If he continued talking, he felt like something would go wrong.

He said in the team channel.

"Let's beat Lao Liu first. After beating Makinoya, let's go have dinner!"

He quickly found something to distract everyone's attention.

Everyone did not speak, but silently opened the road to Wuyang Laoliu.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and began to explain the mechanism of Wuyang Lao Liu.

"A new very difficult mechanism has been added, the night and werewolf mechanism."

"Daytime will enter night in one minute, and three werewolves will appear on the field."

"The werewolf needs to attack the player at night, and it will enter the day again after 1 minute."

Lin Xiao asked with some confusion in the team channel.

"Can a team of Ts predict things?"

"Also, can a team of Shattered Dreams be hunters? We also need a pillar-pulling Suwen here!"

Lin Xiao made all his requests straightforwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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