Chapter 186 Wang Bang!

"Our gang has already said that no one in our gang knows that honey grapefruit tea can do this."

"Even the boss of Fufeng didn't know that such a thing happened."

"As soon as he learned that Honey Pomelo Tea had found a mole, Boss Fufeng kicked Honey Pomelo Tea out of our gang war and guild, and Jasmine Black Tea directly asked all of us to hang up and wait to be pushed out."

"Is there still a problem with our attitude towards this matter? Are we still going to have to bear the responsibility for the mistakes of honey grapefruit tea?"

The third master's speech was not very clear, but the emotion he just expressed was very strong.

The friends in the live broadcast room were all affected by what the third master expressed.

"If nothing else, the Mingmen Gang handled this matter really well!"

"One thing to say, he was really fast. He kicked people out right away, and then hung up and waited for pushback. He is a responsible boss!"

"It's indeed not bad. If you really follow what he said, then you are indeed wrongly blaming them!"

"I can only blame it on being a bad person. Who would have thought that I would encounter such a conductor!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room began to sympathize with the people of the Mingmen Gang.

Not only the water friends in the live broadcast room, but also the Blossoms gang members began to sympathize with them.

"Oh, it's really not easy for them."

"Let me tell you, when I pushed it at the end, I really felt that there was no resistance!"

"It seems that all of them have hung up. To be honest, if he can hang up directly in the game of the best team in the world, this Fufeng boss is considered a man!"

"If you don't apologize to them, this matter will end here!"

At this time, Lin Xiao still said calmly.

"If the problem of honey grapefruit tea cannot be blamed on you, then the problem of our gang Ningshuang cannot be blamed on us, like Blossoms, right?"

"What's more, I can clearly see the content of the posts on the forum. There is no embarrassment or bluffing to lay any groundless charges on you."

"We didn't guide the water friends to attack you or say anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Ningshuang just said what actually happened. Because it has damaged your reputation, so we have to apologize?"

"Then when your commander found the mole in the beginning, he didn't even apologize to us!"

What Lin Xiao said can be said to be reasonable.

Even the people who eat melons have to praise Lin Xiao's eloquence, clear organization, and clear arguments. There are no slanderous words, and he is completely based on facts!

As soon as Lin Xiao said this, the third leader of the Mingmen Gang and Jasmine Black Tea didn't know how to refute.

For a moment, the entire YY channel fell into silence.

Everyone was a little excited about the blossoming gang group.

"That's very well said, A Meng!"

"Really, it's well-founded, well-organized, and the reasoning is clear and understandable."

"You still have to calm down. Look at the people in the Mingmen Gang. They can't say anything when they are impulsive. They can't compare to A Meng. They are calm and everything they say makes sense!"

Fourth Head Ningshuang clenched her fists nervously.

Fortunately, A Meng was eloquent and could clearly explain the truth and facts. Otherwise, if she really apologized to the people of the Mingmen Gang, she wouldn't know how she could stay in this gang in the future!

Returning to the YY channel, seeing that the other party did not reply to him for a long time, Lin Xiao continued to speak in a deep voice.

"Now that the words have come to this point, I will continue."

"First of all, this matter itself is a problem of your Mingmen Gang. Although Honey Pomelo Tea has quit the gang, he was the former commander of your gang after all."

"You can't just tell the problem and blame it on the person who left."

"Secondly, this leader was also chosen by your gang and has nothing to do with our Blossoms Gang." "If you say the problem is all on him, then why didn't you find the problem at the beginning and just let him come to the competition field? , did such a thing.”

"If you provide him with such a platform, can the Mingmen Gang really put aside all its problems?"

"Last point, I think what the people in our gang said in the post was not wrong. There was no exaggeration or any behavior to guide public opinion."

"Isn't it because you are being criticized by water friends because you did something wrong?"

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, Jasmine Black Tea, the manager of the Mingmen Gang, sighed helplessly.

I thought this was the moment for my gang to turn around, but unexpectedly, because of Lin Ameng's words, their gang's problems became more solid.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room kept passing by.

"I think what Ameng said today makes sense. No matter what the other side says, it's against the rules!"

"I agree, no matter what, if there is no problem with what Fanhua Gang does, just do what you want!"

"It's really not a big problem. The main thing is that the monk can run away but can't run away from the temple. The jar of honey grapefruit tea was broken and he quit the gang directly. But his gang still has to bear the problem."

Lin Xiao didn't know that the barrage at this time was all about discussion, but he didn't care about it and continued to add.

"I've said everything I have to say."

"As for what you think, I'm not too interested in this."

"I think the root of the problem is the leadership of your gang. If you want to apologize, you must apologize first, and then we can consider whether to apologize."

After thinking for a long time, Jasmine Black Tea said carefully.

"We can't accept this. After all, we are also victims. We have suffered such infamy for no reason, and we have also been criticized by water friends in the forum."

"The issue we are discussing now is not the issue of the gang war, but the issue after the gang war is over. It cannot be discussed together!"

He thought for a long time and felt that this was the most reliable response.

Hearing Jasmine Black Tea's words, Lin Xiao instantly became dissatisfied and sullen.

"What you can't get on the battlefield, can you expect to get it at the negotiation table?"

"What's more, why can't we talk together? If you didn't do the despicable things at the beginning, how could anything happen later?"

"I still have the same thought just now. We, Blooming Flowers, will never apologize. Justice is what people think!"

Lin Xiao said righteously.

His words were full of righteousness and one couldn't help but admire him.

Jasmine Black Tea's attitude was a little soft and she said almost flatteringly.

"But now the official has spoken to us and your gang!"

"Then if you don't apologize, how are you going to resolve this matter?"

Soon, Lin Xiao replied directly.

"You guys will apologize to me!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, the people in their gang exploded instantly.

"do not think too much about it!"

"We will never apologize, we are the victims!"

"It's too much, the flowery people are too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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