Chapter 187 Aftermath

After basically saying all he could say, Lin Xiao shrugged. He actually had nothing more to say.

If the other party really comes with the intention of solving the problem, the meaning of his words will be understood.

But if the other party just wants Fanhua to apologize, then there is nothing to talk about.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to leave the YY channel, Jasmine Black Tea, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said in a deep voice.

"I'm really sorry about the honey grapefruit tea thing yesterday."

"We didn't expect that Honey Pomelo Tea would find a mole from your gang. After knowing this, the people in our gang were very angry and kicked Honey Pomelo Tea out."

"But I'm really sorry for the impact on you. I'm sorry."

Jasmine Black Tea suddenly apologized, which was unexpected by everyone.

It was clear that Jasmine Black Tea had insisted on refusing to apologize just now, but this sudden move really surprised many people.

"What's going on? Why did the jasmine black tea suddenly become weak?"

"It feels completely different from the people in their gang. What is going on?"

"What are you thinking about Jasmine Black Tea? Why are you apologizing?"

"I thought the negotiations between the two parties were going to collapse, but I didn't expect Jasmine Black Tea to apologize."

The barrage in the live broadcast room passed by one after another, and they all didn't understand why Jasmine Black Tea did this.

You know, Jasmine Black Tea is the number one manager of their gang. His opening his mouth to apologize means that the Mingmen Gang has admitted its problems.

This seems to be in great conflict with their initial demands!

Hearing Jasmine Black Tea's apology, Lin Xiao smiled and nodded. The other person understood the meaning of his words. He thought that the other person did not understand the meaning of his words.

"It's okay. I can't blame you all. It's the honey grapefruit tea that's the problem."

"The people in our gang also did something wrong. They posted random things on the forum before they understood the situation clearly."

"When I go back, I will ask them to delete everything they said in the forum."

Lin Xiao responded with a smile.

After hearing the words of Lin Ameng and Jasmine Black Tea, everyone watching the live broadcast was stunned.

Why were they so tense just now and suddenly they started to live in harmony? It was different from what they imagined!

"Damn it, these two people shouldn't be working on a script here."

"What's going on? You're acting here with your brothers, right?"

"I can't understand. I don't know what these two people are playing. Weren't they still quarreling just now? Why did they suddenly make up?"

"The conversation is encrypted, right? The bully brothers can't understand it, right?"

The audience, who thought they were here to enjoy themselves, were suddenly disappointed when they saw the two gangs starting to get along harmoniously.

At this time, Lin Xiao didn't think too much. He said hello to Jasmine Black Tea and exited the YY channel directly.

In the YY channel, the Third Master asked with some confusion.

"Hongcha, why did the other party suddenly apologize to us? Didn't he say he would never apologize?"

The Third Master didn't realize what was going on at the first time.

Jasmine Black Tea sighed with emotion, and then said in a deep voice.

"Have you not noticed that he has been talking about us looking for a mole?"

"Lin Ameng's meaning is actually very clear. It's okay to apologize, but we must first apologize and admit the matter of finding a mole, then he can apologize on behalf of the Blossoms Gang."

"Think carefully about what he said after he came to the gang channel, and you will understand the meaning of his words."

Jasmine black tea enlightens the Third Leader and the members of the Mingmen Gang.

When they recalled Lin Xiao's words at this time, they felt something was wrong. As Jasmine Black Tea said, it can be said that the other party has been talking about this gang battle over and over again, not just mentioning it occasionally, but emphasizing it all the time.

Thinking about it now, it should be to express this meaning. The Mingmen Gang must first apologize and resolve the gang war, and then their Blossoms Gang will bow their heads and apologize.

This is actually equivalent to giving each other a step down, not only not disgracing the gangs of both parties, but also settling the matter properly.

"Now that I think about it, it's really true. The other side seems to be talking about this all the time!"

"Is this communication between management and management? It feels like an encrypted call. I didn't even guess that it meant this!"

"Actually, you can hear it if you listen carefully, but we didn't react at that time."

"This is the reason why the other party is the manager of a big gang, and we can't even hold an official position!"

"This chat is really cool. It feels like nothing is said, but in fact everything is explained clearly."

Comments from the exaggerated live broadcast room floated by one after another.

They were really taught a lesson by Lin Xiao and Jasmine Black Tea.

Looking at the barrage that kept passing by, Piao Gua laughed loudly and said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Originally, this matter was not a big deal, it just seemed to be a big deal."

"The two gangs don't have any deep hatred, they just need to talk about it!"

As an anchor, Fanxia is often on the front line of being exploited, but he has never been the target of being exploited.

Soon, Fangyuan quit the YY channel and continued to draw prizes for the boss while waiting for the gang battle in the evening.

On the other side, as soon as Lin Xiao quit YY, Ji Tiantian walked out of the room with her mobile phone.

She looked at Lin Xiao with some confusion, waved to Lin Xiao, and pointed to her mouth.

Lin Xiao locked the screen of his phone and shook his head at Ji Tiantian.

"I've quit YY, what's wrong, baby?"

Ji Tiantian breathed a long sigh of relief and walked to Lin Xiao's side. She asked with some confusion.

"Isn't it Ningshuang who had the problem yesterday? Why did you go to their YY channel to talk about it?"

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly and explained to Ji Tiantian.

"Xiyao asked me to go. She said that Ningshuang regretted what happened yesterday and asked me to go to YY of the Mingmen Gang."

Ji Tiantian frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"She caused the matter, so she should be the one to tell the other party about it. Why did she arrange this matter for you instead!"

"I'm really a little speechless."

Lin Xiao rubbed Ji Tiantian's head in his arms and showed a helpless smile.

"There's nothing I can do. If Winter Melon is here, these things can't be blamed on me. Who would let Winter Melon be the mole?"

"Actually, yesterday was also my fault. If I hadn't exposed Winter Melon in front of so many people, no one in the gang would have known about it."

Ji Tiantian sat up with some dissatisfaction and glared at Lin Xiao.

"Can I still blame you for everything? It's obviously their problem!"

"You post these things on the forum when you can't sleep? Who would believe it?"

"As long as you are easy to talk to and can help them once, if it were me, I really wouldn't want to care!"

(End of this chapter)

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