Chapter 205 The Second Game

Lin Xiao picked up his phone and clicked on two people in the group.

"Xiyao, Qing Qingqing, you two come."

"Are you done? Come online if you have nothing to do!"

Lin Xiao, Aite and Xiyao jumped out quickly: "Come on, brother, I'm already on board, just pull me."

"Qing Qingqing is on her way to board the bus. She has been waiting for her for a long time."


Lin Xiao replied, put down his phone, moved the mouse with his other hand, and pulled Xiyao into the team.

"Wait a minute, Qingqing will take a while."


Lin Xiao responded and turned to study the 6v6 World Martial Arts Conference.

After some observation, I finally understood the format of the 6v6 World Martial Arts Conference.

It is divided into qualifying and promotion matches. There are five qualifying matches. If you guess correctly, in the region, you need to win all the qualifying matches to enter the promotion match. Previously, the results of the qualifying matches were not counted in the subsequent rankings.

As for the promotion round, it is a best-of-three game. For example, if 16 advance to 8, you need to win two games to enter the top eight.

In short, the competition system is very simple and easy to understand, but there is too little that can be seen now. Everything has to be practiced before we can understand what it is.

"As long as we win, it will be fine. If we don't lose, we will definitely advance to the finals."

Such a sentence suddenly appeared in Lin Xiao's mind. He waved his hand and shook his head helplessly.

It's impossible. Although our team is very strong individually, it's hard to describe them together.

That 33 with Dare Dare, not Hanhan, and the professional killer Zero Zero Seven already explains everything.

It's just that the operation level is good. As for the overall situation, cooperation, and tacit understanding, there is no such thing.

When Lin Xiao was thinking this, Xiyao's voice came from the headphones.

"Ameng, Qingqingqing is here, you can open it."

"Okay, let's start the train."

After the match was successful, the three entered the game, and Lin Xiao went to see the opponent's lineup and internal skills as usual.

Due to the existence of wet nurses, if the matched game has a wet nurse, the opponent will definitely have a wet nurse.

A nanny with water-earth inner strength, a blood river with fire-earth inner strength, and a broken dream with gold-fire inner strength.

Broken Dreams brings gold and fire. Playing 3v3 in this version can be said to be very confident.

Turning around and looking at his own lineup, Qing Qingqing also has the inner strength of gold and fire, while Xiyao has the inner strength of gold and wood.

Lin Xiao frowned subconsciously: "Xiyao, didn't you change your internal strength?"

"How come you still have the inner strength to build your foundation?"

Before the countdown ended, Lin Xiao asked her doubts, and Xiyao's guilty laughter came from the headphones.

"I...I haven't matched the water and soil yet..."

Lin Xiao was silent. He now seriously suspected that Xiyao had tricked him.

"You want to fight 6v6, but you are not worthy of water and soil internal strength?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Ahem, Ameng, stop talking, stop talking, aren't you planning to do it? It's not that I don't want to improve the water and earth internal skills, it's that the entry on the combination of water, all forms, and the underworld is really bad! And... and my Water and Pluto combine to form three water, one fire and one wood, what can I do?"

Xiyao looked bitter and anxious to explain herself.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao sighed helplessly: "There is no need to bring rare internal energy, just find other water internal energy to replace it."

"If you can't afford the water and soil, don't even think about playing 6v6. You will be the one in the first second of the game!"  "I know, I know! Stop talking, A Meng. I'll clean up my inner strength immediately after the fight!"

Lin Xiao wanted to say something else, but the countdown ended at this moment.

Seeing this, he stopped talking and focused all his attention on the game.

"Qing Qingqing, go kill the nanny opposite. Pay attention to safety and don't get caught up in the bloody dream. I'm harassing you from the front. If you kill the nanny, it's over. Xiyao, follow me and leave Qingqing's first bloom. Just lift it up."


The two immediately entered the state. Qingqing and Qingqing jumped onto the ring. After locking on the wet nurse, they directly entered the invisible state and began to circle.

On the other side, they also locked in their appearance at the first moment of the game. Their two outputs were able to kill anyone quickly.

But when it comes to the nanny, the nanny can still run, but her appearance is not good. The god is much more fragile than the nanny.

The two of them came straight towards Lin Xiao. Broken Dream's meteor chased the moon and bit Lin Xiao. Blood River immediately caught up with him and scurried from half way in an instant.

Lin Xiao immediately activated the Lingbo Microstep to distance himself, and threw out Guan Shanyue to knock the two people away. Then he used Hundred Birds Chaofeng to consume, and turned his head to move two distances away.

Seeing that the only control in his hand was cooling down, Lin Xiao calmly continued to circle around the field.

At the beginning of the game, one-third of Lin Xiao's blood was directly eaten away. Xiyao also immediately received treatment. After a few draws, Lin Xiao's blood volume became healthy.

In comparison, Lin Xiao's damage was not low. After all, it was a high-explosion profession like Shen Xiang. Birds were thrown towards Phoenix, and the health bars of the two people on the opposite side also dropped a lot.

But...the blood bar could not be lifted up.

"What's going on? Where's the nanny?"

At the same time, in the voice of the opposite team, Broken Dream spoke impatiently, with anger in his voice.

"I'm being chewed! How can I breastfeed! We are so far away!"

The nurse's voice came over, her tone full of blame and grievance.

After hearing this, the two of them looked back and realized that they were already thousands of miles apart. Qing Qingqing was chasing after the nanny and nibbling on her butt. In just a few seconds, half of the nanny's health bar dropped. .

Then the wet nurse threw skills at herself fiercely, put on the shield and instantly filled herself up with health, and escaped with two double jumps.

Seeing this, Qing Qingqing still pursued her relentlessly. The two endless flashes were close to her face again, connected to the moon wheel, and she used three levels of control and burst, directly pressing the nanny to the ground and hammering her.

The wet nurse hurriedly threw out the control skills, but she had already suffered two rounds of damage and her blood volume was unhealthy again. At this time, she no longer had the life-saving skills in her hand. She cursed and yelled.

"Come and save me!"

Only then did Xue He and Sui Meng react. They immediately turned back to save the wet nurse. They were filled with anger and planned to "rectify" Qing Qingqing on the spot.

At this moment, Lin Xiao spoke.

"They are going to arrest you. Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing, I'm going to block the nanny."


Qing Qingqing immediately turned on the invisibility according to Lin Xiao's instructions. Blood River and Sui Meng on the opposite side lost Qingqingqing's vision, spinning around like a headless fly.

The wet nurse on the other side thought that the danger was over now, so she turned around and hurriedly added blood to her side.

Lin Xiao also appeared at this moment, Guan Shanyue's cd ended, and he threw out Guan Shanyue to control the wet nurse. At the same time, Bainiao Chao Fengjin was blazing, and he threw out a Yufeng.


Qing Qingqing A shooting star chased the moon, suddenly appeared, and exploded one after another. The health bar of the wet nurse on the opposite side disappeared instantly.

She hurriedly went to order the medicine, but it was too late. The output control of the two people was thrown out at the same time, and the coordination was perfect. All the skills in her hand were put into the CD, and she was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

[Qingqingqing defeats the amazing amount of milk]

(End of this chapter)

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