Chapter 206 Seed player Qing Qingqing

Lin Xiao's lips curved into a smile.

Unexpectedly, Qing Qingqing cooperated well with him, which was an unexpected surprise.

Lin Xiao, who had given up hope for 6v6, cheered up again.

"The other two can be killed easily. We have a nanny who can beat Xiyao as long as she doesn't die."

He said this, and at this moment, the two chasers from Xuehe on the opposite side directly locked onto Xiyao. The flying dragon leaped into the abyss and trapped the person. They threw a set of skills at him, which was simply killing him.

Lin Xiao turned around to throw away skills. However, after throwing away a set of skills, he was left with only one Bijian Liuquan that could still be used, but the damage was worse than nothing. Qing Qingqing was completely blocked by the rock wall of Tenglong Yueyuan. Outside, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hurt the blood river on the other side.

"Ahhhhh! Help, help! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Xiyao's screams reached his ears through the earphones. It was so harsh that Lin Xiao immediately took off the earphones.

"Fuck! Don't scream! Do you want my life?"

His ears stung, Lin Xiao gritted his teeth, turned around and continued typing.

Xiyao activated Biyun Asking Flute and went up to the sky, the damage was reduced. She thought she could escape, but at this moment, the enemy Broken Dream threw the Pearl Drop Jade Plate!

The Bailuo Jade Pan skill can double the damage to air units. It can be said that the damage reduction and blood recovery of Biyun Wendi are basically useless under this skill, and it can even be said to be completely restrained.

Xiyao landed, but it was too late to increase her health. Even if the time for the dragon to leap into the abyss ended, the enemy's Broken Dreams also followed.

[Defeat Xiyao with one slash]

Lin Xiao frowned: "Qing Qingqing, go fight them! The blood river is no longer healthy, and all their skills are on CD."

He calculated the time correctly, and the skills of the people on the opposite side were all put into the CD, while the skills on their side were all refreshed.

Qing Qingqing started operating without saying a word.

A set of skills was connected, and Lin Xiao was spending time at the side, and Xuehe was successfully defeated.

At the same time, his own health has also dropped by more than half, but fortunately, the two members of his team have not taken the bottle of medicine yet.

[Qing Qingqing defeats a child with one shot]

Then it was a two-on-one situation. The enemy Broken Dream took a sip of medicine, and his blood volume was restored to two-thirds, making him relatively healthy, and then he circled and ran away.

Obviously, the opponent Broken Dream still wants to wait for a set of skills to counterattack.

Lin Xiao and Qing Qingqing finished filling up their status and turned around to catch Broken Dreams.

The map of this arena does not have any so-called front and rear outflanks. Due to the terrain, Broken Dream can move around, and the opponent has a lot of movement, making it even more difficult to capture.

After going back and forth several times, the two of them failed to catch the enemy Sui Meng. Every time they were about to encounter each other, Sui Meng would flash his face endlessly, attack him, and then escape invisibly.

After going back and forth several times, most of Lin Xiao's blood volume was consumed. Lin Xiao's face darkened, his brows furrowed slightly, and he took another pill.

After he was crippled and restored his health, the enemy Broken Dream's health was also unhealthy. He took a pill and restored it again.

The only advantage is that there are two people on Lin Xiao's side, but only one on the opposite side. In terms of consumption, the opposite side is far less than them.

"End the game as soon as possible, or stand still and not fight him."

"Which one do you choose?"

Lin Xiao glanced at the countdown above, there were only forty seconds left.

"Isn't our purpose just to test the problem?"

Qing Qingqing heard the words and spoke.

"Yes, then fight."

Lin Xiao no longer worried about winning or losing, and chased after him without hesitation: "There are no instructions from behind, just fight according to your own understanding."

He is very optimistic about Qingqingqing. After this game, his operation and consciousness are all online, and his tacit understanding with him is also quite high.

Until now, he didn't see anything wrong with Qing Qingqing.

Now that Lin Xiao had spoken, Qing Qingqing no longer had any scruples, and without hesitation turned invisible and went in the opposite direction to outflank the enemy Broken Dream. This direction was just opposite to Lin Xiao, so they formed an encirclement. However, the enemy Broken Dream could not see or realize this encirclement.

Just when Qing Qingqing was about to come face-to-face with the enemy Sui Meng, the enemy Sui Meng suddenly entered the invisible state, turned around and ate the Shu Linxiao with an endless flash of Meteor Chai Yue.

Lin Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he threw it out of the refrigerator, and then the enemy Broken Dreams dodges endlessly in the second stage.

"This operation!"

Lin Xiao exclaimed and looked at his health bar. He was still healthy.

After the refrigerator ended, Lin Xiao frowned and continued to pursue. Then, the enemy Broken Dream suddenly turned around again, with Endless Flash on his face. Lin Xiao handed over Lingbo Weibu, and the enemy Broken Dream's second stage Endless Flash followed up. Lin Xiao had no choice but to do so. Next, I can only throw Biyun Wendi and raise the blood at the same time.

But he forgot that Suimeng on the other side also brought a pearl-dropping jade plate.

The blood volume dropped all the way, and the moment it landed, the enemy's Broken Dreams jumped and controlled a set of two consecutive bursts.

Lin Xiao's blood volume disappeared instantly, and at the same time, Qing Qingqing arrived, throwing out strong control and fighting directly with the opponent.

All the enemy's Dream Breaking skills are put into the CD, throw out the Red Lotus Fenye Invincible, and escape in a blue cloud listening to the flute.

Xiyao curled her lips: "Why are you taking Biyun to listen to the flute? I'm convinced..."

The enemy Shattered Dream is obviously a top-notch player, with first-class operation and awareness. Except for the mistakes in the first wave, there has not been a wave of mistakes since then.

Lin Xiao frowned and watched the two Broken Dreams running around on the screen, pulling back and forth.

In the end, Qing Qingqing ended the battle with a medicine to raise blood.

Qing Qingqing naturally won the MVP, and the settlement interface popped up. Lin Xiao discovered that the two teams with the highest output were both Broken Dreams.

"How about it?"

Qing Qingqing jumped out and asked, her voice very calm.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao hesitated for a while and continued: "How about one more?"


Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Xiyao became more energetic: "Ah? One more?"

"Ameng, don't you see what's wrong with Qing Qingqing? Say it quickly!"

"Well, there really isn't any problem with this one. Let's try another map and try again."

"Fuck! Really? Qing Qingqing is so awesome! A Meng can't even see your problem, you're so promising!"

"It's just a matter of performing well."

Qing Qingqing is very humble and not proud at all.

In the second start, Qing Qingqing still performed well, while Xiyao was still full of loopholes.

As for Lin Xiao, it's because the profession of Divine Appearance is very easy to target in 3v3, but even if the operation is full, he will lose it after taking away one.

"One more."

Lin Xiao's eyes sharpened, and he realized that Qing Qingqing might be the strongest one in this temporarily formed 6v6 team.

In the third game, Qing Qingqing still made no mistakes.

"One more!"

The fourth game...

After that, the three of them played more than ten rounds without making any mistakes.

Lin Xiao slammed the table and his eyes lit up: "You can fight! Qing Qingqing, the seeded player!"

(End of this chapter)

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