Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 23: Support?The speed of light increases!

Chapter 23: Support?The speed of light increases!
After a while, Lin Xiao got a little tired of it.

Indeed, he is really handsome!

Tsinghua Yuhuang is really cool when walking. Just walking on the street can get countless friend requests.

Along the way, there were dazzling scenes of fireworks blooming everywhere.

But Lin Xiao couldn't appreciate this kind of magnificence.

He feels a bit rustic, with a sense of déjà vu in the style of a legendary web game.

There is always the misconception that I am Zha Zhahui, and he is here to kill me because he is a brother.

Lin Xiao scratched his head and sighed helplessly.

All I can say is that when you play games, don’t make them too complicated.

Otherwise, the ideas will be too scattered.

"Boss Phoenix is ​​really handsome and can change the weather."

Lin Xiao privately chatted with Qing on WeChat about his interest.

"I'm ready to go offline."

"it is good."

Qing's intentional reply remained calm.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to log off, Qing Youyou suddenly said in a private chat.

"Wait a minute, don't log off yet."

Lin Xiao was a little confused, but he was his boss after all, so Lin Xiao didn't say anything and just replied.


After a while, Qing sent it for a private chat.

"I want to take care of you."


Lin Xiao was stunned when he saw Qing's intentional private chat.

What the hell?

Support? ? ?

What the hell! ! !

Lin Xiao was dumbfounded. The big boss wanted to support him. Should he agree, agree, or agree?
No no no.

Lin Xiao shook his head vigorously.

What to support and not to support.

With the financial resources that Qing intends to show, isn't raising a pretty boy just for fun?Still need to find him?
Just when Lin Xiao was ambiguous, Qing deliberately withdrew what he had just said.


"What a guarantee, I sent it wrong!"

"I want to hire you to train for my account."

After seeing Qing's intentional words, Lin Xiao suddenly realized and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't a nuisance or anything, he almost made a mistake.

I don't know why, but after seeing what Qing Yi said after that, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a little disappointed.

However, he quickly regained his composure and replied on WeChat.

"Boss, what exactly is power training?"

Qing said intentionally.

"Such as daily notebooks, exploring and unboxing, and building internal skills and other improvements."

"In terms of salary, it's about 600 yuan a day, which is similar to the price of professional power training."

Lin Xiao nodded and thought secretly.

600 yuan a day, then [-] yuan a month.

He had read about power leveling in the forum, and the price was slightly lower than this when professional power leveling was all-inclusive.

Qing deliberately asked him to act as a power trainer, so he raised the price of power training so high.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath.

It was an irresistible price.

Now he goes out to find a job, and the monthly salary is only [-] to [-] yuan. He may not be able to increase his monthly salary to [-] yuan after working for four or five years.

And power training is not a very hard job.

I only have one account originally, which is equivalent to having an extra account.


Lin Xiao replied on WeChat.

Qing continued to remind him intentionally. "Okay, this price does not include the extra income from the lottery."

"If it's a lottery, it's a separate matter."

Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction. In this way, his benefits will only be higher.

"no problem!"

Lin Xiao no longer had any worries and agreed directly.

This is much easier than going to work. You can earn 600 yuan every day by doing your account work.

And judging from your financial resources, God-given stone piles and Xinghe Dream Picking will definitely be done in the future.

To make the God-given costumes and the Dream of the Galaxy, 125 heavenly stones are also needed.

By then, he would be able to make a fortune again.

Lin Xiao is quite satisfied with the job of leveling up accounts.

Later, Lin Xiao began to create an account for Qing Xinyi.

However, when it comes to cultivating accounts, he is just a layman, and he has to look up strategies and follow the instructions for everything.

In fact, his own account is not very well maintained. It can only be said that he has basically done what he should do.

Lin Xiao first went to find a Broken Dream guide, and then compared them one by one.

There is absolutely no problem with Qingyi's account development and progress, but the score is still about 2000 points behind his own account.

Seeing Qing Yi's rating, Lin Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

With a score difference of 2000, Qing Youyi's Broken Dreams battlefield performance is not inferior to Lin Xiao's Statue.

Even better than Lin Xiao's statue in some aspects!

"Is your intention so good?"

Lin Xiao thought secretly in his heart.

He had previously thought that Qing's intentional broken dreams were at least on par with his appearance.

Even the ratings are higher in all aspects.

I didn’t expect that I could still perform that kind of perfect performance even though I was 2000 points away.

In terms of construction, it is a purple Yanhuifeng.

"How can purple be worthy of a big boss like Qing Youyi?"

Lin Xiao muttered something, and then created a golden hidden dagger in three or two strokes.

Surprisingly, it was still built with perfect score, directly adding 200 points!

Normal operation!

Compared with the luck of the lottery, he felt that this golden creation was nothing but a big deal.

Then Lin Xiao opened up his internal strength, and this was the place where the two people had the biggest difference.

Internal strength.

In addition to the ones already installed, it has a decent rating.
Qing Youyi also prepared a bunch of unopened internal energy boxes on his account, as well as several rare internal energy, and they were all in an uncut state.

It was obvious that the other party had planned to let him practice on his behalf, and he was well prepared!

"So much internal strength?"

Lin Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and then opened all the internal skill boxes.

There were three suns and two moons, and a 604-point destroyer.


"There are two instruments of the sun and the moon and a urging force!"

When I looked through the guide just now, the introduction was very clear.

The internal skills that Broken Dream is more suitable for are Sun and Moon Liangyi and Ji Feng.

The improvement effect of the Sun and the Moon is relatively stable, about 5%, and is not affected by any dilution. It is an important choice for Broken Dream's internal fire power.

The effect of urging is that the attack enters the urging state, and each attack will add an extra damage of 5% of the attack power within 15 seconds.

For Broken Dream, a sect that can hit a high number of combos, Juefeng's five-second output bonus is undoubtedly a huge increase.

And the cooldown CD of this internal power is short.

Whether it is PVE or PVP, the effect is very easy to use.

Lin Xiao cut directly, and with one stroke, the score of the first Sun and Moon Liangyi skyrocketed to 1200!
The first internal energy burst out with aura!
In the next few hands, five or six internal skills contained double auras.

Because he had more money and more dog food, Lin Xiao directly cut off all the gold and internal skills in the opponent's account, and produced various god-level entries and auras.

According to the strategy, he equipped the Broken Dream with four internal powers and a full double aura attribute combination.

This directly caused Qing Youyi's Broken Dreams' score to skyrocket.

Now, Qing Youyi's Broken Dream's score is only slightly worse than Lin Xiao's own account!
(End of this chapter)

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