Chapter 24 Hot Forum

After building up his internal strength, Qing Youyi's score has reached 22852 points.

There was this score the next day, and this score basically exceeded 99% of the players.

"This should be no problem. We'll do the rest tomorrow."

Lin Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, and then drove around Qing Youyi's god-given auspiciousness two more times in Bianjing.

have to say.

Nishuihan mobile game really never cheats the poor.

The special effects of Qionghua Jade Phoenix are indeed quite gorgeous, directly changing the weather wherever it goes.

Broken Dream, who was driving the Qionghua Jade Phoenix, was undoubtedly the most conspicuous presence in the entire Bianjing.

After logging in, Lin Xiao opened the game forum. The forum was filled with questions, love posts, and several team-building posts.

However, the first interactive post with a high click-through rate attracted Lin Xiao's attention.

"Looking for the No. [-] God in Mingyue Tianya District"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh when he saw the name of this post.

Good guy, it has a strong sense of UC, and it would be even more gimmicky if I added "Shock!"

Clicking on the post, the host Sui Xiaomeng said on the second floor.

"Although Mingyue Tianya District is not recognized as a super district, it is definitely the most special district among all districts."

"On the first day of the server opening, the first Qionghua Baiyu appeared on the server in just two hours. Less than an hour after it was put on the shelves, it was immediately acquired by an unknown boss."

"And today, just two days after the server was opened, the first Qionghua Jade Phoenix in the entire server appeared in Mingyue Tianya District!"

"Come and look for this unknown super god with me, and see who he is!"

After reading Sui Xiaomeng's post, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing.

This guy must have been born as a web editor!

It seems like it said something, but after reading it carefully, it feels like it's all nonsense and says nothing.

The comments below were also full of curses.

"Hurry up and tell me which god it is!"

"Are the phoenixes in Mingyue Tianya District so fast? Our Qianli Shuanghua doesn't even have a phoenix hair!"

"Owner, NMSL, tell me quickly, which big boss created Phoenix?"

"I heard that Principal Wang and PDD seemed to have been transferred to Mingyue Tianya District. Did Principal Wang create Phoenix?"

"It's not transferred. The bosses originally planned to transfer to another district, but Qionghua Baiyu has been killed."

It wasn't until around the 40th floor that Sui Xiaomeng appeared again.

"OK, brother, let's stop pretending."

"According to my findings, this unknown tycoon is the boss of Qing Youyi, the Blossoming Flowers gang in Mingyue Tianya District."

"This afternoon, your boss, Mr. Qing, combined the auspiciousness given by the gods, the Qionghua Jade Phoenix, in Bianjing."

The 41st floor below is the game screen recording of Broken Little Dream.

Lin Xiao clicked on the video and took a look. It was the scene of him soaring in the sky of Bianjing while driving the Qionghua Jade Phoenix.

It’s not interesting to see this.

He thought that other big bosses with different names turned out to be Qing's intention!
There is no difference, Qing Youyi can indeed be regarded as a top tycoon.

But he was still a little disappointed.

However, the subsequent replies to the post really shocked him.

"Is this the special effect of Qionghua Jade Phoenix? If I have a chance, I will make one too!"

Lin Xiao sneered at these shameless words.

What do you think phoenix is, a cabbage on the street?

Can you do it if you want to?
Lin Xiao glanced at the name of the person who posted the message.

Officially certified player, World Champion of Warcraft III, SKY.

"What the hell? What the hell, Gege???"

Anyone who knows about e-sports has heard of this name more or less.


In that barbaric era of e-sports, e-sports players overcame all obstacles for Dragon Kingdom e-sports, and even won two world championships on their own.

He used his actions to tell all e-sports people the power of dreams.

At the same time, he is also a representative figure of e-sports and was selected as the torchbearer of the Olympic Games in 08. SKY's influence has long been beyond the e-sports circle. Even his father, who has never touched computers, has heard of SKY's name.

With SKY's posts, interactive posts have become even more popular.

"Damn it, Brother Zhen Gai!"

"Brother Gai is awesome!"

"Take a group photo!"

And then, another important figure appeared in the post bar.

His reply was quite simple.

"Brother Gai is awesome!"

But as soon as he appeared, he was immediately caught by the forum friends.

Half of the world of online literature, the super writer of Eastern fantasy, Potato Boss, also appeared in the interactive post.

The floor below replied immediately.

"Tudou, get on the trumpet and talk!"

"Damn it, Mr. Potato, does he also play the mobile game Ni Shui Han?"

"Suddenly it feels like this game has become more sophisticated!"

"Ou Zhili, third level! Made of gold!"

"When Xiao Yan comes today, he has to get a unique treasure before he can leave Wutan City!"

"Xiao Yan must first collect three fires and three golds before he can defeat Yunshan!"

"Boss Potato, stop trying to catch fish and update the Lord of All Appearances quickly!"

The interactive post was even more lively than before.

Compared to Boss SKY, Boss Potato feels more approachable.

Lin Xiao smiled and flipped through the content of the interactive post.

This generation of netizens are really geniuses.

Some people have already started writing fanfics about Xiao Yan’s mobile game Ni Shui Han, which really makes people feel ashamed.

Compared to these two big guys, the following big guys are not that well-known, and they did not cause much splash.

The first sister of Dousha Platform, Dai Xiaomei also appeared in the interactive post.

"Brothers, I'm wondering what kind of internal strength I should use. I don't understand this game at all."

The post below is quite thoughtful and I replied.

"Stupid little girl, you add me as a friend and I will teach you how to do it."

"No, no, no, no, please add me. I'm a seasoned professional. It's my duty to recast Yaowang Gu Rongguang!"

"The plan you two made has been heard by me in Shanghai and Shanghai. Add me on WeChat, little girl, I know a lot about Suwen!"

The replies from the previous floors were relatively vague.

The replies that followed gradually started to get outrageous.


"Group with me, CPDD, you are the only one!"

Lin Xiao was amused.

It’s so cruel, you won’t let this old woman go!

After reading for a long time, Lin Xiao felt a little tired. There were hundreds of replies behind the interactive post, but he was too lazy to scroll through them one by one.

Put your phone aside and get ready to take a shower and go to bed.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's WeChat message suddenly rang.

Lin Xiao was a little puzzled.

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening. Who can send him a WeChat message at this hour?
He picked up his phone with a puzzled look on his face, and saw someone in the Blossoms group @ him.

Lin Xiao opened the group chat and saw that hundreds of group messages had been sent, and the first one was Chiyan@him.

"@林阿梦, do you want to form a team to play in Wulin Fengyun Record tomorrow?"

Do we also want to play Wulin Fengyun Lu together?
Lin Xiao hesitated.

Fighting against the AI ​​is quick and easy, but fighting in a team is a bit of a waste of time.

(End of this chapter)

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