Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 59 All encounters are reunions after a long absence

Chapter 59 All encounters are reunions after a long absence

"Can you stay with me? There are too many memories between us."

The sound of the alarm buzzed in Lin Xiao's ears.

As soon as he heard the sound of the alarm clock, Lin Xiao sat up from the bed like a robot.

He was awake for three seconds, then glanced at his phone.

Ten past eleven.

Lin Xiao patted his face to wake himself up a little, then got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Ji Tiantian's plane will arrive around [-] noon.

The two of them chatted all night last night until 06:30 in the morning. After Ji Tiantian got on the plane, Lin Xiao lay down on the bed and slept for a while.

His place is still quite far from the airport, so he got up at [-] noon just in time to pick up the plane.

Lin Xiao stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

A black windbreaker with a high collar and a straight collar, underneath a dark black wide-collar undershirt of the same color, you can vaguely see her fair skin.

Dark gray tight trousers outline her straight legs, and her black Martin boots are quite handsome.

The whole person has the feeling of an ascetic male god.

Say something.

Even in Shanghai University, Lin Xiao can be regarded as a handsome boy at the level of the school boy.

He has deep facial features, sword-shaped eyebrows at the temples, eyes like stars, and neat short hair.

With a figure of just over 1.8 meters, strong muscles and broad shoulders, he can be said to be a walking clothes hanger.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but look pretty in front of the mirror.

Now is really the best age.

He vaguely remembered that in his previous life, he had gained weight rapidly during more than a year of silence due to the impact of his ex's breakup.

He turned a handsome guy who was very happy into a handsome guy.

Although I later gained control of my weight through exercise.

But since then, he has never been as energetic as he was when he was young.

Lin Xiao clenched his fists and said seriously to the mirror.

"I will never make any of the mistakes I made before!"

After that, he went straight out and took a taxi.

Soon, Lin Xiao arrived at the Shanghai Flying Airport.

Because it was a working day, there were not many people at the airport today, and waves of sparse crowds passed by Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao stood in front of the terminal where he got off the plane, waiting for Ji Tiantian's arrival.

Looking at the familiar airport in front of him, Lin Xiao couldn't help but sigh quietly.

During the years when he was in college, Lin Xiao flew home with Ji Tiantian every year.

But this year, in order to stay in Shanghai for internship, he has not been back home for more than a year.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh quietly.

It’s time to go home!
On the other side, the one from Longcheng to Shanghai has just landed.

"Dear fellow travelers: We have arrived at our destination safely!"

"The aircraft will need to taxi to the designated parking space. To ensure your safety, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack to pick up luggage until the "seat belt signal light" goes out."

Ji Tiantian clenched her phone tightly, her eyes filled with nervousness.

I didn’t feel this way before the trip, but now I feel so nervous that I can’t breathe.

Ji Tiantian was too scared to sleep.

She was worried that when she woke up, it would all be a dream and her fantasy.

After a long time, Ji Tiantian stood up from her position.

Carrying my HELLOkity school bag, I walked towards the terminal.

Lin Xiao stood at the exit and looked up, waiting for the girl in his memory to come to him.

One after another, Lin Xiao's eyes swept over everyone's face.

Lin Xiao could swear that this was the most serious time in his life.

He didn't want to miss the girl here.

However, there were fewer and fewer people at the terminal exit, and he didn't see that familiar figure until the end.

"Didn't come? Or did I come to the wrong terminal?" Lin Xiao's eyes were full of disappointment and regret.

He still missed her after all.

It's like missing out as usual.

However, at this time.

A girl wearing a goose-yellow casual sweatshirt walked out of the terminal carrying a HELLOkity schoolbag.

Clear and bright pupils, curved eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, pale and flawless skin revealing a touch of pink, thin lips like rose petals.

At this time, the girl in front of her looked anxiously, turning her head and looking around, as if she was looking for something.

Suddenly, she stopped where she was.

His eyes were fixed on the boy in the windbreaker at the entrance of the terminal.

Her body trembled slightly, and her eyes began to get redder and redder. Her eyes were three parts happy, three parts shy, three parts yearning and one part nostalgia.

He seemed to feel the girl's fiery gaze.

Lin Xiao raised his head and met the eyes of the girl in front of him.

He subconsciously took two steps forward, but soon his steps stopped on the ground and did not move.

It might be nervousness, it might be fear, or it might be worry.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Two lines of tears slowly flowed down from the eyes of both parties and down their cheeks.

However, the next moment.

The two of them laughed in unison again, with silly and innocent smiles.

Lin Xiao walked slowly in the direction of Ji Tiantian, and Ji Tiantian also walked over with her schoolbag on her back.

next moment.

The two of them opened their hands at the same time and hugged each other tightly into their arms.

Lin Xiao lowered his head and whispered into Ji Tiantian's ear.

"Sorry for the long wait."

Ji Tiantian buried her head in Lin Xiao's chest and murmured.

"Everything is the best arrangement!"

This may be the tacit understanding between childhood sweethearts.

No matter how many problems the two people encountered before or what happened in the past.

The moment the two people looked at each other, everything was in the past.

Lin Xiao saw joy and attachment in Ji Tiantian's eyes, and Ji Tiantian saw the love she wanted to see most.

There is no need to ask Lin Xiao anymore, and there is no need to worry about Lin Xiao's feelings for him.

This is how childhood sweethearts like them, who have known each other for ten years, are like this.

Or just never be moved.

Once you are tempted, it is for life!

The two hugged each other for a full 10 minutes before parting ways.

Lin Xiao looked down at the shy Ji Tiantian, and couldn't help but lower his head and peck Ji Tiantian's lips.

Then she picked up her schoolbag naturally.

"Come on, let's go eat first."

Ji Tiantian smiled sweetly, held Lin Xiao's hand tightly, and said sweetly.

"Honey, shall we go to the place you mentioned before to eat?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but tremble when he heard Ji Tiantian's name.

Good guy.

He originally thought that sister Jia Ziyin was sweet enough.

Did not expect there are masters!
Ji Tiantian's "husband" really touched his heart.

But what Lin Xiao didn't notice was that Ji Tiantian quietly omitted the first two words.

Seeing the love in Lin Xiao's eyes next to her, Ji Tiantian couldn't help but laugh in her heart.

"Small, why don't we take you down?"

(End of this chapter)

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