Chapter 60
Ji Tiantian recalled the scene when she went out in the morning.

Mother and father sat quietly on the sofa in the living room at six o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Ji Tiantian turned on the light, she was almost frightened to death by her parents sitting on the sofa.

"Tiantian, what are you going to do?"

Mother Teacher Zhou showed a smile and asked softly.

Ji Tiantian showed an awkward smile, her eyes rolled around, and she whispered.

"I'm going. I'm going to Xiao Mian's house, she said. She said she wanted to take me to a barbecue."

Xiao Mian is her and Lin Xiao's high school classmate, and he is also one of her best friends.

"Oh, really?"

Teacher Zhou looked at Ji Tiantian in front of him with a smile.

She knew Ji Tiantian very well. If her eyes moved around when she spoke, she was definitely lying!
"Then let me ask classmate Xiao Mian now."

Teacher Zhou reached out and picked up her phone, preparing to give classmate Xiao Mian a late home visit.

Ji Tiantian froze on the spot, it was neither a matter of stopping nor of not stopping.

At this moment, Ji's father, who had been silent, stood up. He patted Teacher Zhou on the shoulder and looked at Ji Tiantian with a smile.

Ji's father was a rather bookish businessman.

He wears a pair of black-rimmed eyes and always has a friendly smile at the corner of his mouth. He is very approachable and seems to be quite easy to get along with.

"Tiantian, are you going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"

A hit!

Ji's father could tell Ji Tiantian's movements at a glance!


Seeing that he was discovered, Ji Tiantian simply admitted it.

"Are you looking for Xiaoxiao?"

Father Ji continued to ask with a smile.


Ji Tian nodded sweetly, then simply raised his head and closed his eyes.

If you want to kill, you have to do what you want.

Anyway, even if she can't leave today, she will leave tomorrow.

It’s a matter of time!
However, the next moment, Ji's father said with a smile.

"Go ahead, I told your Uncle Zhang and he will pick you up downstairs."

Then, he took two more bank cards from his pants and put them into Ji Tiantian's schoolbag.

"When you go out, it's always good to have money with you."

"Kali's father has put in 50 yuan. If it's not enough, just tell him and he will give you more money."

"The password is your birthday."

Ji Tiantian blinked and looked at Ji's father in front of him in disbelief.

What's happening here?
Isn’t Comrade Lao Ji very strict?
Why did you suddenly agree?
Seeing Ji Tiantian's cute look, Ji's father smiled and rubbed the girl's head.

"Go quickly, don't miss the plane."

"it is good!"

After speaking, Ji Tiantian hurriedly carried her schoolbag and rushed downstairs.

Looking at Ji Tiantian's hurried back, Teacher Zhou frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Lao Ji, now the sweet little cotton-padded jacket is leaving, why don't you stop me?"

She just turned around and wanted to criticize Lao Ji.

However, the next moment, Lao Ji had already picked up the phone.

"Hey, Lao Lin."

"I'm telling you, the good wine in your warehouse must be ready for me now."

"Yes, yes, I just left. Don't change the topic. Maotai, which is not 50 years old, really can't bear the meal tonight."

"What? Don't take it? You kid, believe it or not, I hid the household registration book!"

"Hurry and prepare good wine and food for us. I have long been interested in the Maotai in your wine cellar. Don't hide it!"

Seeing this scene, Teacher Zhou covered his forehead helplessly.

The upper beam is really not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

Return to the airport.

Lin Xiao held Ji Tiantian's schoolbag in his right hand and held Ji Tiantian's hand in his left hand back to the rental house where he lived.Although the rental house he lives in is small, it has all the necessary features.

A large double bed, two desks, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small living room.

Although it's not as big as my home, it looks like it's about [-] to [-] square meters.

Lin Xiao took Ji Tiantian around the house and said a little embarrassedly.

"Tiantian, it's still a little small here. It will be fine when we go back."

Ji Tiantian had a smile on her lips, put her hands around Lin Xiao's neck, and said sweetly.

"Wherever I can live with you, it will be heaven!"

Lin Xiao lowered his head and glanced at Ji Tiantian's eyes, the curved eyes, the high bridge of the nose, and the red lips.

He was suddenly curious whether Ji Tiantian's lips were as sweet as her name.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but swallow.

I don’t know when it started, but his concentration became weaker and weaker!
"Hey, husband."

Ji Tiantian whispered softly into Lin Xiao's ear.

Lin Xiao's concentration completely disappeared.

He lowered his head and captured Ji Tiantian's lips in one bite.

An idea flashed through Lin Xiao's mind: Ji Tiantian's lips were really as sweet as her name.

It took a full hour before the two separated their lips.

Lin Xiao was still savoring the sweetness just now, while Ji Tiantian's lips were a little red and swollen.

"It's all your fault, my lips are swollen from kissing!"

Ji Tiantian coyly nestled in Lin Xiao's arms, her hands tightly wrapped around Lin Xiao's waist.

"It's my fault, should I check again?"

Lin Xiao lowered his head and brought his head close to Ji Tiantian's lips.

"No, if you keep kissing like this, you won't be able to leave the house today."

How could Ji Tiantian not know what Lin Xiao was thinking.

She really didn't notice it before, but now she knew that Lin Xiao was so domineering!
She didn't know why, but Ji Tiantian felt that she and Lin Xiao were in perfect harmony, and they didn't have the shyness of a couple who just fell in love.

Sometimes it feels like the two of us are like an old married couple.

You can understand what the other person is thinking with just one look.

Maybe this is the tacit understanding that only belongs to childhood sweethearts.

"Then let's go out and take you to the place where I eat every day!"

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips, and then he held Ji Tiantian's hand tightly and went to the small restaurant where he usually ate.

As soon as he entered the door, the landlady noticed Lin Xiao and the girl holding hands beside him.

"Hey, I'm here, and I brought my beautiful girlfriend with me today."

The landlady greeted Lin Xiao warmly.

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile.

"My girlfriend and I have some food. She just arrived in Shanghai and she hasn't eaten yet."


The landlady nodded, and then handed the menu to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao ordered two home-cooked dishes and then placed the menu in front of Ji Tiantian.

"Tiantian, do you think there's anything else you want to eat?"

Ji Tiantian smiled sweetly.

"That's enough. Do you want to raise me into a piggy?"

The landlady walked into the kitchen with an aunty smile on her face.

She didn't know why, but she felt that these two people were an unusually good match.

After eating, the two returned home holding hands. Ji Tiantian leaned in Lin Xiao's arms a little tiredly.

"I'm so sleepy, husband, can you hold me and sleep?"

Lin Xiao lowered his head and kissed Ji Tiantian's forehead.

"Okay, let's sleep together. I didn't sleep well last night either."

Later, Lin Xiao reached out and carried Princess Ji Tiantian back to the room, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.

(End of this chapter)

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