Chapter 92 Helping and Commanding
Open your eyes the next morning.

"Ouch, shit."

As soon as Lin Xiao twisted his body, he couldn't help but make a sound of pain.

He felt like he could barely move the right side of his neck.

"Oh my God, I have a stiff neck!"

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and his expression was a little painful. In what position did he fall asleep last night?

He looked around for his pillow.

Finally, under Ji Tiantian's neck, Lin Xiao found the pillow he had longed for.

Ji Tiantian's own pillow was held in her arms.

She didn't hug Lin Xiao like an octopus today, but she hugged her pillow tightly.

Lin Xiao finally knew why he had a stiff neck. He probably slept until midnight when Ji Tiantian casually took away his pillow!

He slept so well that he didn't realize the pillow was taken away!

Just outrageous!
Lin Xiao endured the pain and got up from the bed, then walked slowly to the living room.

Glancing at his favorite PS5, he reluctantly shook his head.

The guy with a stiff neck is still playing PS5, and everyone is going crazy after a while!

He pinched his neck and walked to the fly house downstairs, intending to take a few dishes home so he wouldn't have to start the stove at noon.

His neck hurt so much at noon today. He really didn't want to lower his head to chop vegetables anymore. It was too torture.

"what happened?"

The landlady looked at Lin Xiao, who was moving left and right, with some confusion.

"Are you having a stiff neck?"

An awkward smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips.

"There was something wrong with my sleeping position last night. I don't know why. When I woke up, I had a stiff neck!"

"You are easy to cure. Let my guy break it off for you and it will be cured in no time."

The landlady clapped her hands and said with a smile.

Lin Xiao asked curiously.

"Is the effect really that good? Just break it off and it will be fine?"

The landlady laughed loudly.

"My family specializes in treating bruises and bruises when they were young, so you can just treat them casually!"

For some reason, Lin Xiao felt that the landlady’s eyes were shining when she said this!
Lin Xiao thought for a moment and nodded.

This stiff neck was not a disease, the pain was so terrible that he couldn't even turn his head.

He still wanted to find a way to cure his stiff neck quickly.

"Then it's troublesome brother."

An apologetic smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips.

Since the landlady said so confidently, he also chose to believe the landlady once. After all, the landlady would definitely not lie to him.

Such innocent and childish thoughts flashed through his mind.

Soon, the boss wiped his cooking hands and walked out of the dusty kitchen.

"What's wrong? What's the matter with calling me?"

The landlady pointed at Lin Xiao, who had a painful expression at the door, and whispered.

"The young man seems to have a stiff neck. Would you like to help straighten it?"

Lin Xiao showed an apologetic smile to his boss.

"Brother, are you a doctor who treats bruises and injuries?"

The boss looked a little embarrassed and said nothing. Then he gave the lady boss next to him a hard look.

"I treat pigs! You want me to treat people?!"

Although he didn't understand Henan dialect very well, Lin Xiao still understood the boss's words.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his expression suddenly changed, and he took two steps back.

"What the hell, boss, are you treating pigs?" "You can treat them too, don't worry."

The boss suddenly showed a weird-looking smile and whispered.

"Let me take a look and I'll treat you!"

"Don't! Don't! Brother!"

Lin Xiao quickly retreated and rejected the other party's request.

Who wants to find a doctor who treats pigs to treat people? How about treating people as if they were pigs?
He quickly declined, not daring to accept the kindness of the boss and his wife.

"I suddenly feel like my neck is getting better and it's fine!"

As he spoke, Lin Xiao also made several flexible movements, turning his head left and right, lowering his head up and down, without saying that his neck hurt.

Seeing that Lin Xiao's movements returned to normal, the landlady no longer urged the boss to go up and perform the pig power treatment!
Lin Xiao, who thought he had escaped death, showed the most flattering smile in his life.

"When will my food arrive, boss lady?"

"My little girlfriend has just come home. I have to bring her food quickly, otherwise she will starve to death!"

Lin Xiao decisively took out his girlfriend to find a way out for himself.

Although there is no doubt about the strength and strength of the bone-setting elder brother, for some reason, Lin Xiao felt weak in his calves when he looked at his tendons.

After returning home with the dishes, Ji Tiantian hasn't gotten up yet.

Lin Xiao felt at ease and began to prepare for tonight's gang league.

In the first week, the gang member Lindsay Lin Xiao did not participate, but he had to participate in the second week anyway.

There are two gang leagues every Friday and one every Saturday to determine the ranking of each gang.

Their current Bai Yujing is ranked first in Group B. They can only win two games this week, and they are firmly in the top four of Group A!
Even if they only win one game, they can still be among the top eight in Group A.

But if you don't win a game, then just let it go.

So the goal for this week has already been set, to keep eight and fight for four!

Today, basically all the high-level battles in the gang are here, and even the big bosses who usually dive like crazy are online on time.

There were only Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian. Ji Tiantian, who had just woken up, washed his face before boarding the game.

Soon, a large team of 120 people was formed.

Seeing that the number of people in the gang is full, Lin Xiao and Qing Youyi, the two super high-level combatants, can hardly even enter the dungeon.

Fortunately, Brother Li's gift was not given in vain. He directly kicked people online, kicked two blood rivers with relatively low ratings, and directly put Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian into the group.

Then he asked directly in the team channel.

"Lucky God, do you want to take command?"

They had a gang war last week and suffered the loss of not having a commander. This week they have to find a commander anyway.

Lin Xiao happened to be their dungeon commander, so he should also be their gang leader.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and nodded.

He had watched the video of Ni Shuihan's mobile game commander and knew how gang battles were fought.

It's just a case of 120 people, so just using the team voice is completely insufficient.

Lin Xiao directly turned on the gang voice, and his voice could reach the ears of all players in the gang.

"May I ask, which regiment is the mobile regiment and which regiment is the offensive regiment?"

Everyone in the gang channel looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"What is a mobile group, an offensive group?"

"The conductor is so professional!"

"What's going on? The commander is so top-notch?"

"Good guy, I've never heard of it!"

Seeing the doubts of everyone in the gang channel, Lin Xiao showed a helpless smile.

At first glance, it seems that everyone doesn't know much about the gang, and they don't even understand the division of labor among the gang groups.

But as the gang commander, Lin Xiao believed that he still had the obligation to adjust the gang group.

(End of this chapter)

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