Chapter 93 Gang adjustment

There are still 20 minutes left before the gang battle.

Although it is a rush to get on the shelves, Lin Xiao still hopes that he can do his best.

"The 120 people are divided into five groups, namely the offensive group, the defensive group, the middle group, the mobile group and the jungle group."

"The attack group consists of 30 people and is mainly responsible for storming."

"The defense team consists of 30 people. Its main task is to defend, contain and support."

"There are 24 people in the middle group, responsible for joint defense and support."

"The mobile group has 24 people. Its main tasks are storming, encirclement, encirclement and surprise attack."

"The jungle team has 12 people. They need to control the field of vision, suppress the enemy jungle, encircle and link up to assist defense."

Lin Xiao briefly explained the responsibilities of each group.

What he said is actually just part of the responsibilities. The most important thing is to see the performance on the spot.

Other aspects will be considered only after completing the main responsibilities.

Although everyone in the gang still seemed to understand the types of gangs Lin Xiao was talking about, it still felt quite powerful to hear Lin Xiao speak so clearly.

"Let's adjust the team."

"An attacking group. The leader's hometown is Wangchang'an. Except for the statues and the Nine Spirits, everyone else can enter and follow the leader's command."

"The idols and Jiuling mainly go to the middle group and the defense group. I will take direct command later."

"The remaining Blood River and Broken Dreams will go to the mobile group, Captain Yakult. They will follow the leader's command later."

"The final jungle group should be based on Broken Dreams as much as possible. Blood River can also be entered. You intend to open the mic with Chu Xia and report the position of the opposite group later."

Lin Xiao spoke concisely and to the point, and separated the 120 people as much as possible and placed them where they should go.

The reason why Qing intends to be eye-catching with Chu Xia is that there is really no good solution.

These are the only two people he can command, and he doesn't know any other Broken Dreams.

I have to say that they don’t have many other Bai Yujings, but they really have a lot of Su Wen. Basically every team can be assigned a Su Wen.

The effect of this is very good.

After adjusting the group, there were less than 10 minutes left before the start of the game.

Sleepy asked in the gang channel.

"Ameng, do you want to go to the gang battlefield first?"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Come in, adjust your skills after entering, everyone try to bring Biyun Wenzhou with you, Su Wen will definitely bring you with you as promised."

"Let's adjust the other skills as we play!"

He doesn't know much about other professions, nor is he very clear about the skills he needs to adjust on the battlefield.

Everyone enters the battlefield together.

Opening the battle interface on the right, Lin Xiao glanced at the gang opposite.

The seventh place in Group A is Blossoms, with 120 people!
I glanced at the combat strength again, and found that the fifty thousand combat strength basically accounted for 90 people.

On their side, the number of people with a combat strength of more than 60 is only [-].

Their combat power is lagging behind, and like them, they are basically a fully formed group.

This requires a bit of skill in fighting.

Lin Xiao said in the gang channel.

"The offensive group and the mobile group go to the bottom lane and take down the defense towers on the middle lane. The middle lane group and the defensive group shrink to one tower in the middle lane. Don't press forward."

"The jungle group goes directly to the opposite granary in the upper left corner of the map."

"You intend to go with Chu Xia to find the location of the large group on the opposite side. Report the location at any time."

Lin Xiao's command was clear, but he still wanted to see how strong the opposite commander was.

If the opponent came over from the middle with a high combat power, that would be what he wanted to see the most.

But if the opponent's level is high, it will be very difficult to win.It was the first time that the Caotai team had a clear command, and everyone in the gang group was a little nervous.

They didn't make it to Group A in the first week because they played like a piece of loose sand.

I don’t know if the effect will be better this time under the leadership of the commander.

When the 10-second countdown to the game ended, everyone jumped down from the high platform and rushed towards the pre-match command position.

Lin Xiao came to the first tower in the middle with the sword and stood there for less than 10 seconds when he saw a huge crowd rushing towards their first tower in the middle.

After a simple estimate, the number of people should be at least 80.

At the same time, Yakult, the leader of the mobile group, said on the gang channel.

"There's no one in the bottom lane, what should we do now?"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, and then said in a deep voice.

"The middle group and the defensive group retreated to one tower to defend, while the bottom group and the offensive group directly demolished the first tower!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, the two regiments on the bottom lane were demolishing frantically as if there was no one around.

At the same time, the center also came into contact with the opponent's large force.

A nearly full force stood in front of the two regiments in the middle.

Even though Lin Xiao was protected by a defense tower, the entire group in front of him was still losing people.

Fortunately, the two groups in the middle are basically dominated by statues of gods and nine spirits, and the positions of those killed are relatively far back, so there is no situation where they cannot be pulled up.

Lin Xiao opened the mini map and took a look at the top lane. Their jungle group had already rushed to the opponent's granary.

"The defense tower in the bottom lane still has 30% health!"

"The person on the other side seems to be going down the road!"

"A large wave of people rushed straight down the road!"

Eye position and Yakult reported information at the same time.

After a little analysis, Lin Xiao came up with the intention of the commander on the opposite side.

They must have thought that Bai Yujing's middle lane was definitely no match for their blossoming flowers, so they planned to dispatch a large force to the lower lane to manage the two demolished regiments.

The opportunity is coming!

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and then said loudly in the gang channel.

"The mobile group and the offensive group can withdraw, go back through the lower road, and raid the rear of their middle group."

"The statue in front is ready for stunts, and Su Wen is ready to make a promise!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, although the bottom tower in front of him was already in danger.

But they still decisively gave up the tower that was within easy reach, and everyone chose to retreat directly.

After breaking away from the battle, the offensive group and the mobile group took a detour from their own side's lower road, just in time to avoid the large force on the opposite side.

Lin Xiao glanced at the map and immediately shouted loudly when he saw the back row was in place.

"Su Wen directly pulls Yue, and the statue of Lingbo jumps into the crowd on the opposite side with a slight step. Everyone jumps directly into the crowd, don't step back!"

"Nanny, come in too, and everyone come in together!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, everyone in the four regiments jumped directly into the middle of the crowd with the promised effect.

I didn’t expect that so many people would suddenly appear on the other side!
Under the siege of more than 100 people, the large group in the middle road collapsed and all died on the river in the middle road.

This wave of on-the-spot changes and command was really quick.

Relying on a small amount of information, they strangled all the large groups on the opposite side in the middle.

As soon as he succeeded, Qing Youyi immediately said in the gang channel.

"The big group on the opposite side of the lane is heading towards the middle lane!"

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips.

The conductor on the other side who was being led around by the nose had already tried out his skills!

(End of this chapter)

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