Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 926: Hugo’s journey from literary world to political success

Chapter 926 Hugo’s road to success in changing from the literary world to the political world

Because of Napoleon III's bad temper with Britain, dissatisfaction in British politics spread to the literary world, and the Dutch literary world also began to pay attention.

No, the Dutch literary world is also starting to join in the fun.

On June 1881, 6, a Dutch literary conference was held at the University of Sydney in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Present at the meeting were Strindberg, Director-General of the Netherlands Literary Council, Mark Twain, Deputy Director-General (who immigrated to the Netherlands from the United States as early as 1870), Ibsen, Björnsson, and Nas Lee, members of the Literary Association. , Xie Ming, Yeager, Krog, etc., are currently the most internationally renowned literary writers in the Netherlands.

In 1871, Brandeis, a Dutch literary critic who immigrated from Denmark to Melbourne, the Netherlands, became the director-general of the Dutch Literature Council. In cooperation with the Dutch government, he called on Dutch literature to criticize society, advocate realist creative methods, and He introduced realist works from the European continent to the Far East. Under his influence, already famous writers such as Ibsen, Björnsson, and Strindberg created a number of social dramas that exposed the contradictions of Dutch society. and social satire.

With the support of the government, there was a craze for performing the works of these writers on the Dutch stage. This was a relatively prosperous period in the history of Dutch drama. In fact, it was originally supposed to be Swedish in history, but due to the arrival of William IV, it became the Dutch drama. of privilege.

So starting from 1871, the most famous playwright in the world was Strindberg, who was only 22 years old and immigrated to the Netherlands from Sweden. His realistic historical drama "Teacher Olof" in 1872 was the first drama in the history of Europe and the world. The truly successful naturalistic one-act play "Miss Julie" in 1877, and the earliest expressionist drama work in Europe, "To Damascus" in 1879, etc., all of which made him famous in the world of theater circles.

It was under such circumstances that Strindberg became the Director-General of the Dutch Literary Council in 1880. At only 31 years old, he could be called the youngest generation of literary masters in the world and the person who manages a country's literary world.

This meeting was held under the convening of Strindberg, with Deputy Director General Mark Twain presiding over the meeting.

Mark Twain: “Currently, there are more and more newcomers in our literary world in the Netherlands. Just like the Dutch music scene, the Netherlands is full of fresh blood from all over the world. This has created the Netherlands’ global immigration strategy, attracting elites from around the world. The original intention of His Majesty William IV to move the capital to Melbourne on the Australian mainland. Do you still remember the sensation across the Netherlands and Europe when you heard that Liszt immigrated to Adelaide, the capital of South Australia?"

Mark Twain's words, and then the whole audience stood still.

Liszt was born in Hungary. He was a famous Hungarian composer, pianist and conductor at that time. The great Romantic master was one of the outstanding representatives of Romanticism.

Born in Hungary, it is said that he learned piano at the age of 6. He was a disciple of more than ten famous piano masters. He had no choice but to have such a high talent that famous teachers liked to take him. He settled in Paris at the age of 16.Liszt developed piano skills to an unparalleled level, greatly enriched the expressive power of the piano, and later created orchestral effects. He also created the memorization method. He is recognized for his great contribution to piano playing skills. , which earned him the title of "King of Pianos" personally awarded by William IV in 1876.

Among those present, only Strindberg was awarded the title of "Father of World Theater" by William IV after the successful global performance of "Miss Julie" in 1877.

It can be said that both of them are outstanding in the music industry and the literary world.

No, there is another Vincent William Van Gogh in the painting world. At the age of 28, he caused a sensation in the Dutch and even the world's painting circles as soon as his works such as "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers" came out. Therefore, William IV awarded him the world's most famous painting. A pioneer painter of Post-Impressionism and Realism, the year is 1878.

It can be said that these three people became the recipients of honors conferred by the king in their respective fields.

Because of this, they have also become the directors-general of various associations in this field, representing the international image of the Netherlands and guiding the Netherlands to develop cultural industries and soft power.

Strindberg: “So while the literary world needs to create itself, it also needs to pay attention to the development of the global literary world.

In the current British poetry circle, Tennyson and Browning are the most influential people. Tennyson devoted his life to improving the art of poetry, skillful technique, lyricism, and narrative. For example, his 1850 poem "In Memoriam" ", it profoundly writes about the crisis of faith that a private person feels when facing a rapidly changing world. Although he is finally reborn with the way of God, the most touching passage expresses doubt and uneasiness."

"Browning conducted various experiments in subject matter and techniques, and has excellent short poems and long works. He is particularly good at using colloquial words and phrases to describe the characters' hearts, and wrote a series of 'dramatic monologues', with ups and downs. , his most successful creation"

Strindberg's analysis is really good, but these two people are the best in the British poetry circle.

Ibsen said: "In addition, Arnold tried to use the implication of classicism to correct the raging romanticism. He wrote some good poems in his youth, but later turned to literary art and ideological criticism, and made significant achievements. At this time, there was also a rise in the British literary world. There is a school of "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood". They believe that the current British literary and art world is sluggish and should return to the simplicity and purity of the early Italian Renaissance.

In four aspects, Rossetti's "The Goddess" in 1850 is the representative work.His sister Christina Rossetti also wrote fresh and euphemistic lyric poems, which are characterized by their religious feeling.

Another important British poet is Swinburne, who praises democracy and sexual love between men and women. His works are influenced by French Symbolist poets, especially Baudelaire. His rhymes and images are suggestive and charming. , the main poetry collections include "Poems and Ballads" compiled from 1866 to 1878 and 1880. This poetry collection became popular among British and even many European youths. "

Björnsson nodded in agreement, and then sighed: "At present, the most accomplished poet among the Raphaelites is Morris, the author of the fantasy novel "News from U-You Country", whose masterpiece "On the Earth" from 1868 to 1870 "Paradise" is a collection of stories, but it is more romantic. Later in 1876, he wrote the medieval Nordic hero "Sigurd of the Volsung", which is simple and majestic.

However, starting last year in 1880, he participated in the British workers' movement and used poetry to inspire struggle and spread socialist ideas. Among them, he wrote a long poem "Beautiful" about the struggle of a certain commune in the capital of France. "Future Seekers" is a new type of masterpiece"

Nass Lee: "The most popular aesthetic trend in the British literary world since the 1850s has been the pre-Raphaelite aesthetic trend. However, starting from the 1870s, it seems to have evolved into the aestheticism of later writers. Pede's 1873 " "Renaissance History Research" provides it with aesthetic theory. The people who practice this theory are mainly Wilde and several young poets who formed the "Poetry Club". However, the latter only have sporadic masterpieces, and Wilde's real achievement does not lie in his show off. His works of aestheticism lie in his satirical social dramas, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest." The revival of drama is the last major literary event in this century with rapid development and continuous influx of masterpieces. It is the drama innovator Standing at the intersection of two centuries, it has brought new life to British literature.

In terms of drama, I think they are now imitating our creations in the Netherlands."

Yeager: "France is currently divided, and its internal writers and outstanding painters are all creative about this. We may have to look at the changes in France, but for now we still talk about Britain, where literary writers discuss politics, which may bring about great changes. The effect is uncertain.”

Strindberg and Mark Twain secretly glanced at each other, and then inadvertently moved away. Strindberg said: "Yes, observing over there in the UK, many people now try to use literary works to participate in expressing dissatisfaction with the local government. , trying to gain the recognition of the government and expand their influence. I took a look and found that the French Second Empire and the French Third Republic had a larger audience than the French painting circle and the literary world. It has a huge influence, so can our literary world use this as a learning object and do the same in the Netherlands?"

Everyone except Mark Twain looked at Strindberg in shock.

What did this guy just say?He is actually instigating the owners of these Dutch literary masterpieces to participate in political discussions?
Strindberg shrugged. He was the youngest person present, making the 32-year-old look so tall and handsome. This gave people the feeling that the wave behind had pushed the wave ahead for a long time, and the wave in front was about to die on the beach.

Strindberg said: "At present, the Netherlands is mainly divided into three major political parties. I think if it is possible in the UK, why not in the Netherlands? The influence of our Dutch literary world in the world actually exceeds that of the British literary world. Shakespeare and others are good , but everything is past tense.

Looking at France, the great French writer Hugo founded the "Conservative Cultural Biweekly" with the poet Pooh in 1819, and wrote "Notre Dame de Paris" in 1831. The publication of the latter shocked the world, and his reputation as a master suddenly generate.After that, his creations continued, and in 1841, he was elected to the French Academy.

After the Paris Revolution in 1851, Hugo was forced to go into exile.

Napoleon III, who was president at the time, was the target of his criticism. So after the latter ascended the throne and became emperor, Hugo was frightened and ran abroad.

Hugo did not return to Paris until 1870, when Napoleon III was captured by the Prussians.

However, after Germany returned Napoleon III to Paris, he could only escape Paris again and go to the Lyon government in the south. Finally, in 1871, he learned from the painful experience and joined politics. In that year, he ran to the breakaway French Third Republic and was elected to the French Parliament. -People's Congress.

In 1876, he was elected as a senator of the French Third Republic. President Thiers hit it off with him and successfully made him a humanitarian representative of the French Third Republic. As a result, Hugo's influence increased dramatically.At the same time, he became an outstanding bourgeois democratic writer in the history of French literature. He is currently called the Shakespeare of France by the Third Republic and Germany. "

Strindberg's idea, coupled with Hugo's success, immediately cheered everyone present.

Apparently, they were persuaded.

(End of this chapter)

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