Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 927: Kuwait was ridiculed for buying at a high price

Chapter 927: Kuwait was ridiculed for buying at a high price
At the same time, on June 1881, 6, the last day of the summit of the Thirteen South American Nations finally came to an end.

When William IV of the Kingdom of the Netherlands met with the new Mexican President Manuel Gonzalez who was visiting Melbourne, the Netherlands, he said: "The Group of Thirteen recommended concrete actions to counter the challenges posed by Britain and the German-Austrian Alliance. The Netherlands fully supports the Ten The Three Group’s defense constitution was adopted and Mexico was supported in improving its ability to defend itself.”

William IV looked at Manuel and said: ""Our two countries are coastal powers on both sides of the Pacific. The Netherlands has a naval base in Mexico. Now that Mexico has joined the Group of Thirteen led by the Netherlands, the safety of Mexico is of great concern to the Netherlands. It is definitely a symbiotic element. We will not let any other country invade Mexico.For this, I, as King of the Netherlands, can ensure that the Netherlands is serious about its agreement to side with Mexico in the event of an invasion."

Manuel Gonzalez was naturally delighted when he saw this. For this reason, he also said on behalf of the Mexican government: "Mexico will become the Kingdom of the Netherlands' strongest ally in North America. Yes, we are stronger than the United States. Meet the allies of the Netherlands”

On June 1881, 6, King William IV of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and President Manuel Thackeres of Mexico signed an alliance agreement in Melbourne.

In the treaty, the Netherlands and Mexico provided guarantees for each other's "territorial rights" and "special interests" in North America and Latin America. The treaty stipulated that if one of the contracting states goes to war with the other country to protect the above rights and interests, The other party to the contract immediately provided assistance and fought together, and also stipulated that the covenant between the Netherlands and Mexico would last for ten years.

The Netherlands is openly allying with Mexico?

This news is shocking, no less than the German-Austrian alliance announced on June 6.

Why, because the most critical and initial goal of this German-Austrian alliance was to establish a Latin American combined fleet, and one of the bases was built on the Yucatan Peninsula, which was originally occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was located in southeastern Mexico and Guatemala respectively. and the land bordering Belize.

The German-Austrian Alliance has just expressed its intention to station troops there, and then the Netherlands has formed an alliance with Mexico, which has lost its territory. Is the Netherlands preparing for a showdown with those two countries and turning the tables?

In particular, official announcements from the two countries show that the main content of this treaty is: When either of the first and second contracting states believes that the rights and interests mentioned are endangered, they shall notify each other and adopt common policies to defend it.

Secondly, if any of the two contracting states is attacked by one or more states in defense of the aforementioned rights and interests, it does not matter where the attack occurs.The other contracting state shall conclude a peace (negotiation to armistice) with military assistance to jointly fight the war.
Third, the Netherlands recognizes Mexico’s right to rule the Yucatan Peninsula, and Mexico recognizes the Netherlands’ jurisdiction over the Strait of Malacca. Mexico also recognizes and recognizes the rights and interests of the Netherlands’ various current deployments in Latin America. Mexico stated that as long as Without violating Mexican national laws, Mexico allowed the construction of Dutch garrison bases in Mexico.

Fourth, Mexico recognized the special Dutch interests throughout Latin America and the Dutch right to take necessary measures to protect its allies.

Fifth, the United Kingdom strictly maintains a neutral position on the ongoing sovereignty disputes between Mexico and the Northern Confederate States over California and Arizona; and between Mexico and the Southern Confederate States of Texas and New Mexico. However, the Netherlands will understand Mexico's position. In the treaty, Special note: If another country or several countries join the war against Mexico, the Netherlands will immediately assist Mexico in fighting together, and should also appear in a unanimous position during peace negotiations.

The Dutch and Mexican knots were able to give Britain a mixed bag.

What is worrying is that the Dutch and Mexicans have completely turned to the Dutch side. With a population of more than 1000, Mexico is a big country in the Americas that has caused great trouble to the United Kingdom.

Fortunately, Germany and Austria have ambitions for Mexico. Now that the Netherlands is directly attacking Germany and Austria, Britain may be able to reap the benefits and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

Compared with the contradictions in Britain,

Citizens in the Netherlands have fewer conflicts.

Because they have a high degree of trust in William IV.

On the contrary, I feel that every step taken by the King of the Netherlands will be profound, so I am guessing what kind of benefits the Netherlands can get from it this time.

However, while everyone is speculating on the changes in the international situation brought about by the alliance between Mexico and the Netherlands, the Netherlands seems never willing to dwell too much on one place.

On June 1881, 6, the Balkan Peninsula Summit was still going on because the attitudes of all parties were different. In particular, Austria-Hungary challenged the Dutch leadership of the summit, saying that the summit should not be held only by the Netherlands, but by the Netherlands. There should be a rotation system among member states.It should be held in another country next year. .

The opinions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were supported by Italy, Bulgaria, the Kingdom of Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the Ottoman Empire did not express its position. The Tsarist Russian Empire, Serbia, the Kingdom of Greece, and North Macedonia supported the dominance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with five countries each.Several of the latter countries considered the Albanian province to be the best venue.

At this time, when everyone thought that the Micro-Holland would lose the table proposal, suddenly, the Netherlands won the support of Montenegro in the vote on June 1881, 6.At the same time, the Kingdom of Greece signed a United Nations enhanced economic and trade agreement with the Kingdom of Montenegro. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is willing to set up trade points on the border between the two countries to deepen the scope of trade between the two countries. At the same time, the Province of Albania will establish a port alliance with Montenegro to facilitate trade between the two countries. Established through joint cooperation in the construction of the port group.

Montenegro's move towards the Netherlands makes people understand that when the benefits are large enough, they can still win people's hearts.

Just when everyone thought that Montenegro was the result of the Netherlands' grand gesture, on June 1881, 6, the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands signed an agreement on mutual visits of ships in the Indian Ocean, which surprised people.

In particular, the Ottoman Empire actually supported the Netherlands in purchasing Kuwait in the Persian Gulf, and the Netherlands actually exchanged 10 steam battleships for Kuwait at an unprecedentedly high price.According to the price of a steam battleship, the unit price is 15 pounds, which is 150 million pounds, 375 million guilders per unit, and 10 ships are 3750 million guilders.

This is a huge amount.

Let’s look back at the purchasing history of various countries in the Middle East in the past few years.

The Netherlands buys the United Arab Emirates (the territory of William IV, August 100, 1866) for 8 million pounds.
Prussia: Purchase of the Cathar Peninsula for £100 million (August 1866, 8)
Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck and Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck jointly put pressure on the Ottoman Empire and the purchase was successful.

On August 1866, 8, French Prime Minister Olivier, Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti, Spanish Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez and Portuguese Prime Minister Barreto jointly visited Constantinople.France, Italy, Spain and Portugal expressed their interest in Prussia and the Netherlands purchasing the territory of the Arabian Peninsula from Constantinople.

Portugal: Three parts of the Oman region, from Raihiut on the southern border in the west of the Oman region to Amal and Mughashin in the southeast (the future Dhofar Province of Oman), were sold to Portugal for 50 pounds.

Spain: Sokila to the island of Daoua in the south and Al Qubar (future Central Province of Oman) in the north were sold to Spain for £50.

French Empire: The remainder stretches from Qelet and Qabay east to Mascot, north to Sohar, etc. (the future Zahirah Province, Interior Province, East-North Province, East-South Province, and Mascot Province of Oman , North Batinay) were all purchased by the French Empire, valued at £1 million.

Italy: It bought Yemen from the west of the border with Oman to the east of Atag City (mainly in the future Mehra, Hadramawt and Shabwa provinces of Yemen, covering an area equivalent to the area of ​​western Yemen) 2 times).Although there was more desert, Italy still wanted to capture this huge territory, so it paid 100 million pounds.

Britain: Take the area extending to the Red Sea in the west (Jawf, Saada, Hajjah, Mehweit, Hodeidah, Zaymar, Ibb, Abyan, Lehij Province, Taiz Province, Dali Province). Obviously, because Britain controls the Suez Canal, it does not want to be controlled by other countries on the side entering the Indian Ocean. Therefore, taking this place will allow them to compete with Prussia, which occupies Somalia on the south side. To engage in confrontation, the two countries formed a confrontation in the Gulf of Aden, and the offer was the same as France's, 160 million pounds.

The Ottoman Empire made a total of £720 million from land sales.

Plus this time the Netherlands purchased Kuwait for 150 million pounds.

The Ottoman Empire got 870 million pounds from selling land, which was much more than the fake 750 million U.S. dollars that Hus got from buying Alai from the Shahe Empire. It was also more than the 1500 million U.S. dollars (300 million U.S. dollars) that Napoleon I of France sold Louisiana to the United States. Ten thousand pounds purchased more than 200 million square kilometers in Louisiana and 1.78 square kilometers in Kuwait, the latter being less than one percent of the former).

However, it has to be said that President Monroe of the United States took advantage of Napoleon I's defeat in Europe to purchase the Louisiana area. It can be said that even William IV was envious of it. You must know that this is the real mother of the United States in the future. The Amazon River Basin, which runs through the north and south basins of central America, plays a defining role in the river transportation industry in the United States.

However, it is extremely ironic that Envy fell into the divided southern regime.

Although William IV was envious of the other party and even though he pretended to make more money than himself, his involvement in the oil industry in the Middle East would definitely be a huge investment for the Netherlands in the future. Oil began to replace coal and become the major source of energy. , then William IV's deployment will let people know how powerful he is.

As for now, just live in peace.

"Kuwait has become another natural gas treasure land for the Netherlands in the Middle East. I wonder what the expressions of those mocking the Netherlands will be like in the future. I am really looking forward to it."

(End of this chapter)

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