Chapter 100 Dugu Yan’s love
Dugu Bo was pacing back and forth at the gate at the moment. His nervous and expectant image made it difficult for people to think that he was a titled Douluo with the highest combat power in the Douluo Continent.

Dugu Bo was not sure whether Su Chen would come, but the dream he had last night was very strange, and he dreamed that Su Chen would come today.

He felt that this was Jiujianxian telling him in his dream.

Even if it's just possible, Dugu Bo doesn't dare to neglect it. This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships and promote connections.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Dugu Bo. Who else could this person be if it wasn't Su Chen.

"My Lord, you are finally here." Dugu Bo looked respectful and excited.

Su Chen was wondering, do people with higher status in Douluo Continent have thicker skin?Tang Yuehua is a shameless person, let alone Dugu Bo. He said last time that he is not his master. Why would he want such a slave?Should we also call the Lord directly during this meeting?How humble is this?

But Su Chen naturally wouldn't argue about the title issue, just call him what he likes.

Anyway, Su Chen came here to find Ling Ling, to get acquainted with Dugu Yan, who was rated by some netizens as Douluo's most beautiful tongue and her waist from the shoulders down.

Dugu Bo respectfully led the way in front of Su Chen, and soon he brought Su Chen to a brightly decorated hall.

Su Chen looked around and felt that these decorations were just put on today.

Dugu Bo motioned to the servant to serve the food, while he respectfully handed over a cup of green tea with a light fragrance.

The small green tips in the cup are vivid, which is enough to show that this cup of tea is extraordinary.

"My lord, the technique you gave me is really amazing. It not only perfectly solved the poisoning problem of our Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit owners, but also allowed me to improve my cultivation level quickly.

The only remaining owners of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit are me and my granddaughter. If we hadn’t met you, we, the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit owners, would have perished sooner or later. Thank you Lord for your kindness in reincarnating us. "Dugu Bo looked at Su Chen who was sitting on the main seat, feeling low and excited.

After speaking, he moved the chair and tried to kneel down, but Dugubo found that his knees could not bend.

"Master, don't I deserve to kneel down to you?" Dugu Bo was a little unhappy, and he would soon burst into tears.

"Don't do this." Su Chen looked at Dugu Bo and said jokingly.

When Dugu Bo heard this, his black eyes rolled, and then he immediately became innocent. Wei Weiruoruo said: "My lord, my waist has been bad lately and I can't stand firm."

After saying that, Dugu Bo immediately sat back on his chair and stood up as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened just now.

Everything that just happened was clearly seen by the delicate girl Dugu Yan outside the door.

Because she was a little nervous, she never entered the hall. Instead, she secretly observed the Jiujianxian at the door.

Dugu Yan was already fascinated by it. He was indeed as handsome as the rumors said.

He is also a young man who has no airs and is easy to get along with.

There is still a bit of déjà vu in my memory...

Su Chen didn't ask her grandfather to kneel down but she could see clearly. She also didn't expect that her grandfather would be so humble to the Jiujianxian.

She had seen her grandfather's arrogant and withdrawn appearance towards outsiders, and she had also seen her grandfather crying and blaming himself alone in the cave.

Dugu Yan understood that her grandfather did this because he was thinking about her future...

And Jiu Jianxian's respect for her grandfather just now won Dugu Yan's favor and love again.

Dugu Yan's pretty face was slightly red, and she walked in gracefully.

"Grandpa." Dugu Yan called out clearly and obediently.

"Yanyan, come quickly, this is Lord Jiu Jianxian who is helping our family." Dugu Bo said gently to his granddaughter.

"Yanyan has met Master Zizi." Duguyan stepped forward and slightly performed noble etiquette towards Su Chen, showing the tenderness of a girl.

But she had the charm of a young woman who was just mature enough. From Su Chen's perspective, she was exuding a strange allure to him.

Su Chen glanced at Dugu Yan and nodded slightly. She was indeed a good woman, but it was a pity that her future in the original work was not bright...

Dugu Yan felt that Su Chen didn't look disgusted when he looked at her, and the girl's initial worries were relieved.Then Dugu Yan became bolder, always stealing glances at Su Chen from time to time.

With such a young, outstanding appearance, and extremely mysterious person, what girl wouldn’t be pregnant and moved?

Both Su Chen and Dugu Bo could hear the uncontrollable pounding of their heartbeats.

Dugu Bo felt the change in his granddaughter's shyness, and he couldn't hide the love in his eyes.

But Dugu Bo didn't want to say anything to bring the two of them together at this time, so he just let everything take its course.

Dugu Bo had a big smile on his face.

Dugu Bo would ask Yanyan about the life, social and cultivation situation of some colleges, so as to introduce to Su Chen his granddaughter's daily life, pure body, and the excellence of his granddaughter.

When Dugu Yan was chatting with her best friend Ling Ling, she would always look at Su Chen more seriously.

Sure enough, girls are naturally attentive. Dugu Yan found that Su Chen listened very carefully to Ling Ling's affairs, and her guess became clearer.

Soon, many delicacies were placed on the table by the servants.

Dugu Bo took the initiative to pour wine for Su Chen, and then drank three glasses of wine himself to express his loyalty to Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't care much, and occasionally drank some wine and ate the dishes Dugu Yan brought for him.

The two people's eyes met occasionally, and Su Chen already understood Dugu Yan's thoughts.

How could Su Chen not know the meaning of his uncontrollable love and admiration?

Even when putting food on Su Chen's plate, Dugu Yan wanted to stick close to Su Chen, but her delicate waist often controlled the appropriate distance, so that both of them could feel each other's aura.

Dugu Bo looked at his granddaughter's initiative and the friendly exchanges between the two, and couldn't help but drink one cup after another...

"My lord, the bad old man won't accompany you anymore. Yanyan, please take Mr. Jiujianxian for a walk in the yard of your home."

"Yes, Grandpa." Dugu Yan replied happily, while Dugu Bo left drunkenly and laughed.

"Master Jiujianxian, Yanyan will show you around my house." Duguyan smiled shyly, his eyes showing anticipation.

"Well, let's go." Su Chen replied simply.

Yanyan stood up and walked slowly until Su Chen came to her and was only one body away from her.

"Go this way," Dugu Yan's beautiful eyes flashed, as tender as water.

Wu Lun is Dugu Yan or Dugu Bo. Their eyes were green when they were poisoned before. After practicing the Xuan Dan Poison Sutra, the green eyes disappeared.

And Dugu Yan, who has resolved his own toxins, has obviously become more cheerful in mentality.

Not to mention the bonus to one's own charm after taking the fairy grass and practicing the exercises, which will definitely make him even more outstanding.

Su Chen occasionally admired the beautiful woman next to him. He could clearly see the beautiful scenery of the snow-white shoulders, and the silver-clad chest added to the infinite charm and reverie.

Su Chen felt that Dugu Yan should walk step by step in high heels. The slender waist that twisted like that was infinitely charming.

Maybe she usually walked one step at a time, but today she should have met him and maintained an air of aristocratic etiquette in front of him.

When it comes to Douluo Continent's most clinging girlfriend, in Su Chen's opinion, she is the woman next to him.

In the original work, she is a little girl in front of her lover.When sitting with Yu Tianheng, he didn't lean on the back of the sofa, but leaned on Yu Tianheng's chest or thighs in front of everyone without caring, with tenderness and full of love.

But externally she is a fierce woman with a strong desire to protect her. When her lover is hurt, she will not hesitate and even want to kill him.

Perhaps it is precisely because her family only has one grandfather, that after having a boyfriend, she knows how to cherish and care for him more than anyone else.


(End of this chapter)

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