Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 101 The tacit secret between Yanyan and Lingling

Chapter 101 The tacit secret between Yanyan and Lingling
But whether it was Dugu Bo or Dugu Yan, the ending for their grandfather and grandson was not good.

Tang San did not cure Dugu Bo's poison, but only helped him suppress his restraint and reduce the pain caused by the green phosphorus snake poison.

Even after Tang San became a god, he did not choose to help Dugu Bo detoxify the Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom.

In the end, Dugu Bo will still die from his own horrific toxin.

And Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng are together, with the strength of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family and the pride of claiming to be the number one beast in Douluo. Dugu Yan's martial spirit is a snake, and marrying into the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is basically not welcome. See.

Yu Tianheng is a person who puts family first, and Dugu Yan may eventually be angry and return to her parents' family.

But because the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was destroyed and ceased to exist.

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan have less resistance when they are together, and Yu Tianheng can only rely on Dugu Bo.

However, precisely because the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was destroyed, Yu Tianheng may have become nothing in the eyes of Yu Xiaogang.

After all, master and apprentice Yu Xiaogang only care about their own prospects and interests.

Otherwise, why were the children born to Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng who possessed the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit not passed on, and the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit disappeared in later generations.

It's just that Tang San has some agenda, he doesn't want to detoxify them, and he doesn't want them to exist in Douluo Continent.

As for the relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Yu Tianheng, Yu Tianheng must have asked his uncle Yu Xiaogang for help.

But as one can imagine, Yu Xiaogang, as Tang San's teacher, did not play a role.

Seeing their descendants suffering from the pain of the phosphorus snake venom and dying, I think both Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo must be feeling...

As for Tang San, there was nothing much to say about this man.

The Ice and Fire Eyes were not satisfied with the great benefits they had received, and they swept away all the fairy grass, leaving none for Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

There are more than just a few fairy grasses with ice and fire eyes.

It was okay to just do this. I didn't know what I was planning in my heart. After getting such a great benefit, I didn't give Dugu Bo the antidote method.

The readers here should all know how much Dugu Bo helped him.

In the end, the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit completely disappeared from the Douluo Continent, not to mention that the Ice and Fire Eyes became the private property of the Tang Sect. What happened in it...

As for what Su Chen admired about Dugu Yan as a reader in her previous life, she had always disliked Tang San since she met Tang San.

The waist in the comics has always made Su Chen unforgettable and deeply touched.

The two of them were getting closer and closer. Dugu Yan was not used to the high-heeled shoes she specially chose today. It was still a kind of aristocratic etiquette and ladylike steps that she rarely walked through.

Not sure whether it was intentional or unintentional, Dugu Yan twisted his foot, lost his balance, and immediately grabbed Su Chen's arm with both hands.

Under the moon, the two of them stopped. The blushing girl lowered her head and said nothing, while the boy stared straight ahead.

"Is it okay?" Su Chen said gently.

"It's okay." Dugu Yan whispered.

"Your house is big, go and sit there." Su Chen's voice sounded again.

Dugu Yan didn't know what he was thinking, but his hands didn't leave Su Chen's arms. The two of them walked side by side, like a pair of intimate lovers.

When the two came to Shiting, Dugu Yan took the initiative to leave Su Chen's arms with his hands and said apologetically: "Master Jiujianxian, I just lost my temper."

Su Chen looked at Dugu Yan's serious look and couldn't help but feel amused.

"do not worry about it."

After saying that, Su Chen took out his jade flute and played a thin, melodious and lingering sound into the night.

Dugu Yan looked at the immortal man sitting sideways, and saw the unique talent in playing. In Dugu Yan's heart, it was not the music that was beautiful, but the people...

"See you next time." After the song, Su Chen's figure had disappeared.

Dugu Yan stared at the place where Su Chen disappeared, her heart couldn't help beating, and she couldn't help but think wildly: That song was given to me! !Under normal circumstances, just see you again. If there is an extra next time, doesn’t that mean...

The more Dugu Yan thought about it, the more he became obsessed with it, and his face became sweeter and sweeter.

After sinking for a moment, Dugu Yan found a direction and walked away in a graceful manner.Dugu Yan pushed out of Lingling's room and hugged Lingling directly. He excitedly told Lingling what happened tonight, and even shared his feelings and Jiujianxian's appearance, talent and gentleness with Lingling...

Listening to Yanyan's description, Lingling was sure in her heart that it was Su Chen ()...

"Lingling, I feel like he doesn't hate me, but he doesn't like me either. Do I have a chance?" Yanyan suddenly said to Lingling with some envy.

"Yanzi, you are so good-looking and delicate that even I like you, let alone a man." Lingling looked at Yanyan who suddenly felt unconfident and replied affirmatively.

"Really?" Yanyan got the affirmation and became cheerful again for some reason.

Yanyan said with deep anticipation: "Lingling, can we not separate from each other in the future? We will always be a family?"

Lingling also heard the meaning of Yanyan's words, not to mention the envy hidden in Yanzi's eyes.

Yanzi has recognized Su Chen as the original Gao Ya boy, and confirmed the relationship between Su Chen and herself, hoping to promote her relationship with Su Chen through herself.

There is no need to choose between best friend and lover, Ling Ling's hanging heart is relieved.

This best friend had told her from time to time that she liked Jiujianxian.Lingling naturally understands Yanzi's love. Who wouldn't love a man like him ().

"Well, Yanzi, we have always been a family." Lingling replied with a smile.

But I was murmuring in my heart, as long as I introduce Yanzi to Su Chen, Su Chen should like Yanzi.Moreover, Su Chen definitely has more than just Shui Bing'er, and there is also the mysterious Lady Jiujianxian, not to mention whether he will be involved in philandering in the future.

The envious expectation in Duguyan's eyes turned into gratitude: "Thank you, Lingling."

Lingling got close to Dugu Yan, put her hands on Yanzi, and started to walk away.

"Don't say thank you, Yanzi. You are so beautiful and have such a good figure. That Jiujianxian is really blind and unlucky."

Facing the suddenly aggressive and proactive Lingling, Yanyan felt warm in her heart and didn't care about Lingling's salty pig claws wandering around her body.

"Lingling, wait for me, I'll go back and get my pajamas, and we'll sleep together tonight." After saying that, Yanyan left quickly.

Lingling's face turned red with embarrassment. She just wanted to try it out and vent her anger for Yanyan, but Yanyan seemed to have turned this into some kind of signal.

Before Lingling could think further, she found that someone had already hugged her gently from behind.

Lingling felt a familiar scent, turned around, and saw Su Chen, the domineering yet extremely gentle sweetheart to her.

Lingling felt a little guilty. She didn't know if the bad words she just said about him were heard. (òó)
But Lingling still thought of her with tenderness: "Su Chen."


Su Chen put his hands on Linglingyu's hips and hugged each other tightly...

The lips that had been together for a long time parted, and the girl seemed to be still immersed in it, shy and sweet.

The young man opened his mouth slightly, stretched out the tip of his tongue, and wiped the corners of his mouth slightly, with a complacent and greedy look on his face.

"You always bully me like this." Lingling lowered her head and felt aggrieved, but only she knew the sweetness hidden in her heart.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said encouragingly: "Come on, practice hard."

After saying that, Su Chen's figure had disappeared. He wanted to stay with Lingling tonight, but he had to give up because Duguyan wanted to sleep with Lingling. It felt bad to be the third party.

LingLing stamped her feet, very dissatisfied with Su Chen's departure. She still had a lot to say.

But soon Lingling straightened her messy hair and clothes because she heard footsteps.


On the bed, the two beauties hugged each other intimately and fell asleep...



When a work breaks through one hundred chapters, it should be a moment of celebration. How many Douluo fanfics have one hundred chapters? Can we see the next hundred chapters...

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(End of this chapter)

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