Chapter 102 Return to Tiandou Academy
In the ancestral hall of Dugubo's house, Dugubo was kneeling on the ground.

Tears flashed in his eyes, and he cried to the two tablets: "Father and mother, the bloody vengeance of our Dugu family has been avenged. Thank you for your blessing and allowing me to become a Titled Douluo."

Then, Dugubo said sadly to another tablet: "Your daughter Yanyan will never have to endure that kind of pain again. It was your useless father who asked you to leave early."

Dugu Bo leaned back and looked at all the tablets and said excitedly: "We, the owners of the Jade Phosphorus Snake martial spirit, will definitely continue to be prosperous and prosperous in the hands of future generations Dugu Bo and his granddaughter Dugu Yan. Suffering from jade phosphorus snake venom..."

After saying that, Dugu Bo was already in tears. I don't know if he was crying, laughing, sad or happy?Or maybe both...

In a certain room in a magnificent hotel in Tiandou City.

Yu Tianheng was drinking like crazy, and in his arms was a tender woman who also had the same dark purple hair as Dugu Yan.

Yu Tianhengqi, he has always liked Dugu Yan, and has expressed his love to Dugu Yan many times.

I thought that girls wanted to save face, so it didn’t matter if they refused a few times.

But until he was easily defeated by Dugu Yan and rejected again, Dugu Yan began to become a pain in his heart.

How could the proud Yu Tianheng accept being easily defeated by the person he liked and refusing to confess.

In his opinion, this was a kind of humiliation, a humiliation that could only be felt alone in the middle of the night.

Although Yu Tianheng is not handsome, his status naturally means that there are many female students who want to embrace him.

Yu Tianheng refused these temptations when pursuing Dugu Yan. After all, Dugu Yan was not an ordinary family girl.Although he has the concept of three wives and four concubines, his plan is to marry Duguyan before developing other relationships.

"Tianheng, am I not good enough?" The woman looked at the red cloth falling in her hand, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Yu Tianheng's eyes kept looking at the woman in front of him again, once again thinking of her as Dugu Yan, and an unknown fire ignited in his heart...

"Yanyan, you like me like this." Yu Tianheng put his hands somewhere and said to the woman full of the pleasure of conquest.

Two tears fell from the woman's eyes, but she still said: "I like it."

The woman believes that she will not become Duguyan's substitute, but with her efforts and wisdom, she will win Yu Tianheng's heart and become the master.

According to her observation, Yu Tianheng is not the kind of heartless person, and the family needs the support of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Benefits, no sacrifice, no gain
After receiving the woman's answer, the vacancy in Yu Tianheng's heart was once again affirmed and satisfied, and absurdity began in the room...


Time flies, and a few more days have passed.

At Dugu Bo's home, Dugu Bo looked at his granddaughter Dugu Yan who liked to act coquettishly towards him, his eyes full of uncontrollable love.

Dugu Bo said proudly: "Yanyan, go ahead and push all the troubles to Grandpa. If anyone dares to take Ye Lingling's idea, call Grandpa directly."

"Well, grandpa, we're going to the academy. Goodbye." Dugu Yan waved slightly and confessed, pulling Lingling out.

"Goodbye, Grandpa Dugu." Lingling also said goodbye. She felt very warm about the help from the Dugu family.

Because the two girls received a notice from the academy to start a new round of exchange training tasks under the leadership of instructor Qin Ming, they had no choice but to stop practicing and return to the academy.

More than a month was enough for the two women to increase their soul power level by one level, not to mention the terrifying improvement in their basic physical fitness.

More than a month is enough time to provide a lot of cover for the improvement of Lingling's strength level.

If the college teachers investigate why Lingling has improved so much in such a short period of time, they can blame everything on Dugu Bo.

Who among the teachers at Tiandou Royal Academy would dare to go to Dugu Bo to ask the reason?
And Lingling herself is a person who wants to keep a low profile. She also discovered that after absorbing the Heartbroken Red, her martial soul actually had the ability to disguise the age of the soul ring and hide the level of soul power.

This made Lingling secretly happy, so she changed the color of her fourth soul ring from black to purple, and disguised her soul power level from level 46 to level 40.

The two girls returned to the academy and caused a commotion in the academy.

Many male students could not help but fall into deep suspicion when they saw the two goddesses of the academy again after more than a month.

Because the male students had paid attention to the two goddesses in the college before, it was easy for them to find that they had changed when they returned this time.The most obvious change is that the lines and image of the body are more perfect and protruding than before.

Dugu Yan exudes intangible charm and confidence, and her short shawl hair is full of heroism, which makes many male students feel ashamed and feel they are not worthy.

Lingling no longer wears a veil, her face still looks deserted, and she keeps strangers away, but her dark blue eyes are no longer empty, but full of vivid colors.

The best girlfriend in the hearts of many male students is undoubtedly Ye Lingling.

But they still could only watch from a distance and did not dare to take action. Anyone who made any idea about Lingling had to get Duguyan's consent...

"Do you think that if we take down Dugu Yan, we will kill two birds with one stone?" Student Li Erdai said with a smile.

"Can you win? Don't even look at Yu Tianheng of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Such a noble identity and talent have been rejected, and you are the only one who wants to take it." Student Zhang San mocked Li Er's whims.

"Hey, shouldn't I think about it? Think about it." Student Li Er was not angry, but enjoyed it.

A purple-haired woman was walking in the college with Yu Tianheng, and the two were quite sweet.

But when Yu Tianheng saw the return of Dugu Yan, whom he had not seen for a long time, he immediately quickly distanced himself from the purple-haired woman and walked towards Dugu Yan.

The purple-haired woman also discovered the returning Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling. Seeing Yu Tianheng leaving so heartlessly, she couldn't help but stamp her feet in annoyance.

The purple-haired woman looked at the two returning men with deep jealousy in her eyes. Regardless of talent, appearance or background, they could not compare to Dugu Yan.

But the purple-haired woman can only be jealous...

However, when she saw Yu Tianheng being forcefully rejected by Dugu Yan again and ignoring Yu Tianheng, the purple-haired woman couldn't help but laugh in her heart: I gave what I wanted to get but it was worthless in the eyes of others, ha, man... …

But the purple-haired woman still chose to move forward to comfort the wounded Yu Tianheng...


bang bang bang...

Su Chen heard the knock on the door again and got up from the recliner leisurely.

Su Chen understood that it was probably the neighbor Tang Yuehua's aunt again.

Sure enough, when he opened the door, it was Tang Yuehua himself who came into view.

Today she wore a silver palace dress with gold inlays, which highlighted her noble temperament.

Tang Yuehua smiled slightly: "Brother Su Chen, we bought a lot of ingredients."

But this time, there was another person standing next to Tang Yuehua.

Xue Qinghe, who was disguised by Qian Renxue, smiled and said easily: "Su Di, I'm in trouble."

Su Chen was naturally a little happy when Qian Renxue arrived. He also understood their purpose and said with a carefree smile: "I am extremely happy."

The beautiful woman watched Su Chen dragging Xue Qinghe in, ignoring her, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she actually secretly stomped her feet |ω`).

Tang Yuehua followed him in with an unhappy expression: "Sister, I will kill you, an ignorant boy, sooner or later."

Today, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to Yuexuan Pavilion and chatted with Tang Yuehua about Su Chen's current situation. The two actually chatted for a long time because of this.

In the end, the two of them unconsciously talked about hot pot, and their respective swallowing movements were obvious.

When the two people's eyes met, they both found the answer in their own eyes: they provided the ingredients and let Su Chen help make the hot pot.

Hence the scene where the two of them came to knock on the door together just now.

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Thanks to Spider, Du Shou Yin Xin for your monthly ticket support, and the bosses are generous.

(End of this chapter)

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