Chapter 110 The Four Girls’ Plan

But Rongrong didn't stand up to stop them immediately. When he noticed that Ma Hongjun was getting closer and closer to him, Ning Rongrong stepped back lightly.

When Ning Rongrong retreated to the street, she was puzzled. There was actually no one on the street at this moment.

And Ma Hongjun is about to appear, where will he hide now?Jumping off the roof would definitely not work, it would attract attention.

Ning Rongrong was so anxious that she pulled a good-looking man by the collar and leaned against the wall.

Ning Rongrong's petite body was also perfectly covered and hidden by the man's body.

Ning Rongrong held the man's waist with both hands to keep the man away from him. The man protected Ning Rongrong like a safe house.

"That's it, don't move." Ning Rongrong lowered his head and heard a numb voice.

The man nodded in response.

Ma Hongjun walked out of the alley and saw a couple making out next to the intersection, and was filled with envy.

And through the man's uncovered clothes, it can be seen that the woman is no ordinary girl.

Ma Hongjun also seems to have such a girlfriend.

Ma Hongjun was heartbroken when he thought about his appearance. He could only use his identity as a soul master to deceive ordinary civilians like Cuihua and Chunhua in Shrek's village.

Thinking of this, Ma Hongjun felt angry.

I decided to vent my anger tonight, and I was even more looking forward to the evening.

Realizing that his lower abdomen was already burning, Ma Hongjun hurriedly left without looking at the couple.

Now the key is to go to the Rose Hotel and wait...

Dai Yubai also appeared shortly afterwards, but he didn't pay much attention to the couple making out next to him.

Dai Yubai also likes to show off his sex in broad daylight. What kind of things has he not done?How could you pay attention to such a thing?

Ning Rongrong noticed that both of them left and felt relieved.

Of course, it would be interesting to witness this kind of thing together with the sisters in person.

Especially Zhuqing, let her completely recognize Dai xx.

"Thank you..." Rongrong raised his head and looked at the man in front of him. The man's bright moon and star-like appearance made Rongrong say these words in a daze.

The man didn't pay attention to Ning Rongrong, but moved his hands away from the wall and turned around to leave.

Ning Rongrong looked at the back of the leaving man. Why did he feel more and more like Zhuqing's boyfriend? ?
At this time, Rongrong finally responded to a serious problem.

"What happened to me? Why did I do such an outrageous thing? I must have stayed with Xiao Wu for a long time, that flirtatious bunny." Rongrong blamed Xiao Wu for everything.

Otherwise, how could such a pure self pull a man so close to herself?

Even my own brother has never been so close.

Until the man's back disappeared, Rongrong rushed towards the clothing store again.


When Xiao Wu saw Rongrong returning, she couldn't help complaining: "Rongrong, you are so slow. Have you eaten up your stomach? Can the little fairy also poop?"

"Xiao Wu, can you please stop being so disgusting?" Rongrong was speechless. Are you afraid that I will leave first and not pay you?

Xiao Wu didn't let Rong Rong go, and still joked: "Tsk tsk, the more immortal a person is, the stinker their daddy will be."

Rongrong didn't know for a moment whether he was praising her or scolding her.

Rongrong shook his head and said: "Let's not talk about this for now, guess who I just saw?"

"Who is it? Does it have anything to do with us?" Xiao Wu looked down upon her, Rongrong just didn't want to pay.

"Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun." Rongrong said proudly.

"Uh, you are fooling us, what does this have to do with us." Xiao Wu was speechless, Rongrong really didn't want to pay.

"Xiao Wu, you are the stupidest one. Don't you want to know that they are going to do something outrageous and evil tonight?" Rongrong said seriously, "I don't know if this is a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature."

"Um, Rongrong, is it as scary as you said? Aren't they just going to collect honey?" Xiao Wu was also intrigued by Rongrong's expression.

So Rongrong told Xiao Wu and the others what she had overheard...

..."What, there is such a bastard who gives his girlfriend medicine to Ma Hongjun?" Xiao Wu's eyes changed, she was disgusted.

Zhuqing's face was cold. Although Dai Yubai was still her fiancé, she didn't admit it at all. She also didn't care how Dai Yubai entertained himself. Everything had nothing to do with her.

But I didn't expect that Dai Yubai would actually do such a thing, ask out his woman and give it to another man.Zhuqing couldn't help but feel disgusted with Dai Yubai again.

Cheng Rou was shocked when she heard this disappearance: There are not many people in Shrek Academy, how come there happen to be two people who like to harm women.

Cheng Rou didn't like people like Dai Yu and Baima Hongjun from the beginning, let alone now after hearing the news.

"Zhuqing, it's a good thing you don't like Dai Yubai." Rongrong took Zhuqing's hand and said softly.

If Zhuqing gets together with Dai Yubai in the future, maybe Zhuqing will be dragged by Dai Yubai to accompany other men.

Rongrong felt terrible just thinking about it.

"Yes, Zhuqing, don't feel sad for this kind of person." Xiao Wu comforted her.Although Zhuqing didn't like Dai Yubai, it would make any girl feel uncomfortable when she thought that such a man was her fiancé.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. How can I feel sorry for such a person?" Zhuqing said calmly, but the sharp claws that appeared on her hands betrayed her.

"It's time to teach these two people who demean women some profound lessons." Cheng Rou said seriously.

"Yes, Sister Rourou, I thought so too, so I came back to plan with you." Rongrong agreed and expressed his thoughts.

"Xiao Wu likes this kind of beating people the most." Xiao Wu also looked fearless.

"Aren't they trying to trick the twins into taking aphrodisiacs? Why don't they let them take it themselves?" Cheng Rou couldn't help but say.

Rongrong looked at the clothes in the store and said, "How about spending a lot of money to buy two small skirts for them to wear."

"Ma Hongjun is too fat and needs a big skirt." Xiao Wu corrected Rongrong.

Rongrong showed a harmless smile: "We are so bad, I like it so much."

The new cashier girl at the counter shivered when she saw the devilish smiles of Xiao Wu and others.

"Rongrong, little rich lady, I have chosen the skirt. Remember to pay for it later." Xiao Wu said with a flattering look on her face.

"What's the rush? What's the rush? I haven't bought it yet." Rongrong looked proud. He had to pretend to be rich.

"Yes, Rongrong, what kind do you want to buy?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Let's take a look, hey, this jk is pretty good. Have you all bought it?" Rongrong looked at the hanging skirt with great fondness.

The girls nodded.

"You have discernment, and I happen to be suitable. Do you think it's Xiao Wu?" Rongrong said proudly.

"Yes, yes, you look good no matter what you wear."

"Rongrong, your skin is so fair and beautiful, why are you willing to show it to the outside." Xiao Wu said innocently, Rongrong's skin is the fairest and tenderest among them.

Rongrong's eyes lit up: "That's right, then I'll just wear white stockings."

In the end, the girls didn't actually choose dresses for Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai. They chose someone to help them wear them. Obviously, they definitely didn't know how to do it.

When the new sales clerk saw that the girls were making big purchases again, she felt happy and pleased.

The girls returned to the hotel and began to discuss how to sneak into Dai Yubai's room, and the affair ended perfectly.

Of course, we can't wait until they're done, or the twins have taken medicine before going in. They can't help someone in heat.

"I have a way so that he can't find me and I can get in early." Zhuqing said suddenly.

The three girls couldn't help but wonder what Zhuqing's solution was.
Zhuqing was also under the gaze of the girls, and a tail appeared out of thin air, wagging behind Zhuqing.

This made the three girls curious. They had never seen such a tail when Zhuqing Wuhun was possessed.

The black tail wraps around Zhuqing's small waist spiritually.

Zhuqing was also caressing her love token with both hands.



Ahem, I haven’t seen rewards from bosses for a long time. Is there any boss who can give me a dollar to satisfy his wish?

(End of this chapter)

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