Chapter 111 A secret of Zhuqing

Rongrong looked at Zhuqing's smart tail curiously: "Zhuqing, is this a cat's tail? Why haven't I seen you have one before when the martial spirit possessed me?"

Xiao Wu is also curious. She thinks having a tail is so cute. Why doesn’t the little rabbit have a tail? (ˇˇ)
Cheng Rou was a little surprised: "Is this an external soul bone?"

She had already guessed that this was the rumored external soul bone, second only to the 10-year-old soul bone, and a peerless treasure that soul masters dream of.

You must know that when normal soul masters have similar soul skills and soul power levels, the most important factor in determining the outcome is whether they have soul bones.

The importance of soul bones lies in the fact that their power and growth potential are much higher than those of soul skills, so they are fought over by soul masters.

Rongrong's eyes widened. She didn't know what the attached soul bone was, but she understood what the soul bone was.

Not to mention 10-year-old soul bones, let alone ordinary-year soul bones, she, as the princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, doesn't have them now.

Moreover, the Qibao Glazed Sect only has a few soul bones.

Soul bones are an important treasure of the sect, and the allocation of soul bones is also given priority to the members of the sect who have the greatest ability and the greatest contribution.

Rongrong was in disbelief: I didn’t expect that my sister Zhuqing was so defiant, even having this?

Looking at the envious eyes of the three girls, Zhuqing felt a little proud for some reason.

"My boyfriend gave it ()" Zhuqing said with a hint of sweetness.

This news reached Cheng Rou's mind, causing her to explode.

In her opinion, besides him, who else would give away soul bones?Could it be that he is Zhuqing's boyfriend?It is not ruled out that Zhuqing’s boyfriend is a very rich man and he regards Zhuqing as very important...

A conjecture appeared in Cheng Rou's mind. After all, he was the only person other than a fool who could give away his soul bones as he wished.

Obviously, Zhuqing's boyfriend doesn't look like a fool.

"Zhuqing, can you introduce me to such a boyfriend?" Rongrong said enviously, and she seemed to want it too.

An ordinary soul bone is priceless and difficult to buy even if you have money.

Not to mention the rare external soul bone, how heroic this man is...

Rongrong was shocked by this.

Suddenly Rongrong noticed that Zhuqing was looking at her a little unkindly, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to ask him if he still had it, and I'll buy it."

Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou also looked away from Rongrong. This explanation was reasonable.

"The most evil gold coin." Xiao Wu couldn't help but complain.

After receiving the explanation, Zhuqing also smiled: "It's okay. I'll beg him next time to see if he is willing to give you one."

"Ah, is it really possible? Also, can I have one too?" Xiao Wu said eagerly, as if she would miss it if she was late.

"Zhuqing, please help me ask for one, I want one too." Cheng Rou followed closely. If you can really get such a great treasure, it will be of endless benefit.

Rongrong knew it in her heart. No wonder Zhuqing became extremely gentle when she mentioned her boyfriend. She was willing to give such a priceless treasure. Which girl is not gentle? This is probably because Zhuqing is pampered to the heavens.

"Well, I'll ask you questions next time." Zhuqing nodded.

"Wow, thank you Zhuqing, I want a tail too."

"I want a pair of wings, it feels so cool."

"Huh? I want a tail too."

Of course, the girls did not take this matter seriously. The attached soul bones could not be wholesaled, so how could they appear so easily and follow their requests.

"Zhuqing, can this external soul bone help you hide?" Cheng Rou thought for a moment.

"Yes, it only has an auxiliary function, but I think its biggest function is that it looks good~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

After Zhuqing finished speaking, her figure had disappeared from the sight of the three people.

Xiaowu and the other two were surprised that Zhuqing disappeared from under their eyes in an instant! ! !
Then Zhuqing's figure appeared behind everyone.

Cheng Rou and the other three also noticed Zhu Qing's aura behind them.

"It's amazing. I have no idea when you came behind us." Cheng Rou turned around and looked at Zhu Qing with her beautiful eyes.

The same was true for Rongrong Xiaowu. She didn't know how Zhuqing appeared behind them.

However, Xiao Wu believed that if her soul and spiritual power were fully activated, she should be able to discover Zhu Qing's hidden secrets.

"Zhuqing, with this soul bone, you are already the strongest assassin, and a perfect assassination is not a problem." Cheng Rou praised. "I also think it should be like this." Zhuqing was not modest, but agreed with Cheng Rou's point of view.

Xiao Wu lightly jumped behind Zhu Qing and said with envy: "Zhu Qing, can I touch you? Just for a moment, it's so furry and cute (*/\)"

"Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, no." Zhuqing refused. This was the most precious thing to her. Even if she was a sister, she didn't want to be touched easily.

"It's okay." Xiao Wu regretted and backed away silently.

"Zhuqing, no wonder you always buy this kind of shrinkable elastic material when buying clothes. Isn't it right that you cut a slit under the waist so that the tail can be exposed without affecting the usual beauty?"

Cheng Rou analyzed carefully and didn't know how she observed the secret of Zhuqing's lower body.

"Well, that's what I did." Zhuqing nodded.

Rongrong Xiaowu's eyes lit up, it turned out that Zhuqing still had this habit and kept this secret in his heart.

"Then why don't we get rid of the roots and kill Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun directly?" Xiao Wu suddenly said seriously.

"No, Dai Mubai is the prince. If we remove Dai Mubai, the Star Luo Empire will definitely send a large number of masters to hunt us down across the continent after finding out." Zhuqing said.

Even if Dai Yubai is not powerful in the Star Luo Empire royal family, even if only one of the Star Luo Empire royal family princes can win in the end, the strength and dignity of the Star Luo Empire will still protect Dai Yubai until the last moment.

"I'm so scared." Xiao Wu said cutely, "I don't want to be chased by a group of people. I'll probably be skinned."

Rongrong was shocked. She didn't expect Xiao Wu, who was naughty and lively in her heart, to be so cruel.

She had never killed an ordinary person, let alone a prince.

How could he kill the prince, and he was also the prince of the Star Luo Empire.

Rongrong was also against it. Even if she was the most favored princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, she wouldn't dare.

Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is one of the three strongest sects in the Douluo Continent, facing the empire's huge accumulation of national power, the empire's millions of soldiers and luck, it is far from the best.

If this kind of thing really happened, even if the Star Luo Empire did not dare to attack the Qibao Glazed Sect in the Tiandou Empire, it would still cause all kinds of big problems for the Qibao Glazed Sect and make things difficult for the Qibao Glazed Sect. Until the Star Luo Empire Until satisfied.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong was equally confident that if she accidentally offended some forces, no one would dare to take action against her after these forces knew that she was the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Even some powerful forces would give her father face.These forces could only say a few words to her, but only the most powerful forces dared to attack her.


On the street, Dai Yubai's hands were not idle, holding a woman on each arm, which was very comfortable.

"Xiaobai, how long has it been? Why are you coming to us now? We miss you so much." One of the beautiful twin women complained.

"Yes, Xiaobai, don't you want me anymore?" the woman on Dai Yubai's right said tenderly.

"How could it be? You are my favorite." Dai Yubai said naturally and affectionately, his hands moving around the two women's bodies in an imprudent manner.

Dai Yubai became very excited after not seeing these two twins for a long time.

Let’s taste them for the last time tonight. Whoever takes over from now on is none of my business, Mr. Dai.


I read the comments on QQ Browser today, and there was an old friend who was a book friend invited by Monkey.

Jiang Jiang asked his sister to be a book friend.

You said that my writing is poor, the plot has no passion, the writing is not good, it is a primary school essay, etc.

I can understand what you say. Everyone likes different novels. If you don’t like them, you don’t have to read them.

But you are reading this book again, and you can still see your complaints in the latest chapter.Just look at it, no one will treat you as a mute if you don't speak.

You said where did I get the (face) to ask for recommendation tickets and other things?

Well, very speechless.

I basically remember all the book friends who voted for me and gave me monthly votes and positive reviews. If you were one of them to say that to me, I would still be able to accept it.

You have never voted or given positive reviews. If you don’t want to vote, you won’t vote. You can’t vote on QQ browser either. But you have the nerve to say where did I get my face?

If you don’t think it’s good, don’t read it if you don’t like it. There are many good books in the bookstore. I feel bad for such double standards and can’t help complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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