Chapter 112 Dai Mubai’s Conspiracy March
The two twin sisters felt something strange on their bodies and couldn't help but said softly: "I hate the spicy food, it's very itchy. Please be more honest on the street."

"Haha, I got it." Dai Yubai smiled lewdly, and his hand movements became bolder.

Dai Yubai glanced at the lower body of the woman on the left and said with interest: "What are you carrying in your hand?"

The woman said softly: "Xiaobai, the surprise we have prepared for you will be hot in a minute."

She was holding a rather beautiful and delicate bag in her hand, which looked like some kind of clothing.

Dai Yubai knew clearly in his heart: It was probably some kind of special sexy outfit, and he would leave it to the fat man after he finished feeling happy later...

Dai Yubai was also curious about how they would look after eating that stuff: It should be interesting.

Xiao Wu stared at the street carefully on the window sill, observing when Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai arrived at the Rose Hotel.

In the room, Zhuqing and three others were practicing the distraction control method.

But Rongrong was a little embarrassed, this was the secret of her Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.The state she has now reached with this secret is also very ordinary. It was only when she was practicing Xiao Wu Zhuqing's secret technique some time ago that she reached the heart of three orifices.

In fact, Xiao Wu Zhuqing's secret skills have greatly improved her strength. She is no longer just an auxiliary soul master who simply hides behind her teammates.

But in comparison, Rongrong's secret skills are indeed somewhat useless to Zhuqing and the others.

Zhuqing and the others practiced Rongrong's secret skills probably to take care of Rongrong's emotions and feelings.

Rongrong shook his head, stood up lightly, took out a glass of fresh milk from the soul guide, and walked to the window sill.

"Xiao Wu, it's shift change. I'll give you this cup of fresh milk." Rongrong said softly.

It's true that some parts of Xiao Wu's body are a bit painful, like a washboard, and it won't work if she lies down.

Rongrong felt very sorry for such a girl Xiao Wu:

Xiao Wu's development is not up to standard at all because no one has taken care of her...

Xiao Wu took the fresh milk and was not in a hurry to leave the window sill.

Instead, she stopped and looked at the sky in the distance, showing a sad look that was not for her age.

But immediately Xiao Wu showed a relieved smile again.

"White clouds in the shape of a heart." Xiao Wu made an innocent and sweet voice.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu turned around deftly.

Turning around also moved Xiao Wu's long scorpion braid, making it sway unsteadily at the back of her waist.

"Little rabbit loves to drink milk, little rabbit loves..." Xiao Wu walked away with cheerful steps and a happy sound.

Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu's leaving figure, so playful and smart that people couldn't help but get close to her.

She likes Xiao Wu like this very much. She doesn't know what kind of environment a girl with such a personality would be born.

It's definitely not an ordinary family like the one Xiao Wu depicts...

Rongrong stopped looking at Xiao Wu and looked out the window:

"The heart-shaped cloud is really true. It's a pity that I don't like anyone either. But is he Zhuqing's boyfriend? If it is true, with such a look and ability, Zhuqing is very happy."

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in Rongrong's sight on the street: red hair, chubby body, uncontrollable eyes, unstoppable obscenity...

"This one is so recognizable. Who else could it be besides that disgusting fat man? Ma Hongjun is here, will Dai Yubai be around for long?"


Ma Hongjun felt so happy in his heart at this moment, and he sincerely thanked Dai Yubai for this opportunity.

Who knows that Ma Hongjun is ugly? Girls like him can't even look down on him, let alone go to bed with him.

Ma Hongjun walked into the hotel, not caring about the eyes of the Rose Hotel front desk staff, and happily walked up the stairs.

The waiter looked disgusted: Does such a person deserve to come to the Rose Hotel?
"Red ocean, ocean of love. I, Ma Hongjun, will also live in such a high-end hotel one day. They are still the two best girls." Ma Hongjun thought of the tall and plump twins and couldn't wait to open the door and rush to the room. Got in.

Rongrong saw this scene through the crack in the door, feeling disgusted in his heart: I actually met such a disgusting person, and he was from the same college.

Rongrong came to the window sill again to observe. Not long after, she saw Dai Yubai appear in the field of view with a pair of beauties on his arms.

"Are these the twins Xiao Wu mentioned? They are both good-looking, so why did you fall in love with Dai XX? Well, you have to admit that if you don't know Dai XX's true face, he is indeed a handsome person. Yes. Ordinary girls are indeed very attractive." Rongrong analyzed rationally. "Sisters, pay attention! The target has appeared." Rongrong left the window sill and reminded the three people with their eyes closed.

When the three girls heard Rongrong's voice, their phoenix eyes opened at the same time.

Xiao Wu even made fists with both hands, clasped her fingers and made a fist sound.

A black tail appeared behind Zhuqing. Soon, Zhuqing's figure disappeared from sight, and then the door was opened inexplicably.

The three girls were waiting in the room as planned for the moment when Zhuqing opened the door to Dai Yubai's room.

After Dai Yubai walked into the Rose Hotel, he could no longer control his hands in the stairwell and began to roam around the two girls unscrupulously.

I twisted my neck left and right, which made me feel so happy.

"Xiaobai, don't worry. I also know that you must miss us after not seeing each other for so long." A woman resisted in a delicate voice.

Dai Yubai stopped, but not because of the girl's resistance.

He looked at the door of the white and innocent room and suddenly said: "Why is there a gloomy coldness?"

"What a cold thing, Xiaobai, are you in trouble? Your body is weak." The woman hugged by Dai Yubai couldn't help but joked.

"You'll know when you enter the room." Dai Yubai was also stimulated by the woman and gave birth to a desire to conquer, and soon left the coldness behind him.


The door of Red Ocean's room was closed, and Zhuqing also entered the room.

"Xiao~Bai~" The twins also began to become tender and charming after entering the room, their voices were numb and seductive.

When Ma Hongjun, who was in the cabinet, heard the cry, his heart was so excited that he could no longer control the heat...

"Don't worry, let's have some wine and wish you happiness." Dai Yubai broke away from Rourouxiang at this moment and was unusually calm.

The two women smiled charmingly, admiring each other tenderly: "I will listen to you."

Dai Yubai turned his back to the two girls, took out a bottle of wine and poured it into three glasses.

But he put red pills in two of the cups, and the pills quickly dissolved in the wine.

Dai Yubai smiled evilly...

Zhuqing, who was hiding his body, still felt a little pain in his heart when he saw this scene.

After all, this was her fiancé since birth.

It turns out that the boy I used to correspond with was this kind of person.

Zhuqing felt ashamed for having such a marriage and such a fiancé. Even if she did not admit it, the entire Star Luo Empire recognized that he was her fiancé.

Seeing that Dai Yubai was about to give the wine to the twin sisters, Zhuqing didn't wait any longer.

If the twins drank those two glasses of wine, she wouldn't be able to help them get rid of the effects of the medicine.

The sudden sound of opening the door alerted Dai Yubai, who had evil intentions, and the twin sisters who were about to undress.

Xiao Wu and three others who were in another room saw the signal sent by Me Zhuqing and rushed into the red ocean room.

Zhuqing appeared and stood in a row with Xiaowu and the other three, watching this scene with interest and disgust.

Dai Yubai, who was holding wine in both hands, looked confused? ? ?

Dai Yubai frowned and asked, "Zhuqing, why are you here?"

"Can't we be here? We're interrupting your good work." Xiao Wu said with an innocent look.

"Xiao Bai, who are they?" The twin girls were dissatisfied when their good things were interrupted.


Thanks to book friends 854...262 for their rewards, and book friends 2020...1997 for their monthly support.

The bosses are generous.

(End of this chapter)

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