Chapter 118 Sad Ma Dai

Cheng Rou smiled and said gently: "Don't worry, you can basically learn it, I have mastered the principles.

When I was released for the first time, I was shocked by such a method and even had doubts.

At the beginning, my martial soul directed my soul power to flow and then released the slashing attack.

Later, I gradually became more proficient and memorized the process of soul power operating in the body, and understood several of the key points.

If it was before, it might take you some time to learn.

But this month and a half of training has made us more proficient in controlling our own soul power and strength. With these foundations in mind, if you learn from the basics, you should be able to learn it in no time. "

"Really? That's great." Rongrong said excitedly, thinking about how cool it would be to punch him from the air (﹃)
"Actually, soul power has its own routes when it travels in the body. Just like Zhuqing taught us how to control the gathering and use of soul power in the body before, by concentrating more soul power on the legs and feet, we can move faster Move more easily.

When Xiao Wu was teaching how to control the gathering of power, there were explosive points in the gathering. Similarly, if he wanted to release his soul power, there were also some strange points on the human body.

These points may be important in the human body's veins, or they may be some fragile or private parts of the human body.

What you have to do is to find these points and control your soul power to wander around these points to form a connection.When you are able to achieve this step, you will feel that your soul power is extremely active and exciting, as if it is about to explode.

After you have this feeling, you need to unite your mind and focus the explosive feeling on your palms, fingers or legs. You are like a bow, and shoot out the explosive feeling as an arrow..."

Listening to Teacher Cheng Rou's tireless explanation, the three Xiao Wu girls nodded in understanding.

Cheng Rou looked at the three people who were confused and surprised, smiled slightly, took a sip of hot water, and said tiredly:
"Okay, it's very late today. The formal teaching will start tomorrow. Zhuqing and Rongrong will go to bed first. Xiaowu and I will stay outside for a while."


In the Rose Hotel, a long time has passed, but Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun are still hugging each other tightly.

However, judging from the scene, Ma Hongjun was holding Dai Yubai, while Dai Yubai was unprepared and pulled by Ma Hongjun's legs.

Perhaps Dai Yubai was not strong enough in some aspects and lost to Ma Hongjun.

But the same thing is that there are strange blood stains flowing under both of them...

Whether this night was painful or special for them, they can only get the answer when they wake up from the effects of the drug tomorrow...

Su Chen took one look at the miserable situation in the room and left immediately. Women can't be offended...

Two men among the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original Soul Beast Continent eventually became the winners of life in Douluo Continent, and they all enjoyed their strength, reputation, rights and beauties.

But now they are provoking...


One night passed, Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun in the room woke up and opened their eyes tiredly.

"Fat man?"

"Boss Dai?"

As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw each other's faces, and even found that they were holding each other.

Dai Yubai couldn't bear it for a moment, turned over and vomited...

But nothing came out of his mouth, but he felt sharp pain in his butt.

Ma Hongjun, like Dai Yubai, felt severe pain and tearing in his buttocks.

The two of them stood up with difficulty, but they didn't know why their legs became O-shaped, and it was because of the severe pain in the body that they couldn't stand firm and landed directly on their buttocks.

This time, the feeling of tearing penetrated deep into their hearts again...

After a long time, the two woke up from the screams of pain.

At this moment, even though their bodies were covered in sweat, their minds were seriously thinking about what happened last night? ?

They only remembered that their perfect crime plan was ruined by Zhuqing and others, and the twin sisters left with a grudge. Later, they were beaten violently by Xiaowu and others, and drank...

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai woke up from their anger towards the four women.
"Did we last night..."...

The two walked out of the Rose Hotel. The counter staff looked at the two's walking posture with a puzzled look on their faces, feeling a little bit amused.

This happened between the two people, but the relationship didn't break up and turn into enemies.

Instead, Dai Yubai took Ma Hongjun to find the healing soul master in the city.

The pig-headed faces of the two people were beaten away a lot under the treatment of the healing soul master.

But they knew they could never get their lost chastity back, and the sadness in their hearts had already turned into a river...

They couldn't bear this matter and attributed all the consequences of the crime to the four girls.

They decided to find an opportunity. No matter what method they used, they must make these four girls become bitches and slaves and torture them severely.

But they didn't plan to tell anyone about the scandal that happened last night, including the teachers of the academy, Tang San and Oscar.

The two of them walked tremblingly on the way back to Shrek Academy.

"Boss Dai, how can we train like this? There will be a tearing sensation when walking." Ma Hongjun patted Dai Yubai and said.

"Go away, don't touch me." Dai Yubai said angrily, "What else can I do, just bite the bullet and practice until death."

Dai Yubai's pain was no easier than that of Ma Hongjun, but Dai Yubai found that there was a trace of inexplicable pleasure in this pain! ! ? ?

"Boss Dai, why is your little bitch so powerful? We were defeated before we even had a chance to take action. Is our training useless?" Ma Hongjun said in pain, twisting his head.

"No, our training is indeed useful. You know whether you have become stronger or not." Dai Yubai was also confused. Thinking of the scene of being shot last night, he was surprised and angry at the same time.

The surprise is that he feels that if he can get Zhu Zhuqing and change her mind, with Zhu Zhuqing's strength, then maybe the two of them can win the battle for the successor of the Star Luo Empire and become the emperor. By then, the entire Star Luo Empire will be his.

The anger stems from the fact that he was no match for a little bitch and was killed instantly by his fiancée. Moreover, he was still a great soul master, and his self-esteem as a king was severely hit.

At the same time, the two also discussed what Xiaowu and the four were doing on the mountain.

Do they have any treasures or secrets to becoming stronger? Otherwise, how could the four girls stay in the mountains for so long?

Because they had been under the master's strict training before, they had no time and energy to check on the situation of Zhu Zhuqing and the others on the mountain.

Now they have taken this matter seriously and feel that there must be something wrong with it.

"Fat man, after the injury recovers, let's go check it out secretly." Dai Yubai said coldly.

"Okay, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Yubai walking in front, his walking posture was a bit weird, and he would occasionally stop and pause.

Keeping his gaze on that muscular ass, Ma Hongjun's eyes unexpectedly showed obscenity, and he even flashed with pride.

I, Ma Hongjun, even slept with the prince, I’m awesome.No, he conquered the prince.

After muttering a few words in his mind, Ma Hongjun slapped himself several times...


"Fat man, Boss Dai, come and have breakfast." Oscar shouted happily when he saw Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun walking into the cafeteria.

But when they got closer, Oscar said playfully:

"Boss Dai, did you and Fatty have too much fun last night? Why are you walking so stiffly? Could it be that you are weak?"

Dai Yubai placed his hands heavily on Oscar's shoulders and said deeply: "Give us some big sausages."

"Okay, okay, Boss Dai, please be gentle." Oscar did not refuse and chanted a spell and conjured up several large sausages.


(End of this chapter)

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