Chapter 119 Cheng Rou’s advice

The Shrek boys started their daily battle training again.

This time Yu Xiaogang actually arranged for Dai Yubai to challenge three! ! !

Dai Mubai felt excited in his heart, how could a man say no.

He walked out tremblingly, his legs shaking uncontrollably, and he already hated Yu Xiaozhu in his heart.

When the battle began, Dai Mubai didn't even dare to lift his feet, and could only use his fists to resist the attacks of Tang San and Ma Hongjun.

Moreover, he didn't dare to move too fast, so he took a few punches from Tang San while Ma Hongjun paddled beside him.

During the battle, Dai Mubai would occasionally make a whimpering sound.

The result of the battle was also obvious, Dai Mubai was defeated by Tang San and Ma Hongjun.Oscar watched the show from the side, easily ending the battle without even using the big sausage.

Yu Xiaogang's face changed slightly, he was very dissatisfied with the outcome of Dai Mubai being easily defeated, and said seriously: "Do it again."

When Dai Mubai heard these four words, he felt extremely painful in his heart. Do you want to sprinkle salt on him again?Pain and pleasure?But the pain is obviously greater than the pleasure.

"Jade little pig." Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and whispered.

In order not to have to do it again, Dai Mubai decided to risk it all this time.

The screams and the battle that he endured the severe pain and let go of his hands and feet finally made the loss not so ugly.

"Not yet, Dai Mubai, do it again to enhance your one-to-many experience." Yu Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and said again.

Ma Hongjun screamed in his heart, he was afraid that he was going to kill Boss Dai. If others didn't know what was going on with that scream, wouldn't he know?
This master has offended Boss Dai.



The four boys who were running with bamboo baskets on their backs started to stage the bubble legend again, but this time two of the boys would make squeaking sounds from their mouths...

As night fell, Cheng Rou began to teach Xiao Wu and the others in the Shrek Mountain forest.

Because the teaching process is somewhat exposed, Cheng Rou thinks it would be better to teach at night. Teaching in the wild during the day always feels indecent |ω)
Zhuqing and the other three were all wearing relatively thin short bras and a pair of small hot pants, naturally at Cheng Rou's request.

"Xiao Wu, you come first, lie down on the soft mat." Cheng Rou looked at Xiao Wu and said.

"it is good."

Xiao Wu did not hesitate, walked to the soft mat, and lay down naturally, exposing her slender legs and arms.

Xiao Wu, who was lying down, rolled her eyes and found Zhuqing and the others staring at her, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hurry up and start, Sister Rourou, my little rabbit is so shy." Xiao Wu said softly, sticking out her tongue.

Rongrong pursed her lips and suppressed a smile, thinking in her mind: We are looking at your tablet, do you think we are appreciating your figure?
Cheng Rou didn't hold back, her right middle finger and index finger were together, and her ring finger and little finger were bent.

Cheng Rou first placed her fingers on Xiao Wu's navel and said seriously: "This is the beginning of everything and the end of everything."

Then he pointed with two fingers on Xiao Wu's chest and forehead: "These three points are the main running routes."

Xiao Wu nodded to express understanding.

Cheng Rou put her fingers on Xiao Wu Dan's vagina again and started to point.

"Sister Rourou, how can this position be related to the movement of soul power?" Xiao Wu said shyly, it was really too sensitive here.

Cheng Rou said solemnly: "I thought it was incredible at first, but there is indeed a point here that is crucial. The connection of these points is not a line or a plane, but like a staggered and folded space shape."

"Oh," but Xiao Wu couldn't figure out why Sister Cheng Rou clicked a few more times (.)
Xiao Wu could only grit her teeth to avoid making some strange noises.

Then Cheng Rou clicked dozens of spots on Xiao Wu's waist, front, back and back, and clicked a dozen spots on Xiao Wu's jade arms, explaining to Xiao Wu that these spots were outside the scope of the soul power. The issues that need to be paid attention to when putting and recycling are over.

"Hmm, it's so itchy." In the end, Xiao Wu couldn't hold it back and made several pleasant sounds. "Xiao Wu, close your eyes and meditate carefully to construct a dot map in your mind. I use special fingering methods. The touched areas will leave a special feeling for two hours." Cheng Rou said seriously.

"Okay Sister Rourou." Xiao Wu, who was lying down, became more curious about Cheng Rou's origins.

If this was really created by Sister Rourou herself, it would be too evil.

This kind of fingering is indeed magical. There is a strange feeling in the touched area that cannot be dissipated for a long time.

It was easy to find which places had been clicked, but what made Xiao Wu feel ashamed was that there was a faint feeling of comfort coming from a certain point...

Rongrong was the second person who was pointed out by Cheng Rou. Cheng Rou was not polite to Rongrong and started pointing out Rongrong's tender and white skin. I have to say that Rongrong's skin was indeed very good, white and delicate.

But Rongrong couldn't stand this kind of fingering. Not to mention Cheng Rou's pointing, just having someone else's fingers on someone's body would make people feel like they were getting an electric shock.

It's completely different from ordering yourself.

Perhaps it was because Rongrong's snow-white body was more sensitive than ordinary people. After just a few clicks, Rongrong couldn't help but want to laugh, and wanted to retract her body for self-protection.

But when Rongrong thought that Sister Rourou was teaching her secret skills for free, if she showed self-protection by refusing, she would probably be very disappointed.

Rongrong transformed all his thoughts of laughter and self-protection into a numb and soft voice.

The unbridled sweet voice echoed in the forest, enough to melt any ice.

Even Xiao Wu, who was lying down, felt confused when he heard the sound. He thought about some strange scenes of animals reproducing in spring.

Cheng Rou was also shocked by the voice. Rongrong's usual voice was usually numb, but now she released her terrifying and seductive voice without any concealment.

Zhuqing was also secretly surprised at the side. This voice really made people imagine...

"Okay, Rongrong, stop screaming. It's over. How can you tell me to calm down and meditate with your screaming?" Xiao Wu complained to Rongrong.

When Rongrong heard Xiao Wu's words, she opened her eyes and found that everyone was looking at her interestingly. Rongrong's face suddenly turned rosy.

"I'm sorry everyone, I didn't mean it." Rongrong said aggrievedly.

"The voice is so beautiful that it makes me soft. I want to listen to it again, isn't it Xiao Wu?" Cheng Rou joked.

"Pfft," Zhuqing couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, that's right." Xiao Wu looked at Rongrong with evil intentions.

"Rongrong, meditate now to build the point map. The point feeling will disappear after two hours and it is easy to make mistakes. It is best to do this fingering once a day. After tonight, the next time will have to wait until tomorrow night." Cheng Rou said seriously .

"Well, I love you Sister Cheng Rou." Rongrong said gratefully, then closed his eyes in shame and meditated.

The last one is naturally Zhuqing.

Zhuqing took the initiative to lie down on the soft mat, looking forward to this skill that would make her stronger.

"Zhuqing, your body development is quite special. In order to confirm certain points, I have to lift your clothes. I hope you can understand." Cheng Rou looked at Zhuqing's figure and said seriously.

"Well, it's okay." Zhu Qing's gentle face made a clear voice.

Rongrong and Xiaowu, who were in a meditative state, wanted to lift Zhuqing's clothes when they heard it? ! ! !

He quit his meditation in an instant and looked curiously at what Cheng Rou would do on the soft seat. ?

They are also interested in the scenery under the clothes, especially the feeling of peeking seems to be particularly exciting (òó)

It's a fictional plot, don't take it seriously.

Thanks for the reward of book friends 854...262

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(End of this chapter)

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