Chapter 123 Royal Team vs. Tianshui Team [-]
The Royal Team thought that the Tianshui Team was waiting for them at the entrance of the academy to give them some power.

This kind of show-off is common in friendly matches between colleges.

Friendly matches must be more than just friendly matches. The competition between the teams between colleges often also includes the overall strength and ranking of the colleges.

To put it bluntly, the Royal Team is here to compete.

The students of the Royal Troops were already prepared for the power of Tianshui Academy, but they didn’t expect that Tianshui Academy would actually invite them to lunch! ! ?
The Royal Team was a little confused for a moment, this was different from what they had promised.

But under the enthusiastic offensive of many girls from Tianshui College, several teenagers have surrendered. Who can refuse the tenderness of these cute and enthusiastic girls.

Even Yu Tianheng was like this. As the vice-captain, how could he seem at a loss in such a small scene?
Dugu Yan and Ling Ling were attracted by the delicious food these girls mentioned.

The seafood in Tianshui City has always been famous, and it is famous in the Tiandou Empire. It would be good to come to Tianshui Academy to taste it (><)☆

Lingling seemed quiet and followed Duguyan silently, but she couldn't help but look at Bing'er a few more times.

A hint of indescribable envy flashed through Lingling's eyes. She didn't understand why Shui Bing'er was the one Su Chen treated specially.

And this subtle change in her eyes happened to be captured by Bing'er. Did Bing'er keep this doubt in her heart? ?

The royal team was entertained by Tianshui Academy's seafood feast, and soon everyone let go of their inhibitions and began to eat casually.

After all, the people present are all the leaders of the new generation of the academy, the best beings.

Everyone also introduced each other's names in this atmosphere.


"Sister Lingling, this abalone is delicious." Yue'er, as the cute person in charge of the group, has already begun to attack the opponent...

After a full meal, everyone discussed for an hour before starting the competition.

The girls from Tianxue Academy left the reception room with smiles...

In a certain room, seven girls from Team Tianshui were gathering together to sort out the information they had just obtained.

"Yu Feng has a careless personality and underestimates the enemy. Dugu Yan is proud and complacent, Osluo Yutianheng has a calm personality, and Graphite Stone Mo is honest and honest. Ye Lingling doesn't like to talk..."

An hour passed quickly. On a ring, 14 people were divided into two teams to confront each other. A battle on the grounds of friendship was about to begin.

The 14 people in the ring no longer had the familiarity they had during the previous dinner, but instead were solemn and provocative.

"Captain of the Tianshui Academy team, Shui Bing'er, a level 44 control soul master." Bing'er stood at the front of the team, smiling slightly.

Lingling understood in her heart and was not shocked. Bing'er's strength was normal.

Dugu Yan was surprised. This little girl Shui Bing'er must be about fourteen or fifteen years old, how come she is already a level 44 soul sect!I am 19 years old and only level 44
"Dugu Yan, captain of the Tiandou Royal Team, level 44 control-type war spirit master." As the captain, Dugu Yan showed no signs of weakness.

The smell of gunpowder seemed to be getting stronger on both sides, with only a small flame missing.

Both teams retreated and formed their team formations.

The two brothers of the Royal Troops and Shi Mo Shi Mo were at the front acting as the group's protective umbrella.

I saw the two of them taking off their shirts. Even if there were girls around, they didn't look shy. It was obviously not the first time they had done this.

They exposed their iron-like strong muscles, their body limbs began to shorten, and tortoise shells appeared on their back limbs.The tortoise shell exudes an earthy yellow light, and just one look at it is enough to let people know how strong the defense is.

Yufeng, as a beast martial soul with the flying type, had turned his arms into wings and was flying in the sky, scanning the Tianshui students.

Yu Tianheng's right arm expanded and stretched, turning into a dragon claw with blue-purple scales. There were blue-purple snake-shaped electric streaks on the surface of the dragon claw, which was powerful and intimidating.

The Seven Girls of Tianshui could only see Dugu Yan's upper body swaying gently through the obstruction of the two Shimaoshi brothers.

At this moment, Dugu Yan's martial soul was possessed, and his lower body had no legs.

No, it should be that her legs were fused into a thick tail, relying on the tail to move, her body also became softer. Is this Douluo's first waist?The upper body supported by the snake's tail swayed back and forth, the purple hair turned into red hair, and the green eyes were cold and sharp, as if they were exuding emotions that did not belong to humans.

But what worries Bing'er most is that there are green light waves flowing on Dugu Yan's body?

I don’t know whether this light wave is a protective shield or an attack method. There is no way that the whole body is wrapped in light after being possessed by a martial spirit.

Lingling is in the field of vision that Bing'er cannot see. It is not easy to eliminate the nanny Ye Lingling first! !

On the Tianshui Academy side, the three attack-type spirit masters Shen Liuyu, Qiu Ruoshui and Hairou had developed fine scales on some parts of their bodies after completing their martial soul possession, and there were sharp fins on both sides of Yu Hairou's forearms.

As a sensitive attack type soul master, Gu Qingbo's skin turned blue, and there were strange streamlined stripes attached to the blue skin.

Yue'er's whole body was covered with a layer of bright enamel with a hint of fairy aura.

Their martial spirits are all the same aqua blue.

Xuewu, Wuhunxuehua, is a level 42 control soul master.The soul ring is two yellow and two purple.

Yu Hairou, a martial soul Coral Sword Swordfish, is a level 44 attack type fighting soul sect with two yellow and two purple soul rings.

Yue'er, the martial soul jade dolphin, is a level 36 agility attack type battle soul master.

Qiu Ruoshui, the Nine Transformation Flying Carp of the Martial Soul, a level 38 attack-type battle soul master.

Gu Qingbo, the martial soul blue phosphorus swordfish, is a level 39 agility attack type battle soul master.

Chen Liuyu, a martial soul enamel blessed crocodile, a level 38 attack-type battle soul master.

Bing'er was wrapped in hazy blue light, and the martial spirit behind her couldn't see clearly.

Behind Bing'er is deputy captain Xue Wu.

Royal battle two two one one position, and one flying in the sky.

The Tianshui team formed a three-two-one-one formation, and the battle was about to break out.

Three attack-type soul masters from the Tianshui team rushed forward first, while Yue'er and Gu Qingbo attacked from both sides.

The royal team also made corresponding countermeasures, forming a defense line based on the two brothers of the Shi family. Yufeng harassed them in the air and was ready to attack at any time. Yu Tianheng stood in the middle and Oslo stood on the side.

The team formation changed instantly, and tit-for-tat began again.

When the royal team was about to respond to the upcoming attack, they found that their actions had become slower? ? ?

It turned out that their feet had been frozen at some point.

"Is this an instant soul skill?" Dugu Yan was shocked and had no time to think about who released such an exquisite soul skill. He quickly shouted to Yu Feng in the air: "Protect Oslo."

Because most of the Tianshui team's attacks were aimed at Oslo first.

Then the two yellow soul rings on Dugu Yan's body lit up, and he quickly used his soul skills on his teammates.

"The first soul skill is green phosphorus and red poison, and the second soul ring is green phosphorus and blue poison."

The people who were frozen suddenly felt that the nerves in their bodies were stimulated, the feeling of freezing was reduced, their strength was greatly increased, and the ice was broken faster.

However, they were still a step too late. Team Tianshui's Shui Yue'er and Gu Qingbo seemed to have been given a shot of blood. The yellow soul rings on their bodies lit up and turned into an afterimage, knocking Oslo out of the ring.

Yu Feng, who came to the rescue, turned his tough and thick wings into blades. He wanted to attack, but missed, and was injured by Yu Hairou who followed closely with the side fin of his arm.

Yu Tianheng and the Shi brothers have lifted the ice and guarded against the attacks of Shen Liuyu and Qiu Ruoshui.

After a brief confrontation, Tianshui Academy actually gained the advantage and eliminated one person from the Royal Team! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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