Chapter 124 Royal Team vs. Tianshui Team [-]

This also rang the crisis bell for the remaining six members of the Royal Family.

As you can see, the strength of the members of the Tianshui team is definitely not at the level of junior soul masters!
"Sisters, you did a good job, try to end it as soon as possible." Yue'er grinned, very satisfied with the result.

Oslo, who was knocked out of the field, was very upset. He was eliminated without even persisting for a few seconds. How could he hold his head up in front of his teammates in the future?
A new round of attack was launched again.

"A mind-locked soul skill?" Yu Tianheng was surprised. He had already concentrated on dealing with Shui Bing'er's control soul skill, but his feet were frozen again.

Dugu Yan also looked at the woman opposite who was wrapped in blue light again, and couldn't help but marvel at Shui Bing'er's high level of control over soul skills!
The battle on the field was still going on, although Bing'er had frozen several members of the Royal Team to restrict their opponents' movements.

But Dugu Yan's auxiliary role is also reflected. The use of soul skills makes teammates more excited and quickly breaks away from the ice.

Although several members of the Royal Team will be temporarily stagnant after being frozen, after understanding the impact of the ice on them, they can be safe as long as they defend or repel the Tianshui Team's offensive when they are restricted.

This has evolved into a competition for the soul power of the captains on both sides.

At this time, ice blue armor appeared on the Tianshui team members. It was Bing'er's second soul skill. It could not only protect teammates but also increase their attack power. Wave after wave of offensive and defensive battles were going on in the ring.

Yu Tianheng was shocked by the strength of the Tianshui team. These girls could actually fight him while possessed by his top beast spirit, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, and beat him back steadily.

Moreover, the Shi brothers, who also possess the top-level beast spirit Xuanwu Turtle, even with strong defense, even Hairou's sharp arm fins can only splash bursts of fiery red on their turtle shells, but they are still being pulled by the Tianshui team. Under the attack, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Even in order to be able to defend against attacks and make their defense more pure, the Shi brothers' strong and honest bodies began to gradually become thinner, and their tortoise shells became larger.

"Competing for soul power?" Dugu Yan smiled, not too worried about the situation on the field because she had Ling Ling.

"Ling Ling." Dugu Yan shouted confidently.

Lingling, who was at the back, heard Dugu Yan's voice, and as her best friend, she naturally understood what Yanzi was thinking.

Lingling's dark blue eyes flashed, red light bloomed from her body, and a red Nine-Hearted Begonia appeared.

The delicate fragrance instantly filled the whole place, and the graceful and indifferent flower posture instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the field.

Pink light floated out from the Nine-Hearted Begonia, like petals falling from the sky to the royal team members.

The light integrated into their bodies, and at this moment, their fatigue and scars all disappeared!Even his physical strength has returned to its original state! ! !
And Dugu Yan began to fill up with his soul power. This was the special love that Ling Ling gave to Dugu Yan.

Bing'er smelled the delicate fragrance of Jiuxin Begonia and knew that Ye Lingling was about to exert her strength.

I was also helpless. The defense in the royal battle was too tight and I couldn't break through the defense line. I was the first to eliminate Ye Lingling.

But what puzzles Bing'er is that not only has Dugu Yan's mental state returned to the same state as before, but it seems that his soul power has also been replenished!

Dugu Yan smiled slightly from time to time, and there was no sign of weakness caused by excessive use of soul power.

Could it be that the healing effect of Jiuxin Begonia can also restore soul power?A guess flashed through Bing'er's mind.

If this continues, you will definitely lose!

"Xue Wu." Bing'er shouted.

Xue Wu, who had been observing the situation, realized that something was wrong with the situation.

Xue Wu stepped forward and began to take action.

Compared with others, Xue Wu's actions are weird.

I saw Xue Wu dancing on the spot, her slender figure dancing gracefully, her long black hair flying, and she was extremely beautiful.

A few boys on the stage even paid some attention to glance over to Xue Wu, but Osluo, who was eliminated first, was already staring at Xue Wu with all his concentration.

The four soul skills on Xue Wu's body complement each other, and circles of blue aura appear, which continue to expand as they dance, and even cover the entire scene.

Dark clouds appeared strangely above the ring, and then it started to rain again.

The rain turned the Royal Team members into drowned rats, which made the Royal Team members alert. It was definitely not just a simple rainfall.But when the falling raindrops were about to approach Yue'er and the others, they quietly avoided them.

On the ring, on one side were the royal team who were soaked in the rain, and on the other side were the Tianshui members who were slowly losing their soul power and starting to weaken.

Suddenly, a cold breath swept over, and ice and snow began to fall in the sky without warning.

The members of the royal team couldn't help but cheer up and had to use part of their soul power to resist the cold.

However, it was not over yet. A whirlwind centered on Xue Wu made the ice and snow even stronger. The Royal Team members had to use more soul power to resist the cold.

The strange thing is that these temperature changes have no impact on Xuewu's teammates.

These are exactly Xue Wu's four soul skills, dark clouds, rain, ice and snow, and whirlwind.

Under such circumstances, Bing'er's freezing power became even more powerful, and the royal team began to retreat steadily again, even becoming somewhat unstable.

Seeing that the situation of Team Tianshui was getting better again, Dugu Yan became a little anxious.

She didn't want to expose Lingling's heaven-defying healing effect to the other five team members, which could even restore a person's soul power. This effect was too terrifying and unique, and would cause harm and trouble to Lingling.

At this point, Dugu Yan has understood that this battle cannot be won by relying on these people, and they have tried their best.

But Dugu Yan had not lost yet. Green and purple energy appeared in Dugu Yan's hands, and the energy condensed violently in Dugu Yan's hands.

Dugu Yan saw the right opportunity and launched his attacks on Shen Liuyu, Yu Hairou, Gu Qingbo, Qiu Ruoshui and Yue'er respectively.

Several girls thought this was a soul skill launched by Dugu Yan. Some wanted to resist the blow, some launched soul skills to resist, and some wanted to dodge.

Bing'er even hurriedly put a layer of ice armor on them.

But something strange happened. The green-purple energy that rushed towards them actually ignored the soul skill defense, and a hole was even silently ripped open in the ice armor.

Everyone couldn't dodge, and they were all hit.

"It's poison." Yue'er's voice was groggy. At this moment, not only her, but also Yu Hairou, who was at the Soul Sect level, felt as if her body was going to be broken.

When Bing'er saw this strange scene, worry appeared on her calm face.

"You guys go down and rest first." Bing'er said to the injured people.

Several people apologized to Bing'er and walked off the stage one after another.

At the same time, several people in the royal battle ran out of soul power and walked off the ring one after another.

At this moment, only Bing'er Xuewu and Dugu Yan Lingling were left.

At this moment of the fight, there was real fire on the stage, and the next moment it was time to fight for victory.

Su Chen watched this scene from a corner, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: What day is today, the harem failed?Begins to evolve into a Shura field?When A Yin left, Ling Ling and Bing'er actually became rivals and took action...

Bing'er took two steps back, and together with Xue Wu, her black hair and blue hair merged, and their figures disappeared, turning into a dazzling light pillar that shot straight into the dark clouds.

"Is it a martial soul fusion skill?!!!"

Dugu Yan understood that he had lost this battle, so he shot and injured Tianshui and others just because he didn't want to lose too badly.

Moreover, the fourth soul rings revealed by Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were undoubtedly the soul fusion skills of the two soul sects.

It’s very difficult to hold on

Thanks to Meng De in vain like a dream and Book Friends 20201997 for their monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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