Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 125 Royal Team vs. Tianshui Team Finale

Chapter 125 Royal Team vs. Tianshui Team Finale

"Damn Tianshui Academy, what did you eat? How come your level is so high?" Dugu Yan couldn't help complaining.

"Yanzi, you can't admit defeat." Lingling stepped forward and saw what her best friend was thinking.

"Ling Ling, but you will get hurt if you don't admit defeat." Dugu Yan said worriedly, Ling Ling is only an auxiliary soul master.

"I'm not afraid. If you use your full strength, I will keep treating you." Instead, Lingling said stubbornly.

Shui Bing'er was still dancing gracefully, shining brightly on the audience. Lingling, who was also Su Chen's girlfriend, was so strong that she didn't want to admit defeat.

If I admit defeat, wouldn't it mean that I, Ye Lingling, am not as good as Shui Bing'er?If Su Chen happens to be watching this game, what will happen to my future family status? ?

Although Dugu Yan didn't know why Ling Ling rose up like this, his eyes were still extremely determined.

"Okay!" However, Dugu Yan also inspired his fighting spirit again and risked his life to accompany his best friend.

The icy whirlpool was approaching Dugu Yan and Ling Ling, and the snowflakes as sharp as swords had already found the right direction. All that was left was the queen's command to attack.

"If you can't hold on, admit defeat, we will stop." Bing'er's clear voice came from the air.

Groups of snowflakes swept towards Dugu Yan and Lingling, but if the snowflakes got closer than two meters to the two of them, they would be wiped away by a burst of purple-green energy.

Dugu Yan didn't know how long she could last like this. This purple-green energy was not soul power, and Ling Ling could not help her recover, but Ling Ling's treatment could also increase the speed of recovery.

Women's war, the battle of consumption begins again...

Lingling helped Duguyan heal again and again, but the number of times he could restore soul power was not unlimited. After a while, the number of times Lingling could be used came to an end.

Sharp snowflakes were getting closer and closer to them.

In order not to affect Dugu Yan's performance of his soul skills, Lingling even used his arms to block the snowflakes that were not blocked by Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan felt a pain in her heart and wanted to admit defeat, but seeing Ling Ling's stubborn eyes, she could only endure the pain.

Lingling didn't care about this. She believed that with her own recovery power, she would soon be back to her original state.

Pain was nothing to Lingling, how could this pain be worse than when she was alone.

Bing'er and Xue Wu, who were in the air, also saw this outrageous scene.At first, they couldn't bear it when they saw Ye Lingling using his arms to block it, but Ye Lingling seemed to be cheating, and the arm that had been penetrated immediately recovered.

Both sides have reached the point of being unable to get off the tiger, and Lingling is already using her body to fight.

On the side of Tianshui College, Xue Wu and Bing'er's soul power was about to bottom out, and both sides began to exert their mental and willpower.

This scene also shocked and worried the players on both sides.

In this situation where neither party could win or lose, both Qin Ming and Dean Tan made the same decision - to admit defeat.

Then the two of them took the stage to announce the results.

If both sides admit defeat, then it’s a draw.

Dean Tan and Qin Ming looked at each other and smiled, and it ended in a draw.

The four people on the field were quite satisfied with the result. They didn't lose anyway.

"You are very strong." Bing'er stared at the two of them.

"You're not bad either." Lingling actually replied.

"You will lose the next Soul Master Competition." Xue Wu said.

"It's us who should say this to you." Dugu Yan replied provocatively.Lingling took advantage of this time to summon the martial spirit, and the petal-shaped light appeared on Dugu Yan Bing'er Xuewu's head, and then appeared on everyone who had participated in the competition before.

It was the first time that Bing'er felt such a miraculous healing effect. The moment the light integrated into her body, the injured area seemed to be blown by the spring breeze. She enjoyed it so much that all the fatigue and injuries on her body were wiped away.

Such therapeutic effect...

Bing'er's eyes glowed, looking at Lingling as if she had seen prey.

The girls from Tianshui College found that the injuries sustained during the game disappeared and they were very grateful to Lingling.

Lingling looked at Shui Bing'er and happened to see Shui Bing'er's strange look.

Lingling was shocked in her heart. She was sure what was going on with my gaze. Could it be that she knew that I was related to Su Chen and wanted me to act like the younger one?
No, you must never give up for the sake of family status.

Lingling's eyes were firm, and she also looked at Shui Bing'er with her eyes.

Bing'er's eyes were full of respect for Lingling, but she didn't know that this became some kind of signal in Lingling's eyes.

Finally, Bing'er noticed Lingling's firm gaze. After Bing'er smiled slightly, she avoided Lingling's gaze.

"It's so rude. I hope she won't misunderstand that I am hostile to her, or think of me as a pervert." Bing'er whispered. She looked at Lingling too distractedly. The last time Bing'er lost her temper was when she faced Su Chen.

An exchange match also came to an end with the two looking at each other.

Because of Lingling's existence, her terrifying healing ability has restored the health of the team members.

They even felt that the blood loss had been restored. Although there was not much blood loss in this battle, it was inevitable that they would suffer skin injuries.

Even if a healing soul master can heal injuries, they cannot replenish the blood lost due to damage. Therefore, people who are injured and bleeding excessively need to eat a lot of food to recover even after their injuries are healed.

These vitalities of the human body are often replenished through food or some tonic medicines.

Many girls have the answer in their minds. The healing effect of Ye Lingling's martial spirit is incredible! ! !

After Qin Ming chatted with a female instructor from Tianshui College for a while, he realized that the students' soul power was almost restored, so he took the seven students and said goodbye to the seven respectable female students from Tianshui College and left.

Bing'er and others also followed Dean Tan to the depths of the academy. They were about to meet a mysterious strong man and start more rigorous training...

"Teacher Qin, which college are we going to play next?" As soon as he left Tianshui College, Dugu Yan couldn't wait to ask Qin Ming.

"Next is the Elephant Academy." Qin Ming then changed the topic and said sternly, "Yanzi, as the captain, you do not play a role in controlling the overall situation. The team is not a competition of individual strength. You have to give full play to every member of the team. You must be aware that there are people outside, but you are still too arrogant."

"I... I'm sorry everyone, I will try my best next time!!" Dugu Yan did not refute, but apologized seriously.

Several boys were shocked. Is this still the proud Dugu Yan?
Lingling guessed in her mind that Yanzi was probably hit this time and did not get the result she wanted.

"Captain, we didn't do well either." The Shi brothers were the first to speak.

"Yes, and Tianshui Academy is too cunning. The three soul sects and the other girls' soul power levels are all lower than ours." Yu Feng said nonchalantly. Originally, the soul power level of Tianshui Team was generally lower than theirs.

"We are too useless. If our team didn't have the captain and Ling Ling to support the lineup, there would be no Soul Sect." Thinking that he was the first to be eliminated, Osluo shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't do well either. As the vice-captain and a supporter of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit, I couldn't defeat any Tianshui student." Yu Tianheng also admitted his mistake and took part of the responsibility.

Seeing that Dugu Yan was not the only one to admit his mistake, Qin Ming's originally serious face softened. This was what he wanted to see as a team.


Thanks to Hua Buyu for your monthly ticket and reward support. The boss is very generous.
(End of this chapter)

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