Chapter 126 A Yin’s enlightenment

However, Qin Ming is also confused about the current strength of Tianshui College.Team Tianshui's results in previous soul master competitions have always been mediocre. They are not outstanding, but they are not outstanding either.

And this time the Tianshui team members actually have three soul sects, and even the other four are not weak, far more than before.

More importantly, even if their levels are not much different, they are stronger than the soul masters of the Royal Team.If it weren't for Ling Ling's terrifying healing effect, Team Royal might have lost long ago.

The martial spirits possessed by the seven members of the Royal Team are all powerful and cherished martial spirits.

There is not only the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit, but also the Xuanwu turtle, a top beast martial spirit of the same level.

The reason why the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus can become the top three sects is not only the power of the martial soul, but also the number of martial soul owners.As for the Xuanwu Turtle Spirit, because of their scarcity, they cannot become as powerful a force as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family.

Qin Ming still doesn't understand how the water-attribute martial arts spirits of Tianshui students defeated the blue electric Tyrannosaurus dragon martial arts, causing the Xuanwu turtle's defense to continue to weaken.

Maybe Tianshui Academy has some secrets, but this is not something that a little soul emperor like me should think about.Qin Ming didn't think too much about it.

"But there is no rush to go to Elephant Academy. You are going to participate in a team soul battle next." Qin Ming said sternly.

"Ah, Teacher Qin Ming, there are two soul sects in our team. It is possible that all the opponents matched by the team are soul sects." Yufeng's body trembled. According to the regulations of the soul arena, the highest level of the team in the team competition The person matches the opponent's strength.If there is no soul sect in the team, all teams matched will be teams without soul sects.But if there is a member of the team who is a Soul Sect, then this team is considered a Soul Sect team, and the opponents it matches may all be Soul Sects.

If all of them are soul sects or the number of soul sects in the team exceeds 4, then the strength and cooperation between them will definitely be on another level.

"Yes, only in this way can you become stronger and break through yourself again and again. I don't care whether you fail or succeed. And we have Lingling, so we are not afraid of getting hurt. But if we lose a game, you all will gather around us Run twenty laps around the city wall where the Soul Arena is located." Qin Ming said in a devilish voice.

The bodies of the seven people trembled. This punishment is too terrible. Cities with Soul Arenas are not small cities. If you lose a game in Tiandou City, how long will it take to run away, and it will be very embarrassing...

"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, then become stronger. You boys are not young anymore. Look at Tianshui Academy. Those who are younger than you are already ahead of you." Qin Ming glanced at the crowd and said seriously.

The five boys also understood that Teacher Qin disliked their low ranking.

"Teacher, we will definitely work hard to break through and reach the Soul Sect as soon as possible." Several men were so powerful, especially Yu Tianheng, who was already level 39, he was seriously hit.Even if Yan Yan is from the Soul Sect, he is about the same age as him, but Shui Bing'er from Tianshui College is probably around fourteen or fifteen years old. How can the proud Yu Tianheng not care about this?

Qin Ming entered Tianshui City with the Tiandou Royal Team...


At the edge of a sparkling lake, Ah Yin stared at the beautiful lake with an expressionless face.

But compared with the beautiful scenery around her, her heart was extremely sad and resentful.

Why hasn't he come to me yet? Why...

Ah Yin thought of many possibilities, and the more she thought about it, the sadder she became. She knelt down and buried her head between her knees. Tears slowly flowed from the corners of her eyes, staining her blue and purple dress.

At this time, a pair of figures appeared in A Yin's perception, an elderly couple, which also aroused the curiosity of A Yin who was sad.

The corners of the white-haired old woman's mouth raised slightly as she slowly pushed the wheelchair.

There is also a white-haired old man in the wheelchair. The white-haired old man's wrinkled face can feel the happiness overflowing.

The two stopped at a place by the lake, and their lazy eyes became piercing because of the beautiful scenery here.

They stared at the lake with nostalgia in their eyes.

"Old man, 80 years have passed in the blink of an eye, and we met here." The old woman said in memory.

"Yes, you were the beauty of the village at that time. Everyone said you were smart, but in my opinion you were a silly girl, hahaha" the old man laughed loudly.The old woman hammered the old man's shoulder several times in dissatisfaction and whispered, "You are also a stupid boy in my eyes."

"Ahem, in my eyes you have always been a beautiful woman." The old man changed his words, but the old woman seemed not to have heard her and didn't care.

"Old." The old woman shook her head.

When the old man heard this, he grabbed the old woman's hand holding the wheelchair with his hand on the handle of the wheelchair.

The two of them understood each other tacitly and smiled.

"The law of nature is for us husband and wife to grow old together instead of killing each other." The old man said seriously.

The old woman couldn't help but laugh, and the old man couldn't help but look back at the old woman.

In the eyes of the old man, the old woman has become younger at this moment. She is a beautiful girl. She is tall and well-proportioned, with a charming smile on her pretty face...

The sweet look between the two was like returning to the scene when they first met.

Times are changing, but our hearts have never changed...

Ah Yin looked at this scene and felt something in her heart. Isn't this what she had been looking forward to, growing old together, and Su Chen.

Ah Yin understood what he wanted, the sadness on his face disappeared, he looked in the direction he came from, and his figure disappeared in place...

Deep in Tianshui College, Dean Tan was joking and chatting with a mysterious woman.

"Senior Sister, all seven of them have the potential to become Titled Douluo in the future. Seven Titled Douluo in one session is too scary." Dean Tan was very excited, but this was also a problem that she couldn't solve. There were many talented people. Students will inevitably cause threats from other forces.

"Well, this is their opportunity." The woman just returned calmly.

Senior Sister remained calm and unruffled, which made Dean Tan slightly disappointed, and then said, "Senior Sister, can we really not cultivate that kind of fairy grass?"

"Maybe we can, or maybe we can't. By then we will be nothing but a pile of dirt." The woman seemed to take everything lightly and not really care about this kind of thing.

"She's very nice." When mentioning her, there was a hint of appreciation in the woman's eyes.

Dean Tan naturally knew who she was referring to, "Senior sister, she is my precious apprentice, and the task of teaching them will be left to you."

"Well, she is the next Lord of the Ice Palace." The woman said again.

Dean Tan's thinking paused for a moment, "Senior sister, you are so wise. No wonder I fall in love with you every time I see you. I watched Bing'er grow up. She is kind-hearted, smart and rational."

In Dean Tan's mind, her senior sister is more talented than herself, has a higher level and strength than herself, and is even younger than herself.

Dean Tan is over 60 years old, but she looks like a beautiful woman in her 30s.

And her senior sister has learned the essence of the Ice Palace in her maintenance skills. Although she is only about 50 years old, she looks like a beautiful woman in her 20s.


Thanks to Mo for your monthly ticket support and rewards.

I also want to update [-] words a day, alas, but I am just a small writer. There is no income from writing books, and I have to work and live. One update a day is a more acceptable state for me, because there is not much time in a day to write a book ( I used to write until three o'clock in the morning, but my body couldn't bear it anymore). If I do two updates, I would be too rushed, and the plot and text would be messed up. I just want to write a book that I like and pursue inspiration. I hope you guys can understand. .

(End of this chapter)

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