Chapter 127 Ling Ling and Binger

Maintenance is broad and profound. After all, the older you get, the harder it is to maintain the look of a 20-year-old.Dean Tan thought he couldn't do it.

When she first joined the Ice Palace, she has always been attracted to this senior sister who is younger than her, until now.
"Stop joking." The woman said with a rare human touch.

"Hehe, senior sister, I won't dare to do it next time," Dean Tan put away his innocence and said seriously, "But Bing'er also has weaknesses. I don't know if it will be her downfall."

When the woman heard this, her eyes froze slightly.

When Dean Tan saw the senior sister's appearance, he did not hesitate and said directly: "Bing'er has a younger brother, but my feelings for him are indeed that of a man and a woman."

"He must have provided the jelly grass." The woman's tone was somewhat appreciative.

"Yes." Dean Tan moved closer to the senior sister.

The senior sister moved away slightly and said, "He is not a simple person to be able to provide this to Bing'er. Maybe what you see is just what he wants you to see."

Dean Tan's body trembled, "That's not the case. He seems to be only about 12 years old. It is possible that he is related to Jiujianxian. But I don't know if Jiujianxian is such a person. Anyway, I have never seen him. There shouldn’t be such a powerful person.”

Speaking of Jiujianxian, the woman smiled slightly, "I'm also very curious about him, but the most important thing now is to improve their strength. It's time to join the team."

Dean Tan's heart exploded twice in an instant. The senior sister was actually curious about a man! ?

However, Dean Tan did not dare to ask this, "Senior sister, is the mainland going to change?"

Dean Tan had to doubt.

"Twenty years ago, various invisible and visible battles occurred everywhere in the mainland soul master world, but it has been peaceful for 20 years. Shouldn't it continue to be peaceful?" Dean Tan doesn't like war. War means If families are destroyed, there will be more orphans...

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has secretly changed its name to the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect."

"Senior sister, what is the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect? What does it have to do with the situation on the mainland?" Dean Tan looked at senior sister in confusion.

"Because the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda has become the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Ning Fengzhi went to Yili Wuhun Palace and surrendered to Pope Bibi Dong." There were waves on the woman's calm face.

Wuhun Palace and the seven major sects have always been in harmony with each other.

But now, the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects with great influence in the soul master world, has taken refuge in Wuhun Hall, and Dean Tan already knows the seriousness of the matter.

Dean Tan was even more curious about whether the senior sister knew such secret information.
The senior sister said:
"I have already met with Pope Bibi Dong. She is a peerless genius. When I was the Soul Emperor, she was just a Soul King. I even guided her once."

"Now her strength is beyond my comprehension. She is... very strong. I don't know how strong she is."

"However, it is a good choice for us to cooperate with Wuhun Palace. The Tiandou Empire is extremely corrupt, while the Star Luo Empire is martial, aggressive, united, and ambitious."

"Without the Spirit Hall, the Tiandou Empire would probably have been annexed by the Star Luo Empire, let alone our colleges and sects. We would have no peace of mind and could only become pawns in the empire's war."

"It is even more difficult for civilian soul masters to develop."

Looking at the senior sister who was worried about gains and losses, Dean Tan said: "Senior sister, I heard that Wuhun Palace has established an anti-corruption organization.

This organization monitors the conduct of Wuhundian's own members, and those who misbehave will be punished.Now Wuhun Palace is a holy place that common people yearn for.However, I always feel that Wuhundian’s approach echoes that of the Jiujianxian sect. Are the two related? "

Dean Tan agreed with senior sister's opinion, but she was still shocked. Senior sister is the most talented person in the Ice Palace, and now she can't see through Pope Bibi Dong.
"Maybe it has something to do with it, but it has nothing to do with us. There are many geniuses in our college, and we will also occupy a big position in Wuhun Palace. We even have the power of Ice Palace as our backing. Maybe with the help of Wuhun Palace We can become the number one force in the mainland, and Wuhun Palace will become the new empire." Speaking of this, the senior sister looked a little excited... The senior sister is a person with a cold temperament, and does not like the right and wrong of the world. She is an out-and-out person. A crazy practitioner.She agreed to take up the important task of reviving the Ice Palace after the previous palace lord begged her to inherit the position of palace lord.

Similarly, senior sister is also a responsible person.
"Sister, I will always be with you."

At the entrance of Tianshui College, a beautiful and beautiful figure just walked out. It was Bing'er who had left the depths of the college.

A hazy smile appeared on Bing'er's face. She looked in the direction of Tianshui City and quickly headed towards Tianshui City.
In Tianshui City, a food street full of fireworks is now in full swing.

Among the seven members of the royal team, Duguyan, Lingling and Yufeng were tasting Tianshui's special earthly fireworks delicacies.

Ling Ling and Dugu Yan are two beauties with heroic short hair but soft and delicate bodies. They exude a unique temperament that makes it difficult for people not to notice.

Bing'er entered the food court and immediately saw Ye Lingling, who had short dark blue hair and exuded a refreshing aura. She was exactly what she was looking for.

Lingling felt a strange gaze looking at her, and her eyes shifted slightly.

Sure enough, she came to see me. What could happen?
Lingling couldn't help but wonder about Shui Bing'er's intentions.

This food court was where Binger recommended Lingling while chatting after the competition in the academy.

Lingling comes from a girl's keen sixth sense, and she has already secretly guessed that her rival Shui Bing'er will come to find her.

But Lingling was curious, why did she come to see her?
Lingling approached Yanzi, and after whispering a few words in Yanzi's ear, she approached Bing'er with light steps.

Seeing Lingling walking towards her, Bing'er seemed to know her well and smiled slightly: "Lingling, do you still like the food here?"

Lingling nodded slightly and looked at Shui Bing'er curiously, as if asking me what's wrong with me?

"I'll take you to eat the most delicious abalone on this street." Bing'er saw that Lingling didn't react, looked her up and down, and said, "My boyfriend likes to eat the abalone here the most. It's delicious and juicy. Every time he goes on a date with me, They all come here.”

Lingling felt sour in her heart, and she couldn't control her expression, with a sour expression on her face.

Bing'er secretly thought: If it has something to do with Su Chen,
"But he still likes to eat the abalone I made the most." Bing'er saw the evil in Lingling's eyes and said quickly, "Sorry, I said some unnecessary words. If you really want to eat it, I will take you there (><)☆ "

"I like to hear it, go on." Lingling was very angry. Su Chen hadn't seen her for a long time, nor had he gone shopping with her...

Binger pursed her lips and snickered, her meaning self-evident. While chatting, she took Lingling to a small shop.

Lingling sat down a little stiffly, while Bing'er ordered a piece of juicy abalone for Lingling.

After Lingling looked at the abalone, she silently ate the abalone flavor that Su Chen liked the most. The abalone burst into juice in her mouth. The extremely umami taste was intertwined with the most natural salty taste, and it was mixed with a different kind of fragrance. (I’ve never tasted it, so I just imagined the taste. If you know better, don’t take it seriously)
After taking it into my stomach, I couldn’t help but feel satisfied. Lingling thought to herself: I can also make this taste (òó)
The two of them chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was unusually harmonious. There was no hair-pulling scene in Lingling's fantasy.

Lingling originally thought that when her love rival met, they would start a verbal quarrel and sparks would fly.

But Bing'er was surprisingly easy to get along with, and Lingling soon let down her guard against Bing'er. The two women even chatted as if they had met their soul mates, and began to cherish each other.


Thank you Naihe Qiaoshangtan for your monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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