Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 128 Su Chen and A Yin take a step further

Chapter 128 Su Chen and A Yin take another step forward

"Ling Ling, when you come to my house from now on, I am your family. The Ye family is also a family after all. How can you leave a girl like you outside without asking anything?" Binger said angrily after knowing about Ling Ling's past experiences.

"Thank you, I will consider it." Lingling did not expect Bing'er to react so strongly. Those memories in the past were indeed lonely and helpless. Although a person can survive it alone, who is willing to accept such an encounter.

Lingling thought of Su Chen and smiled slightly. The time of being alone and helpless had passed.
"You can come to my house to play often in the future. My home is in Tianshui City, and there is usually no one at home." Bing'er said warmly.

Lingling showed her face and smiled, "You are so kind."

"Of course, will we become family?" Binger looked at Lingling with a smile.

The two women made a tacit agreement not to mention Su Chen, but they were related to Su Chen in everything.

Whether they understand or not, only the two of them understand.

"Maybe." Lingling's face turned slightly red and she whispered, "If you need to treat Yu's injury, you can come to me at the Royal Academy."

"I will definitely do it. Who dares not to cherish such a good girl like you? I won't let him go." Bing'er said happily.

"I'm leaving first. There are still people waiting for me. See you later." Lingling thought for a moment and couldn't continue talking like this, something would happen! !
"Ah, why don't you come and have a look at my house? My boyfriend happens to be not at home, so I'll show you around." Bing'er tried to dissuade her. She actually quite liked getting along with Lingling.

Lingling paused for a moment. She really wanted to go, but she still felt that this time was not appropriate.

Lingling still can't figure out why Bing'er thinks she is related to Su Chen. What kind of girl's sixth sense is this? …

"See you next time." After saying that, Lingling quickly left in one direction.

Bing'er watched Lingling's figure disappear from sight, and felt very proud in her heart: The man I like is really powerful, even a girl like this can fall in love with him, but when did Su Chen meet Lingling?recent?
Bing'er had no clue and didn't think much about it, so she turned around and returned to the academy.Although I miss Su Chen very much, I don't know where he is, so I can only wait until the agreed time to see him again.

"Lingling, isn't that Shui Bing'er? Is she here to poach someone?" Dugu Yan's eyes were fixed on Lingling. Anyone would want the terrifying healing effects of Lingling.

"I won't tell you the secret." Ling Ling smiled.

Dugu Yan: ...


Ah Yin, who had lost her way, returned to Jiujian Mountain at night.

When she opened the door, Su Chen was still surrounded by blue silver grass.

Su Chen's starry eyes were tightly closed, and his bright face was neither happy nor sad, but it attracted Ah Yin like an endless treasure.

"I'm sorry." Ah Yin knelt down, dispersed the blue silver grass, and hugged Su Chen apologetically.

Su Chen opened his eyes, gently hugged Ah Yin with his right hand, as if he didn't know that Ah Yin had lost his temper, and said with a smile, "You're back."

"Well, I'm back and I'll never leave again." Ah Yin whispered softly, expressing his heart.

"Thank you for always tolerating me and not looking at soul beasts from a worldly perspective, my... lover."

Ah Yin took the initiative to hug and kiss each other, but after a long time, the two separated.

"I provoked you first, and I will tolerate everything you do." Su Chen thought about it and said seriously.

"You made an excellent choice, just like you are excellent." A Yin stared into Su Chen's eyes, smiling obsessively and affectionately.

Ah Yin stood up, took Su Chen's hand, and walked out of the house lightly...

But in Tiandou City, Su Chen's residence was occupied by Tang Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua was wearing a silver half-covering sexy palace dress and lying on Su Chen's bed.

Most of her long, snow-white thighs are exposed to the air, and her career line is half-covered, which is so tempting.

Tang Yuehua sniffed the remaining male hormones on the bed, and a feeling of admiration came to her heart.

"What on earth am I doing?" Tang Yuehua muttered to himself.But Tang Yuehua still didn't leave Su Chen's bed, she was waiting for Su Chen's return.

"Do I really want to do this?" Tang Yuehua couldn't help but doubt herself again.

Dressing so sexy is not for seduction, what else could it be for.

Tang Yuehua had used honey traps to seduce men before, but it was all superficial.

In her opinion, men are nothing but virtues. Those men can't even touch her hands, and they are fooled around by her.

And now, Tang Yuehua had only done this kind of seductive behavior of going to other people's beds with Su Chen.

This time it was considered a formal seduction. She was so excited and ashamed that her face turned red without concealing it...

Tang Yuehua thought there was no other person in the room, but what she didn't know was that everything she did was clearly seen by the other person in the room, Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue also wanted to come to Su Chen and continue to deepen their understanding of each other.But who would have thought that Tang Yuehua would come not long after arriving at Su Chen's house, and Tang Yuehua actually had the key to Su Chen's house! ! !

This made Qian Renxue, who came first, puzzled. Seeing that Su Chen had not returned yet, fortunately, she secretly observed to see if there was anything going on (◣д◢)

At first, Qian Renxue thought that Su Chen and Tang Yuehua had that kind of abnormal relationship. Otherwise, would a young woman come to Su Chen's house to make tea so late at night?

This made Qian Renxue very angry. Qian Renxue had a strong desire for control.In her opinion, Tang Yuehua was a man old enough to be a mother. How could he have some kind of relationship with her future man?

But Su Chen has never appeared until now.This made Qian Renxue feel relieved, and she guessed that Tang Yuehua must be seducing Su Chen.

However, Qian Renxue also had a high opinion of Tang Yuehua. She was worthy of being the most noble lady of the Tiandou Empire and the sister of the leader of the Haotian Sect. She was obviously not even a soul master, yet she was so well-maintained.

Tang Yuehua changed into a sexy palace gown in Su Chen's room, but she could see it clearly.

Tang Yuehua has a flawless figure, and her long legs don't even have a trace of fat, but they are extremely plump in some places.The waist and back release an invisible and enchanting attraction, which is called a vixen for short.

Qian Renxue knew in her heart that no man could resist the aura exuded by such a woman.

However, Tang Yuehua became the master of Yuexuanxuan and still maintained his innocence until now. Qian Renxue didn't understand how Tang Yuehua did it.

Tang Yuehua saw that Su Chen had not returned for a long time, and various emotions of excitement, excitement, loss, joy and joy flashed through her heart.

No longer struggling, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Qian Renxue looked at the time and felt that Su Chen would probably not come back tonight, and he didn't know where he was fooling around (◣д◢) Fortunately, he left Su Chen's room quietly.

However, Qian Renxue felt that it was necessary to leave a deep impression on Su Chen, otherwise what good could he do if he stayed up all night?
This is really what Qian Renxue said, Su Chen is really doing good things.

Under the night sky with dense stars, Ah Yin was leaning on Su Chen's arms, with a look of great enjoyment and a slight smile. A pair of azure and untainted spirit beads were full of tenderness that was getting closer.

"Chen, I really want to be close to you, close to you." Ah Yin was soft and tender, and expressed her thoughts more boldly.

Su Chen hugged Ah Yin gently, let Ah Yin lean on his knees, and gently slapped Ah Yin's buttocks with his big hands.

Ah Yin made delicate sounds from time to time, but what reached Su Chen's ears was laughter, "I won't dare kiss her next time."

Ah Yin understood that Su Chen was punishing her for leaving secretly and accepted it happily.

Ah Yin's tenderness and passion in her heart were always easily aroused by Su Chen. She used to be disappointed when Su Chen aroused her passion and acted irresponsibly without taking the next step.

But now A-yin understands that in order for a relationship to last, one must understand each other. In the past, she was doted on by Su Chen, and she forgot about herself and became a little willful.

Although Ah Yin noticed that Su Chen was strange, Ah Yin knew that Su Chen did not dare to take the next step, so fortunately, he tortured Su Chen more boldly, and from time to time he made sounds of nature to stimulate Su Chen.

Both of them are arousing the fire in each other's hearts, and their style of painting is becoming more and more biased...

(End of this chapter)

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