Chapter 129 Qian Renxue’s note
As time progressed, Ah Yin was surprised to find that she was being picked up.And I don’t know when, the reddish ice muscles and jade bones have been exposed in the air.

Ah Yin looked at Su Chen shyly and found that he was the same.

Ah Yin exclaimed, but soon showed a relieved smile.But something A Yin didn’t expect happened again.
The next second, the two of them appeared in the room. Ah Yin wanted to say some provocative words to make Su Chen beg for mercy, but he never thought that Su Chen would not follow the routine and the surprise would come so suddenly...


The night will be windy or rainy...

There are also many people who can't sleep tonight...

Bing'er, who was in Tianshui Academy, put her hands on her heart. She always felt uneasy, as if the things that should belong to her were leaving her, and her heart ached...

Lingling, who fell asleep with Duguyan in Tianshui City, also opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes full of confusion.

"Ling Ling, what's wrong with you? Your heart is beating so fast." Dugu Yan looked worriedly at the slightly frightened Ling Ling.

"I don't know, I feel a little more lost in my heart." Lingling, like Bing'er, felt that what should have been hers was leaving her...

Lingling took out a scorpion braid made of countless blue hair strands and looked at it absently.

"Ling Ling, girls should be reserved and give it to him next time they see him." Dugu Yan smiled slightly, thinking that Ling Ling was disappointed because he didn't give the precious gift to Jiu Sword Fairy.

"Well, go to sleep." Ling Ling smiled and didn't think too much...


The next day, Ah Yin felt sorry for the weak woman with watery eyes.

However, Ah Yin's beautiful face showed great surprise. She looked at the bright red blue silver grass in her hand and showed a tired and happy smile.

Ah Yin finally got what she wanted and didn't stop until now.

"Is the Blue Silver Emperor's blood also red? I thought it was blue." Su Chen joked as he looked at the bright red Blue Silver Grass.

roll.Ah Yin's voice was hoarse, proud and arrogant.

"Get off the bed." Su Chen gently approached A Yin's ear and said.

Ah Yin quickly grabbed all the quilts, clamped the quilt tightly with her legs with great effort, and said coquettishly, "What a beautiful idea."

Listening to A Yin's hoarse and wonderful voice, Su Chen smiled slightly, stood up and left.

Seeing Su Chen leaving, Ah Yin took the bright red Blue Silver Grass in his hand again and injected a burst of energy into it.

With the injection of energy, Bluesilver Grass also began to change.

It becomes more vivid and red, and more precious.

Ah Yin sealed this bright red blue silver grass with a pure life soul force and carefully collected it.

After hiding the blue silver grass in the most correct position, Ah Yin showed a happy smile. This bright red blue silver grass has great effects...

What Su Chen, the salted fish who left, didn't expect was that this red-stained blue silver grass turned out to be the key to the beginning of the harem war...

"If you have no desires and no demands, ask for whatever you want, and ask for whatever you want."


When Su Chen returned to the bedroom of the Tiandou City residence, he found that the room was filled with the strong fragrance of a woman.

He had smelled this smell last night. Although it was different, it had the same purpose.This made Su Chen curious.

Su Chen took out a magnifying glass and looked at the bed carefully. He found that the seemingly neat bed had folds and folds, like a deliberate provocation left by a criminal, and there were obvious signs that someone had slept on it.

On the pillow, Su Chen found some slender hair.

Su Chen held it in his hand and observed carefully. Who else could have this hair color besides Tang Yuehua...

Tang Yuehua did not go to Yuexuan Pavilion today. She waited for a long time in Su Chen's room last night. She also knew that Su Chen would not come back. She closed her eyes and wanted to fall asleep, but was stimulated by the male hormones in the room and could not fall asleep for a long time, so she did some indecent things.

Tang Yuehua was not an indulgent person and left Su Chen's residence calmly in the early morning.

And when I left, I was still very proud: I didn't make the bed and give Su Chen a surprise, and he had no proof that it was me...

Tang Yuehua was sleeping in her boudoir at the moment, with a graceful and natural sleeping posture, and a satisfied smile on her lips... Su Chen shook his head helplessly and took the messy and slightly damp sheets to wash.

Occasionally, Su Chen, who was washing the sheets, showed an expectant smile.

It feels like such an ordinary and natural life, coupled with some interesting things, is really worth looking forward to.

Su Chen didn't pursue Tang Yuehua's cheating. After drying the sheets, he wandered around Tiandou City with nothing to do.

When Su Chen passed by a restaurant, a waiter suddenly stopped him and handed Su Chen a note.

"Will it be another interesting thing?" Su Chen looked at the note in his hand and showed an interested smile.

Taking apart the font, there are a few words with delicate embroidery and strong force:

Tonight, outside the West City Gate


It turned out to be her. Why was she looking for me?Su Chen had some expectations.

But Su Chen was also a little speechless. She was such an interesting girl. She didn't talk at any time in the evening. It was definitely intentional.

Su Chen didn't pay too much attention, after all, he was the weaker party.

But it was still early. Su Chen was still playing in the city. He happened to pass by Lanba Academy. Su Chen smiled slightly and had no intention of going in. Liu Erlong was very well now and it was not suitable to disturb...


Tang Yuehua, who had slept comfortably all morning, came to Yuexuan Pavilion.

As soon as they entered Yuexuan, two beautiful young women followed Tang Yuehua, highlighting Tang Yuehua's noble status and extraordinary status.

"Madam, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been waiting for you upstairs for a long time." Manager Aude said respectfully.

Tang Yuehua frowned slightly, but even when he frowned, it looked so natural and not out of place.

Your Royal Highness comes to Yuexuan more often. Why is this?If His Highness the Crown Prince has thoughts about me, it will be difficult to pursue me.I can use old man Xue Ye to intimidate others, but I cannot intimidate the prince.


With suspicion, Tang Yuehua took two maids to the hall where the prince was.

"Aunt Yuehua, why are the circles under your eyes heavy?" As soon as Qian Renxue saw Tang Yuehua, she stood up immediately, ignoring the strange looks of the two maids behind Tang Yuehua, grabbed Tang Yuehua's two beautiful arms, and asked with concern.

Tang Yuehua's body trembled slightly, she broke away from Xue Qinghe's hands, and said softly: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I was tired from work last night and went to bed late. Don't call me aunt."

Qian Renxue suppressed a smile. Is it tiring to sleep in someone else’s house?But he said very warmly:

"In this case, Aunt Yuehua should pay attention to rest."

"Yes." Tang Yuehua was speechless and said not to call her aunt (◣д◢), keeping this grudge in her heart.

Tang Yuehua was about to leave and let Xue Qinghe do what he wanted. At this moment, the maid outside the door came in and said respectfully in Tang Yuehua's ear: "Master Su Chen, please see me."

As soon as he heard that Su Chen was coming, Tang Yuehua almost spit out the sip of tea he had just taken, and hurriedly used his expression management skills to make everything look natural and harmonious.

Tang Yuehua glanced at Xue Qinghe and felt that he could start with Xue Qinghe and use his strength to get closer to Su Chen.

Qian Renxue's expression also became interesting, wondering what Su Chen was doing in Yuexuan?
"Bring him in." Tang Yuehua ordered softly.

"Yes, madam." The maid bowed respectfully.

"Aunt Yuehua, you and Brother Su must have a very close relationship." Qian Renxue smiled slightly, seeming to indicate something.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was joking. Although he and I are neighbors, we rarely have the opportunity to meet and get along with each other." Tang Yuehua replied softly.

Not long after, Su Chen, led by the maid, saw Tang Yuehua and Qian Renxue.


This is a fictional plot, do not take it seriously and do not compare it.

(End of this chapter)

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