Chapter 130 Triangle Drama

It's Xue Qinghe disguised as Qian Renxue.

Su Chen's arrival made the atmosphere in the hall become weird. The three of them sat in a triangle, watching each other.

It is also rare for Tang Yuehua to cut tea himself and show his true tea art.

Tang Yuehua's eyes would always pass over Su Chen's face from time to time, revealing a vague ambiguity, and occasionally he would meet Su Chen's interesting eyes.

But when his eyes fell on Xue Qinghe, he became as plain as water.Even though Xue Qinghe looked at her strangely, Tang Yuehua pretended not to see it and nothing happened.

Su Chen took a sip of tea and found that the tea Tang Yuehua brewed this time actually had a sense of infatuation, and the aroma of the tea was different from Xue Qinghe's.

Su Chen guessed that this couldn't be spring tea, right?
Under the table wrapped in golden purple silk tablecloth, Tang Yuehua would always lightly kick Su Chen with his feet from time to time, which was full of teasing.

Su Chen was secretly surprised. Tang Yuehua was really powerful. His Highness the Crown Prince dared to tease him even when he was nearby! !

Even Tang Yuehua's face was still so natural, without any unnecessary changes in expression.

Regarding Tang Yuehua's terrifying ability to steal food, Su Chen had an interesting idea of ​​getting closer and communicating with Tang Yuehua.

Because it is estimated that the whole world will not find out about the underground affair between him and Tang Yuehua.

But this idea was soon abandoned by Su Chen. Qian Renxue was more fragrant and the whole world couldn't find it. Qian Renxue might find out...

Qian Renxue frowned slightly, patted the table and said, "Brother Su, you are fine. What have you been busy with these days?"

Su Chen smiled and replied very naturally: "Occasionally I dance with the spear, travel in the mountains and rivers, and only have a salted fish and wild crane. I really miss the hot pot nights with Brother Xue."

Qian Renxue relaxed her brows and smiled gently: "Haha, I also miss the days of hot pot gatherings with Su Di. But Su Di must not forget to practice..."

Tang Yuehua watched Xue Qinghe chatting happily with Su Chen without mentioning her, and couldn't help but feel sullen in his heart.

Obviously I'm eating hot pot with you, even right next to you, why don't you mention me...

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Tang Yuehua felt like an outsider. He couldn't help but step hard on Su Chen's foot under the table.

Moreover, Mrs. etiquette's eyes that were supposed to be calm and calm became fierce, staring directly at Su Chen, like a girl who was having a bad temper and was waiting for her boyfriend to coax her.

But in Su Chen's view, she was actually a neglected resentful woman venting her dissatisfaction.

But what made Tang Yuehua feel like vomiting blood was that Su Chen actually didn't care about it. Whether it was the force he used on his toes or the fierce look in his beautiful eyes, Su Chen ignored it.

Am I really an outsider?Why are both people ignoring me?Especially Su Chen
Tang Yuehua seemed to have received a huge blow in her heart, her fierce eyes became decadent, and she couldn't even maintain balance on her toes, and one leg was leaning against Su Chen's thigh without any strength.

There was something strange in Su Chen's heart. The beautiful lady's legs felt unusual even through the clothes...

"Brother Xue, why do you come to Yuexuan when you have time? Are you here to see Mrs. Yue? You guys can't be..." Su Chen looked at the two of them interestingly, with a hint of gossip on his face.

Hearing Su Chen mention him, Tang Yuehua's decadent mood disappeared instantly.

Before Qian Renxue could answer first, Tang Yuehua said softly, "I am the sister of His Royal Highness, right?"

Tang Yuehua hid the sword in her eyes and looked directly at Qian Renxue, "His Royal Highness, you want to call me Sister Yuehua~."

Tang Yuehua emphasized the word sister. Xue Qinghe, who was disguised by Qian Renxue, laughed awkwardly and said, "Yes, Yuehua...sister."

Qian Renxue felt that if she didn't agree to call her sister now, Tang Yuehua would probably cause trouble in front of Emperor Xueye and frustrate his governance.Qian Renxue has no doubt that Tang Yuehua has such ability.

Su Chen also laughed, "Brother Xue, it seems that it will take a long time to get rid of my sister and become a lady."

"It seems... that's it, haha." Qian Renxue also thought this was very interesting. Didn't Tang Yuehua like to seduce men?
Tang Yuehua placed the tea cup heavily on the table and said angrily, "That's impossible. Your Highness, please respect yourself."

But Tang Yuehua's angry eyes were focused on Su Chen. Even just now, Tang Yuehua took advantage of the sound the teacup made on the table and kicked Su Chen's thigh with his side knee.Qian Renxue laughed in her heart, feeling very disdainful. She just fell in love with my man!

But Qian Renxue knew that now was not the time to be emotional, and immediately began to resolve the embarrassment, "Brother Su, why did you come to Yuexuan? Could it be that you also came to see Sister Yuehua? Wouldn't you also treat Sister Yuehua... "

Tang Yuehua wanted to shut up the two men, pushing her back and forth as if they were pushing her.

But Tang Yuehua was looking forward to Su Chen's answer.

"Brother Xue, Mrs. Yue is famous far and wide. People with a status like yours are pursuing her. I, an ordinary citizen like you, don't have the guts to have the opportunity. I just have nothing to do and use my neighbor's relationship to appreciate the beauty of Yue Xuan. "Su Chen said slightly.

Tang Yuehua's delicate body trembled slightly, and she grabbed Xue Qinghe's hand with her delicate hands, but she glared at Su Chen and said, "Are you satisfied?"

Then he said gently to Xue Qinghe, "Your Highness, if you can really convince your father, I am willing to marry you."

Qian Renxue also just wanted to have fun and get angry at Tang Yuehua and embarrass her, but she didn't expect this scene to happen.

"This Yuehua, I will definitely try my best to convince my father." Qian Renxue could only pretend to be surprised and work hard.

Tang Yuehua, on the other hand, was peeking at Su Chen throughout the process and found that he really didn't care at all (◣д◢)

Giving your all, even looking cheap to others, expecting no response, or even ignoring it
Tang Yuehua couldn't help but feel sad...

It’s the first time I’m so crazy, but yet I’m such a failure...

If you are willing to let me lose, I will not make it easy for you...

Tang Yuehua stood up and came behind Su Chen. In front of Qian Renxue, he put his hands down from Su Chen's shoulders, leaned down slightly, his face close to Su Chen, and said, "Brother Su, what are you hiding from? Look at who Yuexuan is." Where is the beauty? Sister, at my age, would I still eat you?"

Su Chen's evasive face stopped and allowed Tang Yuehua to get closer.

Tang Yuehua felt proud, and her hands gently came close to Su Chen's face.

Qian Renxue was dumbfounded. How could she have imagined that Tang Yuehua would be so bold, making things out of nothing, and turning his back on guests.

If she hadn't seen Tang Yuehua on Su Chen's bed last night, Qian Renxue would have thought that Tang Yuehua regarded Su Chen as her younger brother.

But with such an aboveboard behavior, Qian Renxue really couldn't stop Tang Yuehua and Su Chen from being so ambiguous. She could only think that Tang Yuehua regarded Su Chen as his younger brother.

However, Qian Renxue became more and more unhappy as she watched, so she stood up and came to Su Chen's other side. She placed one hand on Tang Yuehua's delicate hand and slid the other hand off Su Chen's shoulder.

"Yuehua, I also regard Su Di as my younger brother. I didn't expect that our views are so similar."

Tang Yuehua just wanted to stop abiding by the rules of the game and play tricks on Su Chen, but she never expected that the prince would be so bold. He was caught off guard, and his delicate body trembled slightly and his face turned red.

Tang Yuehua wanted to get rid of Xue Qinghe's hands, but she was afraid that after breaking free, Su Chen would not let her take advantage of him again.

"We have a lot in common." Tang Yuehua said softly. Although he had previously said that he was willing to marry the prince, it was naturally a joke to piss off Su Chen, but it did not hinder Tang Yuehua's recognition and appreciation of the prince.

Su Chen was so close to the two of them, and it was always interesting for the three of them to act like each other.

The three of them kept chatting like this, and Su Chen said, "We are like a family now."

"Um, is Yuehua the mother?" Qian Renxue looked at Tang Yuehua and asked.

Tang Yuehua was unhappy and complained in her heart: Xue Qinghe (◣д◢) Anyway, dad is not you...


The self-created plot is different from the original work. Don't compare. If you don't like it, don't read it.

(End of this chapter)

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