Chapter 131 The Night with Qian Renxue

"His Royal Highness, you are joking. I think what brother Su Chen means is that I am the sister, you are my brother, and Su Chen is our brother." Although Tang Yuehua was unhappy in his heart at being called old, his tone was gentle and he could not see the joy. angry.

Even with a slight smile, Tang Yuehua, who was calm on the surface, had secretly pinched Su Chen's waist with her delicate hands, still in the blind spot of Qian Renxue's sight! !

Sensing the threat around his waist, Su Chen couldn't help but be startled. Who could stop Tang Yuehua if he was bold? His observation skills were so terrifying...

"Yes, Sister Yuehua." Su Chen agreed and said lightly.

"Brother Su Chen, I have always regarded you as my younger brother. You have indeed regarded me as your elder sister." Tang Yuehua relaxed her threat on Su Chen's waist and smiled.

"No wonder you are so close, I'm so envious." Qian Renxue said inexplicably, looking at Tang Yuehua, whether it was ridicule or genuine envy.

Tang Yuehua smiled slightly and said nothing.

The atmosphere became a little weird. Su Chen suddenly stood up straight at this moment. Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua, who were originally using Su Chen's shoulder as the fulcrum, were caught off guard. Their bodies lost their fulcrum and fell back. Falling sideways behind him.

The strange thing is that Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua didn't know whether it was intentional or intentional, and they didn't make any reaction and let him fall down.

Both of them smiled, with a hint of joy that they were about to win.

In this very short period of time, Su Chen was puzzled.

These two people are pretending, how could they fall down, and you Qian Renxue pretending to be Xue Qinghe, why do you think I will save you, a woman disguised as a man.

"Brother Su, please give me a hand." Qian Renxue spoke first.

Tang Yuehua was bored, your prince should not be joining in the fun.

"Brother Su, pull me away quickly, or my sister will be disfigured." Tang Yuehua made a sweet voice, filling the whole room with charm.

Qian Renxue felt proud in her heart. She had known that you, a slut, would do this.

Su Chen shook his head helplessly, raised his left and right hands at the same time, grabbed Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua, and pulled them gently.

Su Chen felt that he had good control over his strength and would not lean on himself after holding them.

But Tang Yuehua took this opportunity to get close to Su Chen's arms and even let out an ouch.

Su Chen quickly let go of his hands and expressed his innocence in front of Qian Renxue.

Tang Yuehua didn't stay in Su Chen's arms for long, and soon took the initiative to leave, and praised, "Brother Su Chen, you did a good job."

"I still have something to do today, Brother Xue, I'll take my leave first." Su Chen ignored Tang Yuehua and noticed something was wrong with Tang Yuehua. He didn't know what accident would happen next, so he left decisively.

"What a pity. Today my relationship with Yuehua has changed. I would like to take this opportunity to have a hot pot meal at Su Di's house." Qian Renxue looked regretful, but in fact she was teasing Tang Yuehua again.

Tang Yuehua's eyes lit up. Sure enough, Xue Qinghe was the key to my success in eating Su Chen.

"Then tomorrow night, brother Su Chen, your Royal Highness and I will come to your house to have hot pot. Are you free?" Tang Yuehua asked tenderly.

"Brother Xue is free, and I am free." Su Chen replied readily.

"Then it's settled, see you tomorrow night." Qian Renxue approached Tang Yuehua and said happily.

"See you tomorrow night." Tang Yuehua said slightly, looking very natural and gentle, but because Su Chen ignored him again, the fists hidden in his sleeves had been clenched...


In Tiandou City, even at night, it is still no match for the breath of human fireworks from the people in Tiandou City.

The brightly lit night market lights up the night sky with color.

Compared to the bustling night market in Tiandou City, where life is bustling with activity, it is quiet outside the city with few pedestrians.

Su Chen was lying on a big tree outside the city wall, holding a wine bottle in his right hand, his head resting on his left hand, and his eyes leisurely closed.

Su Chen thought about it, Qian Renxue was not idle, and her status was special. Naturally, the fewer people who saw her, the better. It was estimated that they would come after 11 o'clock in the evening.

The reason why Su Chen came so early was naturally because he had nothing to do. Fortunately, he came here early to see the night view.

However, Su Chen, who likes to watch theater, also found that the gods in the divine world are also very free... In an ordinary large house in the west of the city, Qian Renxue took off her men's clothes and came to an expensive dressing table.

Qian Renxue in the makeup mirror looked elegant and indifferent, occasionally frowning.

She looked at the pile of cosmetics on the table, looking a little confused.

Because she had never used these things that girls should be able to use, and she never thought that one day she would use these things.

But this time she thought she should use a little more.

Because Qian Renxue is a little worried, will not using some make him feel that he lacks femininity?

Blush?I'm not a shy girl!

Foundation?No need.

mascara?It's so troublesome. I'm not a vixen who wants to seduce people. Why do I need this?
Finally, Qian Renxue looked at Yan Hong in the exquisite gold box.

Apply some lipstick()
Qian Renxue picked up the lip pencil with her slender fingers and dipped it into the lipstick. In the mirror, her red lips were naturally relaxed, moist and shiny, exuding invisible charm.

Qian Renxue carefully decorated her lips with moving lines...

After a long time, Qian Renxue put down her lip pencil, her red lips pressed together slightly, showing a satisfied smile.

Qian Renxue came to a vase and twisted it gently. A secret passage leading to the ground appeared in a corner of the room...


Su Chen, who was lying on the tree, felt a wave of soul power directed at him, and luckily he opened his eyes.

What he saw was an angel girl surrounded by golden light and spreading her wings, which gave Su Chen an indescribable sense of amazement.

Is this the charm of Qian Renxue, the number one Douluo goddess that many people are looking forward to and blessing?
She was wearing a pale gold palazzo dress with a gentle French style that was woven with gold. The dress was silky, wrinkle-free, and had a full drape.

The slender and noble waist and a pair of extremely delicate long legs are fully displayed under this.

A slight breeze blew by, playing with Qian Renxue's expensive dress.

Su Chen couldn't help but feast his eyes on the perfect body proportions.

Qian Renxue saw Su Chen open his eyes, but she didn't take the initiative to say anything. Her figure flashed and landed on the ground.

Su Chen followed Qian Renxue and also landed from the tree.

Qian Renxue felt the sound of Su Chen landing behind her, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

But she still didn't say anything, but walked towards the city wall with her jade feet.

Su Chen looked at the back of the alluring figure, perhaps all the night behind him was a little lower because of it...

Su Chen was very curious about what Qian Renxue would do to him next, so he couldn't help but follow Qian Renxue's pace.

In this way, the two of them always kept their distance, strolling under the city wall, and neither of them spoke first.

Finally, Qian Renxue stopped by the city wall. She raised her head slightly and had a panoramic view of the night view of the pond in front of her.

When Su Chen came to Qian Renxue's side, she also admired the moonlight over the lotus pond that she saw.

The day lilies have closed to rest, and the yellow night lilies are in full bloom.

The moonlight shines on the clear water in the pond, and the fish that occasionally play are unwilling to be lonely at night, stirring up waves and decorating the night lilies in a mysterious and noble way...


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(End of this chapter)

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