Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 132 Two people under the hazy moonlight

Chapter 132 Two people under the hazy moonlight
At this time, Qian Renxue didn't know what she had done and smiled proudly.

I saw a rather quiet pond under the moonlight, suddenly illuminated by a circle of yellow light, and the entire pond began to become quite romantic.

Qian Renxue suppressed her smile, turned her body slightly and said to Su Chen, "How is your practice?"

"The scenery here is beautiful, and it would be nice to watch it with you." Su Da said with a slight smile.

"I'm asking how your cultivation is going." Qian Renxuefeng frowned slightly and emphasized again.

"My cultivation has improved rapidly. I have been promoted to another level recently. Thank you for providing me with a place to stay. I have never lived in such a luxurious residence." Su Chen said seriously.

Qian Renxue's face turned cold, "You have a house and status, so do you think it's easier to chase girls and you can chase more girls?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

Qian Renxue seemed a little dissatisfied when she heard Su Chen's answer.The soul power fluctuations in his body were released, and his whole person became indifferent.

Qian Renxue's majestic beauty and a pair of golden eyes as calm as water made her appear majestic and indifferent, with an imperial aura approaching Su Chen.

Seeing Qian Renxue approaching step by step, Su Chen tensed up and stepped back in fear.

One step, two steps, three steps...

"Why did you take the initiative to come to me?" Su Chen said while retreating.

"Can't I take the initiative to find you?" Qian Renxue's tone was calm, but it was like a bolt from the blue in Su Chen's ears.

"If you let me know that you are a scumbag? I will definitely be the first one to get rid of your crime tools." Qian Renxue said calmly.

Su Chen looked at Qian Renxue and remained silent. He should speak less at this time.

Finally, Su Chen retreated to the base of the wall. There was no way to retreat and he could only wait silently for Qian Renxue's punishment.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and then her face showed a cold yet extremely conquering confident charm.

Under Su Chen's incredible gaze, Qian Renxue raised her right foot and leaned her toes against the wall, stirring up a skirt that perfectly covered her perfect thighs that should have been visible even a little bit.

He raised his left hand again and quickly blocked the space where Su Chen moved to the left.

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly to the left, and he was already locked by a pair of long, straight and slender legs.At such a close distance, the fragrance of the heartstrings can be heard from time to time on the delicate and beautiful legs.

Moving his eyes to the right, the goddess's hand was already at her ear, delicate and white, like a flawless and peerless jade.

Directly in front of his eyes was Qian Renxue's beautiful face, sassy and domineering.

Her skin was as good as snow, and she looked directly at Su Chen.The straight bridge of the nose seemed to be a perfect work of fine carving, and there were two patches of reddish color on that stunning face.

Leg bang!

Su Chen was secretly surprised that Qian Renxue's long legs actually showed like a horse, controlling Su Chen perfectly and domineeringly.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and could faintly hear each other's heartbeats...
Qian Renxue's calm eyes finally showed traces of emotion, but soon, Qian Renxue buried her feelings and said softly and domineeringly, "Do you understand what I said?"

Su Chen nodded obediently.

"I don't want that day to come," Qian Renxue said with seriousness in her calm voice, "Young Master Tang Yuehua is approaching, it's best to stay away."

Qian Renxue saw the doubt in Su Chen's eyes and said, "Don't doubt it, I have people monitoring you. My investment in you is not small, and I know exactly who you have been in contact with."

Qian Renxue saw that Su Chen was still in a daze, and her originally extremely confident heart was a little confused for some reason, and added, "Do you mind?"

Su Chen shook his head, Qian Renxue's investment and attention would be unconditionally accepted by anyone in Douluo Continent.

Being monitored seems trivial. How many people want to be the goddess's licking dog and be favored by the goddess, but unfortunately they don't have this opportunity yet.

What's more, Su Chen doesn't care about Qian Renxue's surveillance at all.

Seeing Su Chen shaking his head, Qian Renxue's heart, which had just been hanging for some reason, felt relieved...

"You are so beautiful. The night is not as beautiful as yours." At this time, Su Chen finally spoke the right words.

With such a close distance, you can feel the breath escaping from each other's mouths when they speak.

When Qian Renxue heard Su Chen's praise, she felt happy for some reason.But after feeling the heat from Su Chen's mouth, Qian Renxue's head felt hot and she was confused:
This is how I talked to Su Chen just now, so close, and the words I spoke with a warm breath were absorbed by Su Chen. Isn't this... an indirect kiss?

Qian Renxue put away the distraught confusion caused by the two staring at each other for a long time, suppressed the shame in her heart, took back the thin hands and beautiful legs that locked Su Chen, and said again: "That's it, you can leave."

Qian Renxue showed no regrets and turned around gracefully.Su Chen could only see Qian Renxue's perfect back.

But the owner of the graceful back is not so peaceful.

At this moment, Qian Renxue's calm eyes were full of doubts about her behavior, but her face was crimson visible to the naked eye.

But Qian Renxue also adjusted quickly in her heart, treating this time as an accident, and the blush on her face quickly dissipated.

"I'm leaving. Where are you going? It's very late now." Su Chen looked at the surroundings and said with concern.

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth raised slightly, "Where do you think I should go."

"Go to where I live." Su Chen thought for a while and said.

Qian Renxue wanted to give Su Chen a big mouth, and he was a quasi-soul saint. What dangers would there be at night?

But Qian Renxue didn't know why she couldn't think of rejecting her, but she still felt an inexplicable warmth.

Qian Renxue turned around and said slightly, "Let's go, you lead the way."

Qian Renxue was curious about how Su Chen was going to take her into the city. At this point, Tiandou City had closed its gates and could not enter through ordinary roads.

"Do you come to Tiandou City often?" Su Chen asked, walking in front alone.

Qian Renxue did not answer Su Chen directly, but said with a bit of ridicule, "What do you think?"

Su Chen: ...

"When can I see you next time?" Su Chen asked, perfectly fitting into the character.

"It depends on my mood." Qian Renxue suddenly followed Su Chen and walked side by side.

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Waves of white mist rose, and the two figures slowly dimmed in the moonlight.When the stars stopped twinkling and the moon was covered by dark clouds, Su Chen grabbed Qian Renxue's hand and pulled her onto the flying sword.

In the haze, Qian Renxue, who was being pulled by Su Chen, struggled with her eyes, and even wanted to break away from Su Chen's hand, but the warmth in her heart made her put down her guard for a long time...

The stars flickered again, and the dark clouds no longer covered the moon's light. However, even so, Qian Renxue and Su Chen, who were flying with swords in the sky, still stole the limelight.

High in the sky, Qian Renxue, who was holding Su Chen's hand, felt a sense of security that she had never felt before. This was an unforgettable flight for Qian Renxue...

When the two landed, Qian Renxue did not ask Su Chen why he had this sword flying method that did not belong to the Soul Lord. Instead, he walked into the house on his own, picked a room, and closed the door...

And this room was the room where Su Chen usually slept. Su Chen shook his head and walked into another room. Who knows about a woman's heart?

Qian Renxue, who was in Su Chen's room, felt a little regretful. She looked at herself in the mirror, with a slight blush on her snow-white face.

If I had known better, I would have put on some blush...

Qian Renxue looked at the room. This room looked too familiar.

He took off his clothes and changed into his nightgown. He didn't dislike the quilt that Su Chen had slept on, and got into the bed. He didn't know what he was thinking...

The next day, when Su Chen knocked on Qian Renxue's door, he found that the door had been opened, and Qian Renxue was nowhere to be found in the room.

Su Chen walked into the room and thought for a while, it was still cold in the morning, so his bed was more comfortable, so he should get into bed and have a good sleep...



Thanks for the tip that I can’t forget, boss is very generous.

As for the humanities, I don’t recommend reading the original work, don’t compare it, and don’t read it if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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