Chapter 13 Zhuqing’s decision

She remembered that when she was a child, she and her sister were such good sisters, and her mother was so kind to her.

But as the battle for the family's heir began, the gentle sister became a rival and hostile to each other. Maybe this soul emperor was sent by her sister.

That kind mother is also distant and indifferent...

After Zhuqing knew the ending, she was not afraid.How could the Soul Emperor be defeated by a great soul master like her who had just reached level 20 and had not yet obtained a soul ring?

The soul emperor enjoyed admiring Miss Zhu's last expression. He slowly walked towards Zhuqing, as if he wanted to make her kneel down and beg for mercy with his majesty and fear.

But Zhuqing, who knew the outcome, was unmoved, and the middle-aged man couldn't help but lose interest.

"Close your eyes, it won't hurt, it will be over soon." The middle-aged man came to Zhuqing, his voice was like the messenger of hell.

I saw a middle-aged man lifting a knife from his waist. In his opinion, separation of corpses is the least painful death.

The knife fell quickly until the bamboo was clear and the jade neck...

After Zhuqing closed her eyes, she found that she really couldn't feel the pain and her consciousness still existed.

Is this death...

Does chaos feel like hell?Silk thick cotton, have I come to hell?

"Ah——" Zhuqing felt something strange and opened his eyes.

She found herself being forcibly kissed, broke away from the man kissing her and screamed.

Even after breaking away from the kiss, Zhuqing found that he was still held tightly.Instead, she calmed down and saw clearly the person kissing her.

It's not that middle-aged man, it turns out to be a young boy.The face is so clean, as if it were carved, and every change of expression is so pleasing to the eye.

Zhuqing couldn't help but feel relieved.

Zhuqing also looked around. She saw the tree behind the boy and the middle-aged man under the tree, who was freezing his limbs in a killing posture.

"Did you save me?" Zhuqing felt a little free and easy about surviving a disaster.

"Yeah." Su Chen replied simply.

"Thank you for saving me. Why did you kiss me? That was my first kiss." Zhuqing's cold face had disappeared, and now she was blushing because she was being held by someone and talking at an extremely close distance.

"You didn't open your eyes, and your body was about to get closer to the knife, so I hugged you over. You still didn't wake up. I stared at you and found that you are actually my type. I think I saved you. , a kiss is not too much." Su Chen said so many words seriously for the first time.

Zhuqing thought about it and realized that it was indeed not too much.

"Then can you let me go now? My chest is a little uncomfortable being squeezed by you." Zhuqing blushed and said weakly.

"Thank you." Zhuqing was released by Su Chen and regained her freedom. She was still a little unsteady, but she quickly recovered.

"He can't move?" Zhuqing looked at the Soul Emperor with some curiosity.


"Is it really you who did this? He obviously doesn't look much older than me." Zhuqing looked at this young man again, dressed like a free wine swordsman.

"Well, he's not dead yet. I want to give you the chance to kill him." Su Chen looked at Zhu Qing and smiled.

"Me? I can't do it. I haven't killed anyone yet." Zhuqing flinched. She was scared and let a life die by her hands.

"When can you do it?" Su Chen asked again, directly hitting Zhuqing's soul.

"When can it be done? When can it be done?" Zhuqing murmured to himself, as if these words had great magic power.

Her eyes gradually became darker, as if she was struggling. She thought of many things.
Finally, her eyes were bright again, her right eye was blue and her left eye was dark green, extremely beautiful eyes. "I can do it now," Zhuqing said without hesitation, and directly used the first soul skill Nether Stab while possessed by the martial soul.

Her speed increased instantly, and she used her sharp claws to decapitate the middle-aged man's neck.

The head fell to the ground. At this moment, the middle-aged man seemed to wake up. He watched the headless body slowly fall: Is this the most insensible death?Probably the most feared death...

Zhuqing had never thought that killing a soul emperor was so easy, and that his claws were so easy to use.She closed her eyes and did not look at the body lying on the ground. She was realizing the growth she had never had.

Because it was too shocking for a great soul master to kill the soul emperor. Even if the soul emperor was standing still, he was still a master on the mainland.She was even the pillar of some families, and she accomplished such a feat.She seemed to have figured out something, and the aura on her body also changed...

The blood on the sharp claws dripped on the ground, and the ticking sound made Zhuqing wake up.

She turned around to look at the young man, but found that he was already behind her, and the two were looking at each other.

"Am I ugly when I kill people?" Zhuqing thought for a while and asked this question that she thought was very important.

Su Chen didn't answer, but grabbed one of her hands, admired it carefully, and then wiped her blood with his clothes.

Zhuqing was not shy at this moment, but moved.

"No, the clothes will get dirty." Zhuqing wanted to reach out but found that she couldn't break free no matter what.

Soon, Su Chen grabbed her other hand and wiped her blood.

She felt care and love that she hadn't experienced in a long time.This scene became a scene that she could never forget, a boy wearing short and old white clothes, the most sincere care and appreciation on his face, the way he wiped her blood and took care of her...

"It's clean now." Su Chen let go of Zhu Qing's hand and said still sincerely.

"Thank you, why are you so nice to me." Zhuqing was puzzled. She had never seen this person before and didn't know him at all.

"I like you, you're my type."

Zhu Qing was confused, but it seemed that this was the only explanation.

"Love at first sight?" Zhuqing said expectantly.

But after saying that, Zhuqing found that the boy was actually staring at her, and Zhuqing understood: This is what she likes.

"Have you seen enough?" Zhuqing glared at him, expressing dissatisfaction, "Humph, men are all equally nasty."

Su Chen ignored Zhuqing's muttering to himself and said bluntly: "Are you willing to be my second wife?"

Zhuqing was shocked: Second wife?He is indeed a playboy.He has a wife at such a young age.
"I don't want to." Zhuqing refused directly, but she missed a huge opportunity, and she regretted it until she found out many years later.
"Okay, then I'm leaving." Su Chen turned around.

Seeing Su Chen turning away, Zhu Qing grabbed his hand and said, "Don't you ask me why I don't want to? Didn't you say you like me? Why would you give up like this? Maybe you chase me... I will agree." After saying these last words, Zhuqing blushed.

From Zhuqing's point of view, she was still engaged, so how could she have two fiancés all at once.

"Do we want to be together if we like them? Do we want to chase them? I like too many people." Su Chen said without caring.

Zhuqing was shocked, but also felt that his words made sense, and the free and easy expression on his face seemed to be just like this.

"I'm engaged, I'm sorry, I can't promise you." Zhuqing explained that she was engaged, and marrying another person without breaking the engagement was a shameful act, and she would naturally not agree to it. .

"It's okay. I wish you happiness. Can you let go of my hand?" Su Chen said lightly.

"No." Zhuqing was ashamed, but she didn't know why she didn't want to let go. It seemed that if she let go, she would lose something precious. "I don't like him. The engagement is determined at birth. I have no way to make the decision."

Zhuqing explained that she hoped that the boy whose name she did not know could understand her.

"I want to become strong, strong enough to break off the engagement by myself, so can I follow you? I don't know why you have the ability to defeat the Soul Emperor, but I believe you must have a way to make me stronger." Zhu. He looked at Su Chen firmly and coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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