Chapter 12 Zhuqing’s Crisis

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena and felt happy in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Nana would have such an opportunity. The fourth soul ring is a ten thousand year soul ring! ! !There are also rare and rare soul rings, and even rarer external soul bones.

This externally attached soul bone not only has a sharp shape, but also a soft and cute shape. The person who is touched by it will be controlled by Nana's mental power. It can also absorb other people's mental power and get feedback. It is simply a measure for Nana. Made to order.

But what made Bibi Dong a little joking was that a child who was probably no more than 10 years old actually said that he wanted to marry her?Are these gifts?There are such funny children in the world.

Bibi Dong thought about the countermeasures for a moment: This child may really have some magical ability. He should be able to get back the soul ring and soul bone given to Nana. Is he asking me to make a choice?Are you using my apprentice's future to force me to submit and become her wife?How can I, Bibi Dong, be manipulated by others!But if you use marrying him as an excuse to let him become your wife, it seems that it is not impossible. After all, a child can do anything grown-up. It would not be bad to just leave him aside and let him work for Wuhun Palace.
After all, Bibi Dong had no expectations for men and had no plans to be with any man.

But it would be nice to get married and play with such an interesting kid, and you can also feel the atmosphere of marriage.Bibi Dong couldn't help but laugh as she thought about it.

But soon she woke herself up: What are you thinking about? ? ? ?But it feels good to want it all.
"Nana, you can hold this soul ring and attached soul bone with peace of mind. Your teacher will be with you for everything." Bibi Dong said calmly.

"Yes, teacher." Hu Liena felt relieved after hearing this.The safest place is where the teacher is. If you want to take back the things that have been put into my Hu Liena’s pocket, there is no way!
Hu Liena also laughed.

"Rourou, how did you meet that boy?" Bibi Dong suddenly looked at Rourou.

"Teacher, I only met him once by chance, and I don't know him very well. And I don't even know his name. Is this disciple a failure?" Rourou lowered her head, looking sad.

Cheng Rou didn't want to tell the teacher that he was the one who helped her change her destiny.

If I tell the teacher now, the teacher will probably believe that my talent was really changed by that person's finger.

She wanted this to be a secret between her and him. The two of them had to have a secret, otherwise they always felt like they would lose something. Ever since he said he wanted to marry the teacher as his wife...

Bibi Dong hugged her beloved disciple Rourou, and realized that her disciple was hiding something, but everyone has their own secrets, Bibi Dong only had to protect Cheng Rou from being hurt...

Rourou, who was in Bibi Dong's arms, could only say silently in her heart: I'm sorry, I can't tell you this secret.

Another year passed, Hu Liena would always pay attention to the movements of the Little Jiujianxian from time to time, and even Rourou followed Nana to inquire about his situation. However, the two women did not get any useful information, so they had no choice but to give up.

And Bibi Dong is also paying attention to the boy's movements. She learned about his appearance from the two girls, which attracted the attention of the people in Wuhun Hall. Naturally, she did not need to take the initiative to share it with the two apprentices. This year, the person who said he wanted to marry her was there. Over there in the Star Luo Empire...

The Star Luo Empire loves martial arts and respects the strong.

Compared to the corrupt infighting in the Tiandou Empire, they are exceptionally united and have strong combat power.If it weren't for the rise of Wuhun Palace, the Star Luo Empire would have already begun to annex the corrupt Tiandou Empire.

Su Chen walked on the land of Star Dou Empire.At first, he was followed by many civilians in the Star Luo Empire, and many civilian knights followed suit.

But soon, the nobles of the Star Luo Empire noticed this phenomenon and believed that it would affect their rule. They immediately dispatched troops to suppress this sudden trend.

Although many civilians were dissatisfied, they had no choice but to be honest.They could only wish Zi Zijiu Sword Immortal silently in their hearts and could not fight alongside him.

However, Su Chen was just lying on a tree boringly, sleeping and playing with his life. Freedom was the life he wanted.As for those who followed his lead, they naturally didn't care. That was their choice. They were dissatisfied with their current life and made a choice full of hope for the future.

But it was quickly crushed by the empire
On the towering tree where Su Chen was lying, there was a girl who quietly came to the big tree. She was closely attached to the tree and restrained her aura.

She looks young, about 9-10 years old, but her figure has already taken shape, no, it has already reached a certain size.The two mountain peaks on her chest and her deserted face give people the first impression of her childlike face and big breasts.

But at this moment, she was extremely vigilant because she knew she was being followed.

This time the family arranged for her to go out with a group of tribesmen to suppress the freedom believers, and she began to be wary.

Because the family has not assigned her a task for a long time, let alone a task with others.In her family, since the death of the guardian, she has become a person. No one wants to make friends with her, let alone the family affection under the cold clan rules.

She had a fiancé who corresponded with her in the past, who gave her a little warmth.But even her fiancé ran away cowardly. She laughed at herself and despaired of such a world.But the desire to survive made her stronger. She knew that she could only rely on herself, and she began to desire to become stronger...

At this time, a middle-aged man came here, glanced around, and finally stared at the big tree where Zhuqing was sitting.

"Miss Zhu, I know you are here. Don't hide. I am also entrusted by others. I can only say sorry to you. What I can do is to make you feel no pain."

Middle-aged people are also temperamental and like beautiful women. Naturally, they know Zhu Zhuqing of the Zhu family, but she is too young to be interested.

Otherwise he was willing to play a fun game before killing her.

Zhu Zhuqing was naturally unmoved, she was waiting.
When the middle-aged man saw that no one was still coming out of the tree, he said to himself: "Isn't it here?"

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, then he turned and left.

After Zhuqing noticed that there was no movement, he still didn't go out.
After a long time, Zhuqing finally took a deep breath and thought that he seemed to have escaped.

However, at the moment when Zhuqing was relaxing, she felt a chill coming from behind her, and her whole body shivered. She found someone standing behind her, and hurriedly jumped down from the tree, keeping an eye on the middle-aged man who was returning.

"Haha, kittens like to play hide-and-seek. If you fulfill your last hide-and-seek wish, you can go to another world."

The middle-aged man looked at the girl under the tree playfully. The more he looked, the more surprised he became. He also secretly felt that it was a pity. Such a girl should grow up well, especially in that aspect.

Zhuqing felt helpless as he watched six soul rings appear on the middle-aged man's body.

"Soul Emperor, does killing a little girl like me already require a strong Soul Emperor?" Zhuqing felt that she had no hope of escaping. She thought that today would be her death day.

Who will come to save me?

"Well, it's not bad to die. I don't have any worries anymore." Zhuqing pursed her lips tightly, enjoying herself in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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