Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 11 The Betrothal Gift to Pope Bibi Dong

Chapter 11 The Betrothal Gift to Pope Bibi Dong

"Sister Nana, let's go. This spirit fox is 2 meters long and should be 2 years old. It has exceeded the soul sect's soul ring absorption period and cannot be absorbed." Cheng Rou said.

Hu Liena also understood that this soul beast with its eyes closed and a look of enjoyment at this moment was not something she could absorb.And this soul beast didn't seem to take him seriously at all.

However, Hu Liena felt that this little boy should be taught a lesson. He was young, nondescript, and made his junior sister sad.

Hu Liena stretched out her hands and pulled the boy off the spirit fox.Only then did Hu Liena see the boy's face clearly. He was extremely clean and had a smile on his face.

"Sister Nana, don't." Cheng Rou shouted worriedly. Sister Nana took action too quickly and she didn't have time to stop her.

However, something unexpected happened the next second to the two women. Hu Liena, who was originally holding Su Chen, was given a big hug by Su Chen, locking her arms and body.

"Ah -" Hu Liena shouted, being hugged by a boy like this. The feeling of such close contact with the opposite sex made her collapse.

"My innocence is gone like this. My body is not clean after being held by a boy like this. I also gave it to a younger brother."

Hu Liena's collapsed eyes also saw that the boy actually took a strong breath of her scent, and Hu Liena almost fainted...

Yan saw the goddess being hugged, her soul power had exploded, her firepower was on full fire, and Xie Yue followed closely. However, they didn't take a few steps, but they all stood still and were frozen!

Their faces looked wonderful, and they didn't know what they were going through.

Su Chen glanced at the white spirit fox next to him. The disdainful look was obviously caused by it.

It didn't take long for the two of them to wake up and collapse to the ground weakly.

"Sister Nana, sister Nana..." Cheng Rou called out to Hu Liena and finally woke up from her coma.

When Hu Liena saw Su Chen about to leave, she quickly got up and stepped forward to stop him.Your innocence has been ruined, and you want to just walk away like this?
She is very upset.

"Stop, you must give me an explanation." Hu Liena stopped Su Chen with her delicate body, regardless of Cheng Rou's obstruction.

"What's the explanation?" Su Chen looked at the free girl in Douluo Continent with some humor.

"You... ruined my innocence and just wanted to walk away like this. Damn it." Hu Liena was annoyed. This man's indifferent look made her even more angry.

"I won't marry you, you don't deserve it." Su Chen said calmly.

"What are you talking about? Since you said that I am not worthy, I, the disciple of the Pope of Wuhun Palace, am not worthy of a little beggar like you. It is you who are not worthy of me." Hu Liena became even more angry. She forgot her purpose and only heard that Three words, you don't deserve it, since this person said she doesn't deserve it!

"I won't marry you. Now that you know the answer, can you leave?" Su Chen said calmly again.

"I won't marry you. I want you to apologize to me. You ruined my innocence. If you don't apologize, you can't leave. Also, if you say I'm not worthy of you, then you should say who else can. I need you!" Hu Liena reacted, she had just lost her composure.

Su Chen laughed and said: "I only like the Pope, she is worthy of me. You turn out to be my future wife's disciple."

Crazy, this guy is crazy to say something like this.Hu Liena couldn't believe that someone said such a thing. Even the two teenagers who fell to the ground heard for the first time that someone dared to say such lawless words in front of the Pope's disciples. Isn't he afraid of being chased by Wuhun Palace?
But Cheng Rou was a little disappointed. Did he like the teacher?That's right, the teacher is so good-looking and excellent, and I like her too. Why should I be sad? I have nothing to do with him.

Cheng Rou cheered up after thinking for a while.

"Do you know that you will die miserably if you say this?" Hu Liena no longer cared about being hugged, but was shocked by this man's words.

"Hahaha, if I don't go to hell, who will?" Su Chen took out the wine bottle and drank it. Not to mention how unrestrained and pleasurable it was, the two women looked at it in a daze. How could something like this make people feel beautiful? The man's calm smile is like the most beautiful scenery.

The two girls silently thought that this person could not be the Zi Zi Jiu Sword Immortal. Even if he wasn't, he must be related to him...

"Since you are my wife's disciple, I will give you a gift as a gift for marrying my wife." Su Chen said with a smile.

Hu Liena must refuse. I don’t want any gift from this person. Am I, Hu Liena, short of money?If the teacher finds out, he is not allowed to hit me.

However, the next second, Hu Liena and the others discovered that the spirit fox following Su Chen had a black soul ring on its head. What was strange was that the spirit ring was separated from the body, but the spirit fox was not dead.

Soon Hu Liena found that the soul ring was locked on her and directly integrated with her.

Hu Liena looked dreamy and couldn't believe what was happening.

I absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring inexplicably like this?And there’s also a pair of strange, soft and cute white fox claws?

The two people who were lying on the ground with Cheng Rou also looked at this scene curiously, which shocked their outlook. They found that Nana had changed. In addition to the charm that she had been practicing hard, she also had an amiable and addictive temperament upon closer inspection. …

"If my future wife doesn't like it, I will get my gift money back." After saying that, Su Chen and Linghu disappeared.

"Sister Nana, how are you? Have you had any bad reactions?" Cheng Rou felt uncomfortable looking at Su Chen who had disappeared, but she hurried over to see how Sister Nana was doing.

"It's okay, sister, I feel very good now, and my soul power has reached level 42 inexplicably. But this claw makes me a little curious. I wonder if it is the rumored external soul bone." Hu Liena looked at the cute claws, still shocked. In deep thought.

Attached soul bone! ! !Everyone's eyes widened, full of disbelief
Ju Douluo, who was in the distance, also rushed over. He had seen the situation here before, but found that these people's lives were not in danger, so naturally he had no intention of taking action. He had to let them taste the feeling of failure.

The ghost is chasing that strange boy. They all saw the scene when Nana absorbed the soul ring. This kind of wonderful method should be controlled by Wuhun Palace.
But even if the ghost elder comes and goes without a trace, it is impossible to find Su Chen, and it is just a waste of time.
"Little cutie, the pillow fee has been paid. Now that your shackles have disappeared, you can practice with peace of mind. Leave, I have to leave." Su Chen said to the white fox next to him, and touched her cute ears.

Linghu also felt the changes in his body. It was the shackles of the mysterious soul beast that disappeared.This shows that she may not have to suffer the thunder catastrophe against the soul beast and can continue to practice.

She was secretly happy that such a good thing happened to her, but she was still a little reluctant and wanted to follow the boy again, but when she came back to her senses, he was no longer there.
When Ju Douluo saw the ghost returning without success, he shook his head helplessly. The ghost couldn't even catch up with him, so what else could he do?

The two of them carefully looked at Hu Liena's fourth soul ring and attached soul bone. After finding nothing out of the ordinary, they urged everyone to return to the Spirit Hall quickly...

A few days later, everyone finally returned to Wuhun City.

(End of this chapter)

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